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The Challenge Board

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Since a couple of my old challenges are gone...

Me and moon-panther vs two others!

4vs4 (two Pokemon per person)
DQ: 7 days
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: A Nice Garden

The Battle takes place in a nice garden. It's very green and well-kept, full of rose bushes and flowers and small trees and what have you. It's a good-sized garden, about 150 feet square. There is a large birdhouse in a clump of bushes in each corner, and bird Pokemon can be seen gathered there sometimes. A pond is in the top-left corner. There are no hazards here...except one.

A large white Gazebo is in the dead centre of the arena, and it's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top. If it is hit with an attack, it will animate and start to attack the battlers. When animated, it resembles a white wooden dragon. It joins the battle with 50% health and 50% energy, is a Grass type, and can use the following attacks: Body Slam, Slash, Wood Hammer, Synthesis, Scratch, Headbutt, Crush Grip, Defense Curl, and Giga Impact. It's base speed is 80. It acts on the Ref's orders.

Be Prepared!

Indeed. Be prepared
Since a couple of my old challenges are gone...

Me and moon-panther vs two others!

4vs4 (two Pokemon per person)
DQ: 7 days
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: A Nice Garden

The Battle takes place in a nice garden. It's very green and well-kept, full of rose bushes and flowers and small trees and what have you. It's a good-sized garden, about 150 feet square. There is a large birdhouse in a clump of bushes in each corner, and bird Pokemon can be seen gathered there sometimes. A pond is in the top-left corner. There are no hazards here...except one.

A large white Gazebo is in the dead centre of the arena, and it's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top. If it is hit with an attack, it will animate and start to attack the battlers. When animated, it resembles a white wooden dragon. It joins the battle with 50% health and 50% energy, is a Grass type, and can use the following attacks: Body Slam, Slash, Wood Hammer, Synthesis, Scratch, Headbutt, Crush Grip, Defense Curl, and Giga Impact. It's base speed is 80. It acts on the Ref's orders.

Be Prepared!

I'd like to accept! That sounds fun.

I am prepared!

I've got two battles going but I've looked all over and can't find a battle limit anywhere. Hope it's all right to accept this one, I love ASB.
Originally Posted by Full Metal Cookies
Since a couple of my old challenges are gone...

Me and moon-panther vs two others!

4vs4 (two Pokemon per person)
DQ: 7 days
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: A Nice Garden

The Battle takes place in a nice garden. It's very green and well-kept, full of rose bushes and flowers and small trees and what have you. It's a good-sized garden, about 150 feet square. There is a large birdhouse in a clump of bushes in each corner, and bird Pokemon can be seen gathered there sometimes. A pond is in the top-left corner. There are no hazards here...except one.

A large white Gazebo is in the dead centre of the arena, and it's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top. If it is hit with an attack, it will animate and start to attack the battlers. When animated, it resembles a white wooden dragon. It joins the battle with 50% health and 50% energy, is a Grass type, and can use the following attacks: Body Slam, Slash, Wood Hammer, Synthesis, Scratch, Headbutt, Crush Grip, Defense Curl, and Giga Impact. It's base speed is 80. It acts on the Ref's orders.

Be Prepared!

Oh, I am...
Speaking of battle limits, I'll reach mine.

1 vs. 1 Single
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, direct healing
Arena: Adhesive Hole

A wasteland stretches beyond an eye's reach. The scenery is extremely plain. The catch about this arena is that it was once used for war. A trap was set at a specific spot; all soldiers that fell in it were firmly glued by an extremely sticky substance that covered the surface of the hole. Remains of the victims still can be seen over the pink goop. With the knowledge that any Pokémon stuck in this hole could be recalled by a Poké Ball, however, the idea to battle there seemed interesting. All ground-dwelling Pokémon to enter this match will be stuck in the adhesive trap until it's knocked out and recalled, thus, unable to leave their current positon. Pokémon capable of flight/floating, though, can avoid the goop, thus, are free to move.

