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The Challenge Board

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Making another challenge since all my other battles seem to be failing -.-

4 vs 4 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO moves, Direct healing moves
Arena: Grassy plain

Nothing special here, just flat terrain covered in lush grass that extends for miles around. There is, however, a large lake nearby. Perfect for those Pokemon who must be in water.

Other: Basic and Baby Pokemon only (e.g. Pichu and Pikachu are usable, but not Raichu)

My Pro-fail

I'll take your challenge.

You! Me! Battle! >:3

1 vs 1 Single

DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Arena: Campus Green

The Campus Green is a nice place, where students can go for a walk, talk with friends, or just sit and think when they don't have classes. It's a large area, about the size of a football field, and covered in soft, short grass kept neatly trimmed. There are a few trees around, and some bushes lining the wall of the College building. There is a small pond in the middle of the field, ringed by large smooth rocks.

Battle On!

You! Me! Battle! >:3

1 vs 1 Single

DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Arena: Campus Green

The Campus Green is a nice place, where students can go for a walk, talk with friends, or just sit and think when they don't have classes. It's a large area, about the size of a football field, and covered in soft, short grass kept neatly trimmed. There are a few trees around, and some bushes lining the wall of the College building. There is a small pond in the middle of the field, ringed by large smooth rocks.

Battle On!

And what else can I do but accept? Dude, I am so whooping your ass - *shot*
Three things:

Shouldn't you take out Chao Spriter's challenges, since he got banned?

Taking this; thread'll be up inna little bit.

And I'm not barred anymore, let's change that!

1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week and ten minutes
Damage Cap: 99%
Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, OHKOs, Earthquake, Fissure, Frenzy Plant, anything that may completely destroy the arena
Arena: Another platform in the sky

It seems Dragon is obsessed with platforms in the sky. This battlefield is a platform floating in the sky, wide enough to fit a Wailord on, comfortably. So if you have a Wailord you can use it. Around the edge of the platform is a trench of water that seemingly runs under the platform as well. It's deep enough to fit a Wailord in, as well. It is not possible to fall off the platform, as there seems to be some weird force of gravity that pulls people and Pokemon to the platform. So if you jump off, you'll just get pulled back to the platform like a yo-yo or rubber band or something.

And I'm not barred anymore, let's change that!

1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week and ten minutes
Damage Cap: 99%
Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, OHKOs, Earthquake, Fissure, Frenzy Plant, anything that may completely destroy the arena
Arena: Another platform in the sky

It seems Dragon is obsessed with platforms in the sky. This battlefield is a platform floating in the sky, wide enough to fit a Wailord on, comfortably. So if you have a Wailord you can use it. Around the edge of the platform is a trench of water that seemingly runs under the platform as well. It's deep enough to fit a Wailord in, as well. It is not possible to fall off the platform, as there seems to be some weird force of gravity that pulls people and Pokemon to the platform. So if you jump off, you'll just get pulled back to the platform like a yo-yo or rubber band or something.


I accept your challenge, feel free to file objections :)

Few things:

-You can also take Pim vs. Sandstone-Shadow off, as I took that a while ago and it's already ended in a DQ.

-Sorry, Minkow, Skymin and Dwagie, but I'm really not interested in that big insane Megaman-thing battle anymore. I'm ducking out, so that challenge is open again and Minkow still needs a partner, if anyone would like to step up.

-Taking Flarginsnarf vs. Minnow.
Eeee.. Lot's of challenges I know but I really wanted to try, a team battle~ :D So I'm proposing as I team up with Skymin, getting a good old team match doubles going~

6 vs 6 Doubles (3 Pokemon per person, one out from each at a time)
DQ: One week should do~
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves and Rules: 1 Direct Healing Move per TRAINER (If they heal with one pokemon, they may NOT with their other! ), OHKO moves, Earthquake
Arena: Bubble Man Stage ((Cue Intro Music!~ =D))
I'm Bubble Man~ I am longing for the sun~ Bubble, Bubble Man~ I live an ordinary life~
Poor Bubble Man~ >= But I digress~ Aah water stages. Fish, wonky physics, and gratuitous amounts of death-spikes. A place typically reserved for super-funky robots from the year 2010, but where -won't- adventurous trainers these days rock up for a battle?

Water, lots of water. Water types will love the environment - but that's not saying there isn't a place for everyone. The stage consists of one large floating platform in front of a waterfall - it's a bit slick, but even a fire type should be able to.. survive. Of course, that's not recommended. Below is a giant pool of water, of course, and a good push could leave anyone in the drink. It's possible to get back up on the stage - but doing so takes a turn. Water types, however, may use the likes of Waterfall, Aqua Jet, or other means of aquatic propulsion to make their way back up while still attacking.

