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The Challenge Board

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Looking for my first battle.

2-on-2 Single
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Protect/Detect, direct healing moves restricted to two per Pokémon.
Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground; it will take a full action, and some energy (the amount changes with how capable of swimming the Pokémon is).

Other: None.


I'll take your challenge, it'll be my first battle as well. Profile
2 vs 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO, Direct Healing
Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

2 vs 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO, Direct Healing
Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

I'll take this, if it's no problem.

1 vs 1 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything requiring a source of water
Arena: Crystal Belfry

This battle takes place in a war-torn part of the world, and at the moment, deadly mustard gas covers the ground in a thick layer. For as far as the eye can see, the only thing that reaches up out of the deadly clouds is a huge, majestic wrought-iron bell tower which, for some unknown reason, has survived the chaos. Hanging in the tower is a single enormous crystal bell, which shimmers with an ancient, magical glow. The battlers can fight anywhere on the tower that they can stand on (or fly or hover or whatever), but they start out in the chamber containing the bell, with one battler on the north end and the other on the south end, with the bell between them. If a battler falls into, flies into, or otherwise makes contact with the mustard gas on the ground, they become severely poisoned as if with the attack Toxic (starting at 3% health per round and escalating from there), and for every action that they remain in the gas, they lose 5% health (in addition to the Toxic condition). At the end of every round (3 actions), the crystal bell rings, swinging back and forth and knocking off anybody who may be directly east or west of it. The bell's mysterious, otherworldly ring does one of the following:

(20%) chance of doing nothing at all,
(10%) chance of healing 5% health to all battlers,
(10%) chance of healing 5% energy to all battlers,
(10%) chance of reducing all status conditions' intensity by one level
(8%) chance of completely healing all minor status conditions (Attract, Confuse)
(8%) chance of completely healing all Burns
(8%) chance of completely healing all Freezing
(8%) chance of completely healing all Poison (including that which is dealt by the mustard gas)
(8%) chance of completely healing all Sleep
(8%) chance of completely healing all Paralysis
(2%) chance of raising all battlers' Attack and Special Attack to the maximum (+6) and reducing their Defense and Special Defense to the minimum (-6)

If, for example, the bell rings a tone that will heal all Burns, but none of the battlers are Burned, it will seem to do nothing. If the bell is destroyed by something like Earthquake, obviously it will not ring.

EDIT: I'm stupid. My profile link.
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1 vs 1 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything requiring a source of water
Arena: Crystal Belfry

This battle takes place in a war-torn part of the world, and at the moment, deadly mustard gas covers the ground in a thick layer. For as far as the eye can see, the only thing that reaches up out of the deadly clouds is a huge, majestic wrought-iron bell tower which, for some unknown reason, has survived the chaos. Hanging in the tower is a single enormous crystal bell, which shimmers with an ancient, magical glow. The battlers can fight anywhere on the tower that they can stand on (or fly or hover or whatever), but they start out in the chamber containing the bell, with one battler on the north end and the other on the south end, with the bell between them. If a battler falls into, flies into, or otherwise makes contact with the mustard gas on the ground, they become severely poisoned as if with the attack Toxic (starting at 3% health per round and escalating from there), and for every action that they remain in the gas, they lose 5% health (in addition to the Toxic condition). At the end of every round (3 actions), the crystal bell rings, swinging back and forth and knocking off anybody who may be directly east or west of it. The bell's mysterious, otherworldly ring does one of the following:

(20%) chance of doing nothing at all,
(10%) chance of healing 5% health to all battlers,
(10%) chance of healing 5% energy to all battlers,
(10%) chance of reducing all status conditions' intensity by one level
(8%) chance of completely healing all minor status conditions (Attract, Confuse)
(8%) chance of completely healing all Burns
(8%) chance of completely healing all Freezing
(8%) chance of completely healing all Poison (including that which is dealt by the mustard gas)
(8%) chance of completely healing all Sleep
(8%) chance of completely healing all Paralysis
(2%) chance of raising all battlers' Attack and Special Attack to the maximum (+6) and reducing their Defense and Special Defense to the minimum (-6)

If, for example, the bell rings a tone that will heal all Burns, but none of the battlers are Burned, it will seem to do nothing. If the bell is destroyed by something like Earthquake, obviously it will not ring.

Taking this one.

2vs2 single
DQ Time: Three weeks
Damage Cap: 20%
Banned Moves: Weather Moves, Infatuation, Chills 8/Pokémon
Arena: Someone Else's House- Henesys City

Someone Else's House is a secret area in Henesys City, on Victoria Island. The arena is a plain flat field, with a floating platform hanging around ten feet in the air, above the battlers' heads. All around the circular area are ladders leading up to the floating platform. Pokémon can start on the top or bottom platform, but four-legged Pokémon have no way of getting to the top from the bottom. There is a 5% chance of the Mushmom appearing each round, doing each of the battling Pokémon 20% damage. The Mushmom goes away after attacking, and must appear once during the battle, maximum two times.




I'll accept! :D

Insert profile here.

I'll take this one; thread'll be up in a bit.
A challenge for minnow!

1vs1 single
Style: Switch
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Standard Colosseum-typed arena

Just an average elliptical shaped Colosseum, nothing special about it.

This is my first match! :D [||Profile||]
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A challenge for Minnow!

1 vs 1, Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Standard Colosseum-Type Arena

Just an average, elliptical shaped Colosseum, nothing special about it.

This is my first match! :D Profile

And accepting Prettzel's
Reposting this arena, as I'd like to actually us it.