Other: No purely aquatic Pokémon (land dwelling/anfibious water-types are still allowed). All Pokémon engaging in this battle must have access to at least one projectile move.

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Xaldin and Zaiella

When accepting a challenge involving multiple other players, you must quote posts or paste in links such that all other players that have accepted have their profile link included, plus yours.
Since a couple of my old challenges are gone...

Me and moon-panther vs two others!

4vs4 (two Pokemon per person)
DQ: 7 days
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Damage Cap: 50%
Arena: A Nice Garden

The Battle takes place in a nice garden. It's very green and well-kept, full of rose bushes and flowers and small trees and what have you. It's a good-sized garden, about 150 feet square. There is a large birdhouse in a clump of bushes in each corner, and bird Pokemon can be seen gathered there sometimes. A pond is in the top-left corner. There are no hazards here...except one.

A large white Gazebo is in the dead centre of the arena, and it's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top. If it is hit with an attack, it will animate and start to attack the battlers. When animated, it resembles a white wooden dragon. It joins the battle with 50% health and 50% energy, is a Grass type, and can use the following attacks: Body Slam, Slash, Wood Hammer, Synthesis, Scratch, Headbutt, Crush Grip, Defense Curl, and Giga Impact. It's base speed is 80. It acts on the Ref's orders.

Be Prepared!

(and Xaldin too :))

Oh oops, thanks Nagrek, I'm sorry about that. In that case I accept and I am prepared :)
All right, time to start up a new challenge.

3vs3 Single
DQ: Standard week
Style: Set
Banned/Restricted Moves: One direct healer and three chills/pokémon
Damage Cap: 33%
Terrain: The Ninja Village

At the heart of a dark, secluded forest, there lies a tiny village passed over by time. Here the way of the (stereotypical anime) ninja is still very much in practice, where young children learn to kill people using nothing but their toes and the village elders haven't been seen since they decided to hide in plain sight a couple of months ago. Life here is untroubled by the bustle of urbanization outside the forest, and those rare travelers who manage to find the place are treated with no more than chilly politeness.

For the moment, though, everyone in the village (so far as you can tell; one of the elders is still AWOL) is off at a seasonal ceremony even deeper in the forest, leaving the place entirely open to wanton destruction in the form of a pokémon battle. The village itself is made up of multiple tiers of construction, with many structures situated high in the boughs of the ancient trees that make up the place. Wooden platforms and tricky, concealed bridges provide means of getting from place to place around the village. The homes themselves are small and sparse, and all locked up tight with their occupants gone--and I wouldn't go trying to force your way in, either. These are *ninja* houses, after all; who knows what sort of booby traps they've laid to prevent prying trainers from breaking in while they're away?

The trees themselves are gigantic, their lower boughs easily large enough for a human to walk out along and their leafy canopy far away overhead. The air is deathly still, dusky, and largely silent; pokémon have learned to avoid this place. However, now and then a weird cry sounds in the distance, and strange, dancing blue lights sometimes float through the murk just beyond the village's perimeter.

The battle starts out on a small platform, about two meters square, that has random boxes and baskets (empty) piled around its edges. A couple of narrow bridges lead off to house-platforms to either side. Your battle can take you anywhere you want around the village, but you'd best be sure not to slip and fall!

Special Rules: Seeing as this is a ninja village, I challenge the opponent to a ninja battle. Sneaky-sneaky like. All this means is that, rather than having commands be posted in the thread, each battler will PM their orders to the referee. The only posts in the thread should be those made by the referee (except when a pokémon faints and another one is sent out; the player who's sending out can post who they'll use to save going through the referee), and each player has seven days from when the last round went up to submit commands by PM. At the beginning of the round, the referee posts squads as normal, then both players send in their pokémon choices by PM. Once both PM's are received, the referee posts the chosen pokémon in the thread and solicits the first round of secret commands.

And profile.
All right, time to start up a new challenge.