In addition, every round there is a 10% chance of a giant robot frog spawning itself right from the nearby waterfall. These frogs will immediately spew their tiny spawn onto the stage, 3 at a time. (Spawning 3 more when the previous 3 perish.) These frogs will attack whomever is conveniently close by once per turn (One will attack per 3 turns in around. If less than 3 remain, an attack only occurs for the number of turns corresponding with how many are left) with an attack of 50% accuracy that deals 3% Neutral-Element damage. The tiny frogs have a meager 1% HP, and will be destroyed by any attack - but it will still take a turn to attack them! The mother frog counts as a water-type (As far as weaknesses and resistances) and has a relative 25% HP amount. (A quarter as durable as a full-health Pokemon) When she is destroyed, her frogs remain! So be warned.

Of course underneath is a whole new animal. The gigantic pool of water would be a haven for aquatic Pokemon - if not for the hazards littering it. The walls are lined with dangerous spikes, which if touched could cause serious damage. Pokemon must be careful to not be pushed into these! They will deal 10% Neutral-Element damage if touched. Non-water-type Pokemon may remain underwater for up to 3 turns before coming up for air, however - an air leak from the floor will produce a stream of gigantic bubbles that float lazily to the surface. By using an action to gather the air of one of these bubbles, they may stay underwater for another 3 turns. (This does not stack, you can never spend more than 3 turns underwater without getting air at a time.) In addition, for Pokemon's safety and wellbeing - it is banned to hold a Pokemon under water with the intent of drowning them. But if a Pokemon remains under water on it's own will for longer than 3 turns without getting air, it will receive 10% damage per turn until it does or faints and must be recalled immediately! So be careful.

Finally, at the bottom of this deep pool of water, a Deep Anglerfish sits. This durable seafloor bound robot fish will continually spawn robotic prawns called Squirts once per round, up to 3 at a time. These shrimp-bots have a 15% HP rating and count as water types again, and function with attacks the same way as mini-frogs dealing 8% Neutral-Element damage per successful hit. (50% accuracy) The Anglerfish itself has a whole 100% HP, and counts as a Water/Electric type (Making GRASS and GROUND it's only weaknesses). Once destroyed, it will never respawn, and all of it's Squirts will be destroyed along with it.

- Frogs will only attack Pokemon currently on the platform
- Squirts will only attack Pokemon currently in the water
- Being robots, Frogs, Squirts and the Deep Angler are immune to status-type moves such as Toxic or Leech Seed. They may only be harmed by direct-damage moves. HP-Draining moves such as Absorb will deal damage, but not restore health.
- It is possible to knock Pokemon off the platform, and into the spikes under water using certain moves. (Up to the ref to judge)
- At any time a Pokemon may take a turn to move into the water from the platform, or back up from the water. Certain water moves (Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Surf, Etcetera) may be used to move and attack at the same time
- Water is of abundance here, as such water moves will take 1% less energy to use. Fire moves take 1% more and do not function under water

Theeeeere we are. =D Hope that's not TOO too complicated because dear GODS did a ramble. But who's up for it, one brave team to brave a pair of Megaman Fangirls on their home turf~ x3

Edit: Forgot my profile link, Derp~

I feel so way over the top, but taking the other side.

Minkow's profile.

I'll take it, if you'll have me.

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Hey, Xaldin, you need to include your profile link in the challenge post. It's much easier for the refs that way when we're writing the active squads.
Ah, yeah, but the one that Zaiella quoted didn't have the profile link, so can you quote her entire post and post your profile link again?
Most likely. It certainly does sound simple enough :)

Fine, fine, I give in. Taking Xaldin vs. Zaiella. Thread will be up in a few.
Since a couple of my old challenges are gone...

Me and moon-panther vs two others!

4vs4 (two Pokemon per person)
DQ: 7 days
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: A Nice Garden

The Battle takes place in a nice garden. It's very green and well-kept, full of rose bushes and flowers and small trees and what have you. It's a good-sized garden, about 150 feet square. There is a large birdhouse in a clump of bushes in each corner, and bird Pokemon can be seen gathered there sometimes. A pond is in the top-left corner. There are no hazards here...except one.

A large white Gazebo is in the dead centre of the arena, and it's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top. If it is hit with an attack, it will animate and start to attack the battlers. When animated, it resembles a white wooden dragon. It joins the battle with 50% health and 50% energy, is a Grass type, and can use the following attacks: Body Slam, Slash, Wood Hammer, Synthesis, Scratch, Headbutt, Crush Grip, Defense Curl, and Giga Impact. It's base speed is 80. It acts on the Ref's orders.

Be Prepared!
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