Round One - Act Three
Fisher flaps his wings desperately, battering Darkrai about the head and shoulders in the process. With one great surge of effort, he manages to tear himself from the legend's grasp, and before Darkrai can catch at him again, he's away, shooting straight up at top speed. Darkrai redoubles its muttering and shakes blood from its claws, flexing aching fingers. Abruptly its moment of relaxation is brought to an end as Fisher comes hurtling back down out of the blue, slamming into Darkrai and raking with his talons as he shoots past. The legend is left reeling and disoriented, now actually growling as it tries to figure out what hit it and where it's gone off to. Catching sight of Fisher far below, wings flared as he breaks out of his dive, the legend snarls and shoots downward, claws at the ready.
Leo moves to follow, but above, Mewtwo is preparing a nasty surprise for the gallade. A ball of crackling darkness grows in the legend's fist, and it pitches the shadow ball at Leo with practiced precision. The attack strikes Leo in the back, turning his psychic glide into a tailspin, and Darkrai easily pulls away. The nightmare legend swoops down on Fisher as the aerodactyl is still recovering from his dive, bringing shadow-blooming claws slicing down at Fisher's face. The aerodactyl jerks his head aside, and the attack misses his eyes, but the shadow claw nevertheless tears into the bony crests atop his head, and blood starts to trickle into the prehistoric pokémon's face. Fisher tries to blink it out of his eyes as he puts on a bit of acceleration and sweeps away from Darkrai again, but it just keeps coming; no doubt he'll be finding it difficult to see clearly for a while.
Leo rights himself and once more angles down towards Darkrai, but this puts him on a collision course with Giratina. The legend's claw-tipped tentacles snake out as the gallade flies past, ghost energy blossoms around their tips as the dragon tries to snag Leo. The gallade manages to push through the shadow claw, but not without sustaining numerous long gouges down his back and sides. Mawile, miraculously, has managed to avoid damage almost entirely. Leo dives down atop Darkrai, fist drawn back and glowing amber, and plants another drain punch solidly between the legend's shoulder blades. This time he can properly appreciate the rush of vitality that accompanies his theft of Darkrai's health, and a few of the shallower rents left by Giratina's shadow claw heal over.
Meanwhile, inside the dragon's stomach, Buzzcomb is feeling increasingly put upon. Meta is still too distraught to try transforming, and its ranting is now accompanied by bitter, hopeless struggles. Pseudopods hardened into sharp little fists batter at the walls of Giratina's stomach, but in Meta's blind flailing, they find home in Buzzcomb's carapace as well. The vespiquen makes her displeasure loudly known, but Meta isn't listening; he exhausts all his frustration on the darkness then lies in a quivering, panting pile of goo. When Buzzcomb's sure he won't make himself more of a bother, she unleashes another wave of kamikaze workers, which briefly irritate Giratina but otherwise have little effect but to fill more of the dragon's stomach with dead bees.
Aloof from the fracas, Monopole has a decision to make. It needs to use telekinesis on one of the legends, but which one is entirely up to it. The metagross' optical sensors rove from legend to legend, considering; at last the metagross settles on Darkrai, which is the legend that's taken the most abuse thus far and against which the metagross has a personal grudge, after the way it casually thwarted its initial directive to protect Meta.
Darkrai, which had been floating back up towards the center of the battlefield, slams to a halt as Monopole's psychic power grips it, holding it resolutely in place despite all its struggles. Darkrai's hissing curses fill the air as it rages against its apparent distinction as the best target for all the Asberian's attacks.
The legend's irritation is nothing next to Fisher's despair, however; flying half-blind, the aerodactyl can't hope to evade a draco meteor that comes shooting across the battlefield and is instead swatted out of its way, tumbling aside in a haze of dragonfire as the blazing projectile continues its charge towards ASB Central below.
Team Legend
Safeguard in play: 4 more actions
Kratos Aurion (O)
Giratina (X) <Levitate>
Health: 982
Energy: 992
Used: Shadow Claw @ Leo
- Irritated with its stomach contents. Taunted (1 more action).
Pathos (O)

Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 948
Energy: 987
Used: Shadow Claw @ Fisher
- Annoyed with Leo. Taunted (1 more action). Under the effects of telekinesis (3 more actions).
Kusarigamaitachi (O)

Health: 1000
Energy: 991
Used: Shadow Ball @ Leo
- Smug.
Team Asber
Safeguard in play: 3 more actions
The Omskivar (O)

Buzzcomb (F) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 93%
Energy: 91%
Used: Attack Order @ Giratina
- Meta, what are you
doing? Three actions to suffocation KO.
Superbird (O)

Meta (X) <Limber>
Health: 91%
Energy: 96%
Used: Struggle
- Struggling madly. Four actions to suffocation KO.
Grass King (O)

Monopole (X) <Clear Body> @ Leftovers
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Used: Telekinesis @ Darkrai
- All systems normal. -1 Speed
ole_schooler (O)

Fisher (M) <Pressure> @ Choice Scarf
Health: 69%
Energy: 88%
Used: Fly @ Darkrai
- Shaking blood out of his face. -1 Accuracy
Mawile (O)

Leo (M) <Steadfast> @ Expert Belt
Health: 79%
Energy: 90%
Used: Drain Punch @ Darkrai
- Holding up fine.
Final Notes
- Meta's struggle attack on the third action damaged both Giratina and Buzzcomb
- No target was specified for Monopole's telekinesis, so Darkrai was selected at random.