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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The Challenge Board

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I needs a quick battle
1v1 single (durr)
DQ: 4 days
Damage cap: 25%
Banned: OHKO moves, ground damaging moves (dig , earthquake, etc), attacking outside the arena!
Arena: Pockets arena
The arena is a lot of warm sand in my back yard. 30 ft x 60 ft is the alotted space to battle in. The rest is stuff that I dont want broken (and will fine you if you break it). My dad is cooking burgers and steaks on the grill , the radio is playing, and a few invited geusts are spectating from the patio.
PS Its my house, my parents are visiting.
Other: You can go ABOVE the arena but NOT UNDER IT!!!! the wather is initally sunny and will remain so until otherwise changed. The radio does NOT affect your pokemon even if it dosent have sound proof (hey it's my arena). No pokemon bigger than 5' nor 60 lbs.
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I needs a quick battle
1v1 single (durr)
DQ: 4 days
Damage cap: 25%
Banned: OHKO moves, ground damaging moves (dig , earthquake, etc), attacking outside the arena!
Arena: Pockets arena
The arena is a lot of warm sand in my back yard. 30 ft x 60 ft is the alotted space to battle in. The rest is stuff that I dont want broken and will fine you if you do. My dad is cooking burgers and steaks on the grill , the radio is playing, and a few invited geusts are spectating from the patio.
Other: You can go ABOVE the arena but NOT UNDER IT!!!! the wather is initally sunny and will remain so until otherwise changed. The radio does NOT affect your pokemon even if it dosent have sound proof (hey it's my arena). No pokemon bigger than 5' nor 60 lbs.

I'll battle you. I need some EXP anyway.

(speaking of, I need to go ref. *skitters off*)
I needs a quick battle
1v1 single (durr)
DQ: 4 days
Damage cap: 25%
Banned: OHKO moves, ground damaging moves (dig , earthquake, etc), attacking outside the arena!
Arena: Pockets arena
The arena is a lot of warm sand in my back yard. 30 ft x 60 ft is the alotted space to battle in. The rest is stuff that I dont want broken and will fine you if you do. My dad is cooking burgers and steaks on the grill , the radio is playing, and a few invited geusts are spectating from the patio.
Other: You can go ABOVE the arena but NOT UNDER IT!!!! the wather is initally sunny and will remain so until otherwise changed. The radio does NOT affect your pokemon even if it dosent have sound proof (hey it's my arena). No pokemon bigger than 5' nor 60 lbs.

I 'd like to battle you as well, seeing as we're both relatively new to this.

You must always include your profile link when accepting challenges, as well as quoting the challenge you're accepting.
how about a quick battle
Style: set
DQ: 1 week
damage cap: 25%
Banned: OHKO moves
Arena: A tropical rainforest where rain is the default weather condition unless changed.
Other: It is possible to go over the canopy of the trees.

Profile below


I needs a quick battle
1v1 single (durr)
DQ: 4 days
Damage cap: 25%
Banned: OHKO moves, ground damaging moves (dig , earthquake, etc), attacking outside the arena!
Arena: Pockets arena
The arena is a lot of warm sand in my back yard. 30 ft x 60 ft is the alotted space to battle in. The rest is stuff that I dont want broken (and will fine you if you break it). My dad is cooking burgers and steaks on the grill , the radio is playing, and a few invited geusts are spectating from the patio.
PS Its my house, my parents are visiting.
Other: You can go ABOVE the arena but NOT UNDER IT!!!! the wather is initally sunny and will remain so until otherwise changed. The radio does NOT affect your pokemon even if it dosent have sound proof (hey it's my arena). No pokemon bigger than 5' nor 60 lbs.

Taking both challenges

You don't really need to accept that someone's accepted your challenge, btw >_>

Anyways, Dragon is back and obnoxiously in your faces again and taking this. Thread up in a few.. seconds? Minutes? Blah.
I needs a quick battle
1v1 single (durr)
DQ: 4 days
Damage cap: 25%
Banned: OHKO moves, ground damaging moves (dig , earthquake, etc), attacking outside the arena!
Arena: Pockets arena
The arena is a lot of warm sand in my back yard. 30 ft x 60 ft is the alotted space to battle in. The rest is stuff that I dont want broken (and will fine you if you break it). My dad is cooking burgers and steaks on the grill , the radio is playing, and a few invited geusts are spectating from the patio.
PS Its my house, my parents are visiting.
Other: You can go ABOVE the arena but NOT UNDER IT!!!! the wather is initally sunny and will remain so until otherwise changed. The radio does NOT affect your pokemon even if it dosent have sound proof (hey it's my arena). No pokemon bigger than 5' nor 60 lbs.

I'll battle you. I need some EXP anyway.

(speaking of, I need to go ref. *skitters off*)

I 'd like to battle you as well, seeing as we're both relatively new to this.

Okay to carify theese are my battles. Im not accepting any. Could someone ref.
3FD, if you read the first post, it clearly said not to ask people to ref your battles, and that it might actually make the refs avoid your battles :|


...that being said, though, it would be nice if somebody would put the battle up at the very least.
Because I need more battling opportunities:

2v2 Single
DQ Time: 10 days
Damage Cap: 49%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, 5 Chills/Pokemon, 2 Direct Recovery/Pokemon
Arena: Status Field

Status Field is field stretching as far as the eye can see, where the weather is pleasant and the Taillow are singing. On one side of the field, the grass is tall, and if a Pokemon hides in it, all attacks directed against it have 10% less accuracy (unless, of course, it is on fire or otherwise illuminating enough to be noticeable).
However, Status Field was named so for a reason: every two rounds, the Pokemon's status will switch to something completely different! However, "status" is a generic term, and so a few points will be clarified:

-If a Pokemon is healthy, its status will not switch.
-That said, stat gains and reductions are counted as "status" and can be messed with. However, a Pokemon cannot go from say, +2 Attack to Paralysis, while it can go from +2 Attack to +4 Defense or to -6 Speed.

Because I need more battling opportunities:

2v2 Single
DQ Time: 10 days
Damage Cap: 49%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, 5 Chills/Pokemon, 2 Direct Recovery/Pokemon
Arena: Status Field

Status Field is field stretching as far as the eye can see, where the weather is pleasant and the Taillow are singing. On one side of the field, the grass is tall, and if a Pokemon hides in it, all attacks directed against it have 10% less accuracy (unless, of course, it is on fire or otherwise illuminating enough to be noticeable).
However, Status Field was named so for a reason: every two rounds, the Pokemon's status will switch to something completely different! However, "status" is a generic term, and so a few points will be clarified:

-If a Pokemon is healthy, its status will not switch.
-That said, stat gains and reductions are counted as "status" and can be messed with. However, a Pokemon cannot go from say, +2 Attack to Paralysis, while it can go from +2 Attack to +4 Defense or to -6 Speed.


...hm, I will accept your challenge. http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=338064&postcount=150
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