2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, One Direct Heal/Pokemon
Arena: Anomaly Spring

Anomaly spring is a ring of water five meters deep surrounding an island about six meters across and five meters wide; the island is covered with fine, white sand and dotted with palm trees. The whole place is located in a cylindrical cave with an opening at the top. Three small mounds of sand are at the edges of the cave for the trainers and referee to stand. At first glance, the area seems normal – sure, palm trees generally don't grow in caves, but weirder things happen. It is when you stay there for a longer period of time when strange things start to occur. The weight of things start fluctuating wildly, time seems to flow in an abstract semi-reversed fashion, and strong winds somehow blow in this enclosed space. It's as if physics suddenly decided to go on break.

At the beginning of every tother, there is a 30% chance of these effects taking place.

25%: Trick Room takes effect until the end of the round.
25%: Gravity takes effect until the end of the round.
25%: Gravity decreases until the end of the round. Consequently, flying and levitating take much less energy, and contact attacks have -10% accuracy.
20%: Tailwind takes effect for one of the combatants until the end of the round.
5%: Some strange force fiddles with the pokemons' brains, causing them to have a penchant for seeking out hidden treasures; both pokemon now are considered to have Pickup in addition to their normal ability. Pokemon already with Pickup earn double. This effect lasts for three rounds and can only happen once.


I'll accept~
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Durdurdurrr. My other battles are going slow so I'mma make another challenge!

1 vs 1 single
Style: Set
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKOs, direct heals, chills
Other Restrictions: Aquatic Pokemon aren't recommended due to a lack of water.
Arena: Hardwood floor

Yeah, there actually isn't anything that special about this arena. The Pokemon battle on a flat expanse of hardwood planks. Somehow, the floor just keeps stretching on; no matter how much you run around, there's nothing but wood, wood, and wood. The planks can't be removed or destroyed in any way because they're just that awesome. They can be set on fire, but when the fire dies or is put out, the wood will regenerate. In other words, a lasting fire can be summoned in this arena. Most fires will fade out in 3 rounds unless actively put out.

I want a fast battle and I want one nowww
Durdurdurrr. My other battles are going slow so I'mma make another challenge!

1 vs 1 single
Style: Set
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKOs, direct heals, chills
Other Restrictions: Aquatic Pokemon aren't recommended due to a lack of water.
Arena: Hardwood floor

Yeah, there actually isn't anything that special about this arena. The Pokemon battle on a flat expanse of hardwood planks. Somehow, the floor just keeps stretching on; no matter how much you run around, there's nothing but wood, wood, and wood. The planks can't be removed or destroyed in any way because they're just that awesome. They can be set on fire, but when the fire dies or is put out, the wood will regenerate. In other words, a lasting fire can be summoned in this arena. Most fires will fade out in 3 rounds unless actively put out.

I want a fast battle and I want one nowww

I'll fight you.
4 vs 4 Double
Style: Set
DQ: 4 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO moves, Chills limited to 5 per Pokémon
Arena: Concealed Ruins

Concealed Ruins is a hidden opening in a cliffside near the southwestern coast of Treasure Town's island. It was revealed after the defeat of Regigigas, allowing access to anyone who actually managed to find it. The battle will take place inside. It is dark in Concealed Ruins, so at the beginning of the battle, an Electrike's Flash will be used to illuminate the area without affecting the battlers. The walls and floor of the cavern are made of gray stone, and there is water about 4 feet deep surrounding the arena, and a pond about ten feet by ten feet in the middle. Even though this pond isn't any deeper than the water around the edges of the arena, it is big enough to hold smaller water Pokémon such as Shellos, and is enough for them to go all the way under.

Every round, there is a 10% chance of a Nidoqueen intruding the battle and using Earth Power on all the battlers.
Other: Pokémon taller than five feet and four inches are not allowed.

Looking for my first battle.

2-on-2 Single
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Protect/Detect, direct healing moves restricted to two per Pokémon.
Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground; it will take a full action, and some energy (the amount changes with how capable of swimming the Pokémon is).

Other: None.


I'll take your challenge, it'll be my first battle as well. Profile

Taking this battle because apparently 2 reffing deadlines are better than one I have all my ASB stuff uploaded to my MacBook now so I can work on reffing at school!

Thread be up in a few minutes.
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4 vs 4 Double
Style: Set
DQ: 4 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO moves, Chills limited to 5 per Pokémon
Arena: Concealed Ruins

Concealed Ruins is a hidden opening in a cliffside near the southwestern coast of Treasure Town's island. It was revealed after the defeat of Regigigas, allowing access to anyone who actually managed to find it. The battle will take place inside. It is dark in Concealed Ruins, so at the beginning of the battle, an Electrike's Flash will be used to illuminate the area without affecting the battlers. The walls and floor of the cavern are made of gray stone, and there is water about 4 feet deep surrounding the arena, and a pond about ten feet by ten feet in the middle. Even though this pond isn't any deeper than the water around the edges of the arena, it is big enough to hold smaller water Pokémon such as Shellos, and is enough for them to go all the way under.

Every round, there is a 10% chance of a Nidoqueen intruding the battle and using Earth Power on all the battlers.
Other: Pokémon taller than five feet and four inches are not allowed.


Accepting this.

Making another challenge since all my other battles seem to be failing -.-

4 vs 4 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO moves, Direct healing moves
Arena: Grassy plain

Nothing special here, just flat terrain covered in lush grass that extends for miles around. There is, however, a large lake nearby. Perfect for those Pokemon who must be in water.

Other: Basic and Baby Pokemon only (e.g. Pichu and Pikachu are usable, but not Raichu)

My Pro-fail
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