3vs3 Single
DQ: Standard week
Style: Set
Banned/Restricted Moves: One direct healer and three chills/pokémon
Damage Cap: 33%
Terrain: The Ninja Village

At the heart of a dark, secluded forest, there lies a tiny village passed over by time. Here the way of the (stereotypical anime) ninja is still very much in practice, where young children learn to kill people using nothing but their toes and the village elders haven't been seen since they decided to hide in plain sight a couple of months ago. Life here is untroubled by the bustle of urbanization outside the forest, and those rare travelers who manage to find the place are treated with no more than chilly politeness.

For the moment, though, everyone in the village (so far as you can tell; one of the elders is still AWOL) is off at a seasonal ceremony even deeper in the forest, leaving the place entirely open to wanton destruction in the form of a pokémon battle. The village itself is made up of multiple tiers of construction, with many structures situated high in the boughs of the ancient trees that make up the place. Wooden platforms and tricky, concealed bridges provide means of getting from place to place around the village. The homes themselves are small and sparse, and all locked up tight with their occupants gone--and I wouldn't go trying to force your way in, either. These are *ninja* houses, after all; who knows what sort of booby traps they've laid to prevent prying trainers from breaking in while they're away?

The trees themselves are gigantic, their lower boughs easily large enough for a human to walk out along and their leafy canopy far away overhead. The air is deathly still, dusky, and largely silent; pokémon have learned to avoid this place. However, now and then a weird cry sounds in the distance, and strange, dancing blue lights sometimes float through the murk just beyond the village's perimeter.

The battle starts out on a small platform, about two meters square, that has random boxes and baskets (empty) piled around its edges. A couple of narrow bridges lead off to house-platforms to either side. Your battle can take you anywhere you want around the village, but you'd best be sure not to slip and fall!

Special Rules: Seeing as this is a ninja village, I challenge the opponent to a ninja battle. Sneaky-sneaky like. All this means is that, rather than having commands be posted in the thread, each battler will PM their orders to the referee. The only posts in the thread should be those made by the referee (except when a pokémon faints and another one is sent out; the player who's sending out can post who they'll use to save going through the referee), and each player has seven days from when the last round went up to submit commands by PM. At the beginning of the round, the referee posts squads as normal, then both players send in their pokémon choices by PM. Once both PM's are received, the referee posts the chosen pokémon in the thread and solicits the first round of secret commands.

And profile.

I want crazy gimmick battle revenge. REVENGE! D:<
3 vs. 3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 1 week three days
Damage cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Limit four chills, spamming (using same move more twice in a row)
Arena: Star Destroyer Hanger

Simple enough for description, a hanger inside of a star destroyer. The arena is large, but as no natural elements are present, moves such as surf or rock slide cannot be used. There are a dozen TIE fighters hanging overhead and can be forced to fall by many reasons. (Those heap imperials, I bet the coupling is weak)

With the lack of a natural enviroment weather moves are also unable to be used, and if a fire move is used the fire control system will activate extinguishing the pokemon, and reducing the final damage by the attack by half.

Other Notes:

Certain envioromental moves and weather moves are banned.
Fire does 1/2 total.
A falling Tie Fighter will do equal damage to Stone Edge without the critical bonus, and as a steel type move, if one of them explodes, it acts like explosion at point-blank, self destruct at 20 feet +, and no damage at a distance of over 50 feet.

3 vs. 3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 1 week three days
Damage cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Limit four chills, spamming (using same move more twice in a row)
Arena: Star Destroyer Hanger

Simple enough for description, a hanger inside of a star destroyer. The arena is large, but as no natural elements are present, moves such as surf or rock slide cannot be used. There are a dozen TIE fighters hanging overhead and can be forced to fall by many reasons. (Those heap imperials, I bet the coupling is weak)

With the lack of a natural enviroment weather moves are also unable to be used, and if a fire move is used the fire control system will activate extinguishing the pokemon, and reducing the final damage by the attack by half.

