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The Aurion Home for the Belligerent Elderly

Since you haven't replied to this yet, what about Miracle Eye on a member of the Ralts line?

Also, what about Acrobatics on Starly?
Aqua Jet for Corsola - 4$

Also I would like Plume, my Swablu, to forget a Sig Move she has. Is it the right place for that?

No. This has nothing to do with signature moves or attributes. I don't know if you can forget a sig modification at all.

Purchasing two of 'em for now. Can I have...

Counter for Dokon the Croagunk...

...and Metal Burst for Drillbud the Ferroseed.

So that should make $18 overhead.

Uh... no? The overhead has nothing to do with what you pay; that's just the amount that gets subtracted from my profit. You pay the full $15 price listed for each of those. If all you had to pay was $9, why would I even bother listing the $15 at all?

AHBE is sig move, not sig attribute, right?

If so, can Mr. Turtle learn Crabhammer? He could slam his tail like a pincer.

Technically it's not "signature" anything; signature only applies to something you make up yourself, not something you'd buy from my business or similar. It does use up your one movepool modification, though, yes.

And no. I have a hard time believing that anything without any remotely pincer-like appendage (in other words, two parts that close like a scissor) can do anything "like a pincer"; if all that the move required was slamming then squirtle and a bunch of other things would probably get it already anyway.

Since you haven't replied to this yet, what about Miracle Eye on a member of the Ralts line?

Also, what about Acrobatics on Starly?

Didn't see that, sorry. Yes to miracle eye, no to acrobatics—true bird pokémon don't seem to be able to learn that.
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No. This has nothing to do with signature moves or attributes. I don't know if you can forget a sig modification at all.

I asked Negrek about this a while back when I wanted to get my Snorunt Haze, but later gave her a signature move without remembering the existing Haze move mod. This was her response (though it kinda conflicts with the whole "can't change sig stuff when you're fully evolved ?_?).
Thanks. I'd ask Negrek just to be sure, LotF (though I guess you'll be waiting a while for that answer). Either way, though, this still wouldn't be "where you'd go to forget it". I guess you'd just overwrite it.
Wait, never mind, Geodude can learn counter anyway...

...Y'know what? Just keep the $15. Consider it a birthday present or something.
Can it? Jegus, I checked the list and everything and didn't remember seeing it.

It's okay. I really don't need the money; go ahead and save it for later.
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