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The Challenge Board

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2v2 Double, Set Style
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, 5 direct healing moves total for both Pokemon, see arena description.
Arena Description: Death Canyon

A long deep canyon at the bottom of a narrow crevice. It widens near the bottom so there's enough room for a Pokemon battle. There are various deep puddles connected under the water for Pokemon requiring to be in water to get around. The crack at the top of the canyon only allows for a tiny bit of sunlight to illuminate the area. This renders all weather moves useless, and makes the canyon relatively dark. Lowering all Pokemon's moves by 1%.

You may be thinking, so what if it's dark? Death Canyon sounds like a bit of an extreme name. A run in with the savage Pokemon that make their home down there will change your mind. There is a 50% chance of one of these Pokemon hiding in the shadows may pop out occasionally to attack:

- Houndoom may blow a weak flame at one of the Pokemon for 5% Fire damage. (25% chance of appearing)
- Haunter may swoop through and claw one of the Pokemon for 5% Ghost damage. (25% chance of appearing)
- Victreebel may bounce in and slash at one of the Pokemon for 5% Grass damage. (25% chance of appearing)
- Linoone may dash in and bite of the Pokemon for 5% Normal damage. (25% chance of appearing)

Uberness that is Profileness
2v2 Double, Set Style
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, 5 direct healing moves total for both Pokemon, see arena description.
Arena Description: Death Canyon

A long deep canyon at the bottom of a narrow crevice. It widens near the bottom so there's enough room for a Pokemon battle. There are various deep puddles connected under the water for Pokemon requiring to be in water to get around. The crack at the top of the canyon only allows for a tiny bit of sunlight to illuminate the area. This renders all weather moves useless, and makes the canyon relatively dark. Lowering all Pokemon's moves by 1%.

You may be thinking, so what if it's dark? Death Canyon sounds like a bit of an extreme name. A run in with the savage Pokemon that make their home down there will change your mind. There is a 50% chance of one of these Pokemon hiding in the shadows may pop out occasionally to attack:

- Houndoom may blow a weak flame at one of the Pokemon for 5% Fire damage. (25% chance of appearing)
- Haunter may swoop through and claw one of the Pokemon for 5% Ghost damage. (25% chance of appearing)
- Victreebel may bounce in and slash at one of the Pokemon for 5% Grass damage. (25% chance of appearing)
- Linoone may dash in and bite of the Pokemon for 5% Normal damage. (25% chance of appearing)

Uberness that is Profileness

Need something quick. :P

1 vs. 1 Single
Set Style
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Weather moves, and Surf.
Arena: Sun Keep

This fight takes place in (the super special awesome) time of 12,000 BC, in the magical kingdom of Zeal on the island with the Sun Keep. High up in the sky, the weather in always nice, from magic spells. The sheer magic power of the place gives psychic moves a 5% increase in power. There is also a 15% chance a fiery beast (The Son of the Sun) will come out and attack both battlers with 5% fire damage.

Oh, come on. You should know what this is.
2 vs. 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO, Dig, Earthquake
Arena: Battlefield (SSBB)

A Platform suspended in midair, with three smaller ones above it. (See here for picture.) For obvious reasons Dig and Earthquake are prohibited. The distance between the lower platforms and the main one is 2 m, which also is the distance between the lower platforms and the higher one.

My profile for ref(erence).

I'll take this challenge, if you're still interested. =D

Edit: And everyone else seems to be posting a link to their profile, so here you go.
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Need something quick. :P

1 vs. 1 Single
Set Style
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Weather moves, and Surf.
Arena: Sun Keep

This fight takes place in (the super special awesome) time of 12,000 BC, in the magical kingdom of Zeal on the island with the Sun Keep. High up in the sky, the weather in always nice, from magic spells. The sheer magic power of the place gives psychic moves a 5% increase in power. There is also a 15% chance a fiery beast (The Son of the Sun) will come out and attack both battlers with 5% fire damage.

Oh, come on. You should know what this is.

I'll take this. May be fun

Profile of dooooom
Reposting this arena, as I'd like to actually us it.

