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TCoD Christmas:D

xD nice. I had this watch that was super epic but got my head slammed into the wall and i hit my watch and it broke.

is it weird that I was more mad about my watch being broken than my head being slammed into a wall?

Well, I would be more mad about my watch breaking, but I DO find it wierd that you got slammed into the wall.....O.K. I take that back. I get slammed into the wall pretty often.....
here iz ar Dogie!
Isn't he foofeh?!
I know for a fact that I'm getting a 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube though. Other than that I have no idea. There are a bunch of books I want but for some reason I never want to tell my parents I want them because I feel they'll laugh at me for wanting books or something. They probably wouldn't but oh well.

I never really want anything for Christmas though. I can never think of anything I do want, and a lot of what I get is usually something I don't want (as horrible as I sound to say that). I mean usually what I want is video games, but there aren't any I want. Then what I get is video games, but the kind I really dislike, like third party Wii Sports clones. Although despite this, I prefer Christmas to birthdays due to the fact that I usually get more presents, and I prefer birthdays more because then I can concentrate on getting one person a present as opposed to everyone. I probably sound pretty selfish saying that really. I would simply not celebrate Christmas but then my family, while not religious, would probably not approve since it's tradition and all that. I really don't see much point in all the gift giving, especially since a lot of it is to people you barely even know. With birthdays, if it's someone who you're close enough to to remember their birthday, then you'd probably want to give them something anyway.

Anyway, I'll stop with the negativity. I guess it would be neat to get a new computer since my current one turns itself off all the time and takes an age to turn on, but I'm getting one for my birthday next year so there wouldn't be much of a point in that. Maybe gloves as well, I have a nice scarf and coat but my hands are always freezing.

For Christmas I bought everyone in my year some Quality Street on the last day of term. As expected, people thought I was trying to buy friendship, but I don't really care. I miss the days of not having lessons and watching DVDs instead during the last week, but it isn't a great loss, as I've been doing better activities like helping to run a stall as the Christmas fair (I got Pokémon Blue from there, now I have almost every game!) and taking part in the debating society's Christmas party thingy. I may not like the getting gifts part of Christmas but I sure do love the spirit.
Probably getting a camera and some rubles for my trip to Russia in February. Other than that just whatever people feel like giving me because I never got round to coming up with anything I wanted.
Probably getting a camera and some rubles for my trip to Russia in February. Other than that just whatever people feel like giving me because I never got round to coming up with anything I wanted.

Why are you going to Russia? A family holiday or a school trip or what? I always wanted to go there D:
Mom informed me that it might be dangerous to drive three hours on New Year's Eve

So instead she's letting me pick a Broadway musical to see at some point next year :)
Sweet. What are you thinking of going to?

Well, I would be more mad about my watch breaking, but I DO find it wierd that you got slammed into the wall.....O.K. I take that back. I get slammed into the wall pretty often.....
I don't get slammed into the wall except by punks who NEVER do it again. :/ Sorry, if I went to your school I'd help :D No one messes with me, which is useful on those really crappy days where you want to lay out(kick the S out of) people who are dumbasses. :l
here iz ar Dogie!
Isn't he foofeh?!
HE ISSS FOOFEH. He looks fun to pet. :D
I know for a fact that I'm getting a 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube though. Other than that I have no idea. There are a bunch of books I want but for some reason I never want to tell my parents I want them because I feel they'll laugh at me for wanting books or something. They probably wouldn't but oh well.

I never really want anything for Christmas though. I can never think of anything I do want, and a lot of what I get is usually something I don't want (as horrible as I sound to say that). I mean usually what I want is video games, but there aren't any I want. Then what I get is video games, but the kind I really dislike, like third party Wii Sports clones. Although despite this, I prefer Christmas to birthdays due to the fact that I usually get more presents, and I prefer birthdays more because then I can concentrate on getting one person a present as opposed to everyone. I probably sound pretty selfish saying that really. I would simply not celebrate Christmas but then my family, while not religious, would probably not approve since it's tradition and all that. I really don't see much point in all the gift giving, especially since a lot of it is to people you barely even know. With birthdays, if it's someone who you're close enough to to remember their birthday, then you'd probably want to give them something anyway.