Other Notes:

Certain envioromental moves and weather moves are banned.
Fire does 1/2 total.
A falling Tie Fighter will do equal damage to Stone Edge without the critical bonus, and as a steel type move, if one of them explodes, it acts like explosion at point-blank, self destruct at 20 feet +, and no damage at a distance of over 50 feet.


I lurve Star Wars! Profile~
You're still challenge banned, Eon Spirit. PM me if you wish to contest, but for now that challenge is out.
2 vs. 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days
Damage cap: 70%
Banned Moves: Gravity, Weather moves, Surf, Dig, Earthquake, anything that wouldn't make sense with no ground or water.
Arena: Asteroid Belt

Team Galactic, when they aren't trying to recreate the universe, really do focus on developing cosmic energy-- ie, solar power, space travel, etc. It was Cyrus that turned them evil, but never mind that. They also did research on the effects of space travel on Pokemon, and one of the results of this is the Asteroid Belt arena.

The arena is zero-G, and scattered around it are miniature asteroids ranging from two to five feet in length. It's huge, about the size of a gymnasium, with the walls, floor, and ceiling all painted pitch-black, with little lights set in them in order to represent the stars. It can be highly disorienting to some Pokemon, although that depends on the species. Flying-types, water-types, and Pokemon with Levitate will be able to move around more easily than land-based Pokemon.

The lack of gravity has some peculiar effects on attacks, too. Since it can be difficult to aim while drifting around, any given attack is 10% more likely to miss, but that can vary depending of course on how close the Pokemon are at the time. Also, fire-type attacks will look different and may be tougher to aim. Note that the arena is NOT a vacuum: it's filled with perfectly breathable air. It's also a little dark, so Pokemon who are better at seeing at night have an advantage.

Union Profile
2 vs. 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days
Damage cap: 70%
Banned Moves: Gravity, Weather moves, Surf, Dig, Earthquake, anything that wouldn't make sense with no ground or water.
Arena: Asteroid Belt

Team Galactic, when they aren't trying to recreate the universe, really do focus on developing cosmic energy-- ie, solar power, space travel, etc. It was Cyrus that turned them evil, but never mind that. They also did research on the effects of space travel on Pokemon, and one of the results of this is the Asteroid Belt arena.

The arena is zero-G, and scattered around it are miniature asteroids ranging from two to five feet in length. It's huge, about the size of a gymnasium, with the walls, floor, and ceiling all painted pitch-black, with little lights set in them in order to represent the stars. It can be highly disorienting to some Pokemon, although that depends on the species. Flying-types, water-types, and Pokemon with Levitate will be able to move around more easily than land-based Pokemon.

The lack of gravity has some peculiar effects on attacks, too. Since it can be difficult to aim while drifting around, any given attack is 10% more likely to miss, but that can vary depending of course on how close the Pokemon are at the time. Also, fire-type attacks will look different and may be tougher to aim. Note that the arena is NOT a vacuum: it's filled with perfectly breathable air. It's also a little dark, so Pokemon who are better at seeing at night have an advantage.

Union Profile

Oh, this looks fun. I'll take it.

3 v. 3 Double
DQ: 5 days
Damage cap: 50%
Banned: OHKO moves.
Arena: Plank of the Southern Seas
This arena takes place on a large wooden board in the middle of a sea. The plank is about 100 feet wide, with a hole in the middle.
Other: Any heavy physical attacks (such as Wood Hammer or Rok Tomb) that aim towards the plank will destroy it. No pokemon weighing over 100 pounds can be supported by the plank without it falling over.


First battle... woop woop.
3 v. 3 Double
DQ: 5 days
Damage cap: 50%
Banned: OHKO moves.
Arena: Plank of the Southern Seas
This arena takes place on a large wooden board in the middle of a sea. The plank is about 100 feet wide, with a hole in the middle.
Other: Any heavy physical attacks (such as Wood Hammer or Rok Tomb) that aim towards the plank will destroy it. No pokemon weighing over 100 pounds can be supported by the plank without it falling over.


First battle... woop woop.

Sounds fun. I accept.
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