Round One - Act One
While most of the pokémon are still trying to puzzle out their command, shooting nervous glances around the battlefield to see what their allies and opponents might be up to, Darkrai moves swiftly and decisively. The nightmare pokémon arcs across the sky in a blur of shadow, and before anyone on the coalition team can react it snaps to a halt just above Monopole and its riders. Fisher wheels and dives for the legend's new location, screeching insults at it, but Darkrai is already reaching for Superbird, one three-clawed hand spread wide. The trainer flinches, but he is not Darkrai's real target; the legend instead snatches Meta from his shoulder and raises the struggling ditto high. Monopole, realizing too late that taunt is not the real danger it should have been protecting the ditto from, launches forward at incredible speed and slams a metallic fist into Darkrai's midsection. The legend does no more than hiss in irritation, keeping a firm grip on its prize.
Superbird yells after his abducted pokémon, hurling threats at Darkrai, but the dark type ignores him completely. It's now more preoccupied by Fisher, who has caught up and is swooping around it at high speeds, cawing taunts all the while. The aerodactyl dares Darkrai to try catching him even while showing off his prowess as a flier; despite the two humans clinging to his back, he's faster and more agile than even the legendary pokémon of nightmare. Darkrai's grip on Meta tightens with anger, and the ditto squeals and struggles harder to escape. At last Fisher manages to goad the legend into making an angry swipe in his direction, and the aerodactyl cackles hysterically as he easily evades it, pulling away to open air and leaving the legend alone for the moment. Darkrai's baleful red eyes watch him go, the dark type seething with frustration and determined to have its revenge.
Meta, meanwhile, has given up pulling itself free of Darkrai's claws. Its only hope now is to transform into something big and force its way out of the legend's grasp, then face it on more even terms. Even as the ditto is studying its opponent, prepared to imprint the legend's essence on its own form, a quiet voice breaks into its consciousness.
Why fight us, little one?
Meta's concentration falls to pieces, and despite itself it takes a look over its shoulder at Mewtwo, who is floating a ways back from the thick of the battle. The legend's blue-glowing eyes seemed fixed on Meta alone, and the ditto squirms beneath the psychic's gaze.
Think of what you are really fighting for. We are your fellow pokémon, who have been mistreated by the humans that live here. And rather than side with us, you take orders from this piece of trash?
Superbird screams as an unseen force hauls him off Monopole's back and hoists him upside-down in the air. Suspended by telekinetic force on one leg, his flailing only causes him to swing like a pendulum, getting alternating views of the city far below and the distant horizon. Meta shrieks and stretches out as far as he can towards its trainer, still constrained by Darkrai's grip, and Monopole, at Grass King's urging, moves to stay underneath Superbird as best it can. Mewtwo lets the metagross get close before yanking Superbird away again, and the game of chase-the-trainer continues as it speaks to Meta, its tone as neutral as ever.
I suppose it doesn't really matter which side you decide to take; a runt as powerless as you could hardly aid either very much. Still, you might consider who can offer you the way to true
strength. Consider that, if I weren't constrained by the rules of this silly little "game," I could crush this human with no more than a thought.
Mewtwo releases its hold over Superbird, and the trainer plummets, shrieking, until one of Monopole's clawed legs lashes out, grabbing him by the belt and swinging him back to safety.
Think about my offer, little one. Or, if you must cling to your foolish affection for your trainer, the legend's mental voice crackles with amusement,
let's see you try and pay me back for that. Meta is nearly incoherent with rage, straining towards Mewtwo with all its strength and squealing half-formed invective at the legend, all thought of transformation driven from its mind.
The trainers are so transfixed by the scene playing out between the ditto and Mewtwo that they hardly notice Giratina on the move. The great dragon undulates gently as it moves through the air, striving down towards Buzzcomb, who is hovering near the bottom of the group. The vespiquen steels herself, ready to meet whatever the dragon has in store. Neither she nor anyone else on the field is prepared for what Giratina has in mind, though.
The dragon's head snaps forward, lightning-fast in comparison to its deceptively sluggish flight, and half Buzzcomb's body disappears into the dragon's mouth. Giratina tosses its head back, letting the vespiquen slip down its throat, then closes its jaws with a decisive snap. It's The Omskivar's turn to cry out as his pokémon is snatched away by one of the legends, while Kratos Aurion howls with laughter, guiding Giratina into an unhurried upward flight.
Cold darkness closes in on all sides of Buzzcomb as she is forced down Giratina's throat. Fortunately for her, while entry into most pokémon's stomachs would be a one-way ticket to dissolution in a bath of acid, the undead dragon's is empty, its walls slimed with some thick mucous that numbs Buzzcomb's carapace as she gets it smeared all over her. She's hardly in a comfortable place, though; Giratina's stomach is lightless and airless, and the horrible chill of the ghost's body is rapidly sapping the vespiquen's energy. She spends some time uselessly battering at the walls and trying to climb back up the legend's throat, but it's no good; she buzzes her wings as fast as she can, trying to call up a tailwind. Though what air there is in Giratina's belly does start to move and the dragon twists in mild discomfort, the vespiquen has no hopes of conjuring anything to aid her teammates when trapped in the dragon's belly.
Leo is the last of the coalition fighters to stand apart from the fray, mirroring Mewtwo on the other team. Rather than rushing in to do battle, he concentrates briefly, a green aura radiating from his body. Moments later, the same cloak of energy surrounds his teammates, the safeguard promising to protect them from malicious energies for a short while.
Team Legend
Kratos Aurion (O)
Giratina (X) <Levitate>
Health: 1000
Energy: 998
Used: Eat Buzzcomb
How unpleasantly tickly.
Pathos (O)

Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 996
Energy: 997
Used: Quick Attack (Grab Meta)
- Struggling to keep ahold of Meta. Taunted (3 more actions).

Health: 1000
Energy: 996
Used: Taunt @ Meta
- Having a great time.
Team Asber
Safeguard in play: 5 more actions
The Omskivar (O)

Buzzcomb (F) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 97%
Energy: 95%
Used: Nothing
- Panicking in the darkness. Five actions to suffocation KO.
Superbird (O)

Meta (X) <Limber>
Health: 94%
Energy: 99%
Used: Nothing
- Raging uselessly against Mewtwo. Taunted (2 more actions).
Grass King (O)

Monopole (X) <Clear Body> @ Leftovers
Health: 100%
Energy: 98%
Used: Bullet Punch @ Darkrai
- Disappointed.
ole_schooler (O)

Fisher (M) <Pressure> @ Choice Scarf
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Used: Taunt @ Darkrai
- Still excited.
Mawile (O)

Leo (M) <Steadfast> @ Expert Belt
Health: 100%
Energy: 99%
Used: Safeguard
- Still grim.