Anyway, I'll stop with the negativity. I guess it would be neat to get a new computer since my current one turns itself off all the time and takes an age to turn on, but I'm getting one for my birthday next year so there wouldn't be much of a point in that. Maybe gloves as well, I have a nice scarf and coat but my hands are always freezing.

For Christmas I bought everyone in my year some Quality Street on the last day of term. As expected, people thought I was trying to buy friendship, but I don't really care. I miss the days of not having lessons and watching DVDs instead during the last week, but it isn't a great loss, as I've been doing better activities like helping to run a stall as the Christmas fair (I got Pokémon Blue from there, now I have almost every game!) and taking part in the debating society's Christmas party thingy. I may not like the getting gifts part of Christmas but I sure do love the spirit.
Nice. :D You seem like a very nice and caring person, It is nice to see people like you these days, when most people couldn't give a crap about others to save their asses.
Probably getting a camera and some rubles for my trip to Russia in February. Other than that just whatever people feel like giving me because I never got round to coming up with anything I wanted.
Why are you going to Russia? A family holiday or a school trip or what? I always wanted to go there D:

:D This may stir controversy, but I LIKED when it was communistic, Not from a citizen stand point, but I guess I admired the BALLS it took. :/ When I think about it, I think that I liked how everyone was equal (for better or for worse:/) and how much teamwork there was.

BUTTT then again..... Soviet Russia DID kinda suck, and was horrible.
BUTTT also, you only hear about the BAD things they did. ((not that many good things occurred, but....you know..))

*as they drive past a ruined, abandoned apartment building*
Jonathan: What is that?
Alex: Soviets.
Jonathan: Well, what happened?
Alex: Independence.

*exhales* sorry. :/
I "accidentally" found out my brother got a turntable that can also play CDs and has iPod support. We even borrowed a few records from my aunt to use (can't wait to hear Black Sabbath on vinyl).
The only thing I want for Christmas is a piano and piano lessons. I want to learn to play so badly, not to mention the piano is my favorite instrument.
Other than that, my christamas gifts for everyone are going to be big hugs, mainly because I'm broke.
The only thing I want for Christmas is a piano and piano lessons. I want to learn to play so badly, not to mention the piano is my favorite instrument.
Other than that, my christamas gifts for everyone are going to be big hugs, mainly because I'm broke.

only a piano xD ONLY. :D

*plays piano* :3

postin this from my dsi olololo

yeah, this is my gift from my parents, along with the first Professor Layton game. It came with the browser and flipnote thing already installed, and it's not even an XL. :v
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention I wanted one of those rocking seats you can play video games in and Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. <3

I got the rocking seat today from some of our family's friends. :D

And... a watch you can upload photos onto from another family (My godparents and their son). Can't wait to see what I get tonight, since my mom's working tomorrow.
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I really dunno what I want. I know I need a new microphone and an office chair, so it'd be nice to get those.
Well I DO want Spirit Tracks now I know it's out. It'd be epic to actually get it.
Maybe a new kitten too. :3

But Mom keeps acting suspicious whenever I go in our van, so chances are I've gotten something good. She never does that when I get crap presents. Like last year she did and I got my fabulous tablet and I'm pretty sure I also got a DS game (although I can't remember which one out of the five I have), and she didn't the year before and all I got was clothes, candy and a few computer games that I'm damn sure she only bought for herself because I don't play them.
Let's see.

The Oresteia and Prometheus Unbound and Other Plays by Aeschylus
Frogs and Other Plays by Aristophanes
The Genius of Charles Darwin, Root of All Evil?, and Enemies of Reason by Richard Dawkins.
The Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, and it is something of a miracle I didn't get it until now.
Not by Genes Alone by Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd

And miscellaneous other things (like a bag made of ties).
Haven't actually opened my presents yet (come faster tomorrow augh) but I'm pretty sure that I'm getting And Another Thing[/U by Eoin Colfer. I know this because any time I would walk over to it at Borders, mom would drag me away saying "Christmas is coming!"

I also bought Borderlands this morning as an early present for myself. However, because games take ages to download, I'm just going to let it do so overnight and play it in the morning.
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