2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, One Direct Heal/Pokemon
Arena: Anomaly Spring

Anomaly spring is a ring of water five meters deep surrounding an island about six meters across and five meters wide; the island is covered with fine, white sand and dotted with palm trees. The whole place is located in a cylindrical cave with an opening at the top. Three small mounds of sand are at the edges of the cave for the trainers and referee to stand. At first glance, the area seems normal – sure, palm trees generally don't grow in caves, but weirder things happen. It is when you stay there for a longer period of time when strange things start to occur. The weight of things start fluctuating wildly, time seems to flow in an abstract semi-reversed fashion, and strong winds somehow blow in this enclosed space. It's as if physics suddenly decided to go on break.

At the beginning of every tother, there is a 30% chance of these effects taking place.

25%: Trick Room takes effect until the end of the round.
25%: Gravity takes effect until the end of the round.
25%: Gravity decreases until the end of the round. Consequently, flying and levitating take much less energy, and contact attacks have -10% accuracy.
20%: Tailwind takes effect for one of the combatants until the end of the round.
5%: Some strange force fiddles with the pokemons' brains, causing them to have a penchant for seeking out hidden treasures; both pokemon now are considered to have Pickup in addition to their normal ability. Pokemon already with Pickup earn double. This effect lasts for three rounds and can only happen once.

Ooh, I'm not barred yet :o

2 vs 2 single
Style: Swiiiiitch, though no one will >_>
DQ: Five and seven hours
Damage Cap: 49%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Dig, Earthquake, anything that will require a lot of money to fix once the Trainers leave >:/
Arena: A field in Holon

A flat, almost completely so, green, thriving field in a supposedly fictional region. Encircling where the battlers will be are odd glowing stones, of a hue of every colour imaginable. Strangely, there are only seventeen stones, though these shift colour every now and then.

There is a legend in Holon, about Pokemon that are not the types they should be, like Psychic Vileplumes or Electric Pidgeots. For a while, this has been only a legend, until such Pokemon where actually found. In Holon, this field is a national park, though small, so destruction is frowned upon, though for whatever reason, Trainers may come to battle, or watch battles here every once in a while.

Not a very smart idea, on the government's part.

Every round, there is a 80% chance of the battling Pokemon spontaneously changing types. Their weaknesses, resistances, and STAB are not the only things that change, however, the Pokemon is coated in an aura of the colour of the type they have changed into, red for Fire, for example, that has a 20% chance of doing 1% damage of whatever type the aura is on contact. These changes fade at the end of each round, though the next round there is still an 80% of a type change. What type the Pokemon changes into is up to the referee.

Based on the TCG.

File of pro
Ooh, I'm not barred yet :o

2 vs 2 single
Style: Swiiiiitch, though no one will >_>
DQ: Five and seven hours
Damage Cap: 49%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Dig, Earthquake, anything that will require a lot of money to fix once the Trainers leave >:/
Arena: A field in Holon

A flat, almost completely so, green, thriving field in a supposedly fictional region. Encircling where the battlers will be are odd glowing stones, of a hue of every colour imaginable. Strangely, there are only seventeen stones, though these shift colour every now and then.

There is a legend in Holon, about Pokemon that are not the types they should be, like Psychic Vileplumes or Electric Pidgeots. For a while, this has been only a legend, until such Pokemon where actually found. In Holon, this field is a national park, though small, so destruction is frowned upon, though for whatever reason, Trainers may come to battle, or watch battles here every once in a while.

Not a very smart idea, on the government's part.

Every round, there is a 80% chance of the battling Pokemon spontaneously changing types. Their weaknesses, resistances, and STAB are not the only things that change, however, the Pokemon is coated in an aura of the colour of the type they have changed into, red for Fire, for example, that has a 20% chance of doing 1% damage of whatever type the aura is on contact. These changes fade at the end of each round, though the next round there is still an 80% of a type change. What type the Pokemon changes into is up to the referee.

Based on the TCG.

File of pro

This sounds amazingly fun and confusing. The Union is going to have to rethink its strategy for this one...

Here's our profile.
2 VS 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Fly, Bounce, Dig, Earthquake.
Arena: Flotation Field

An area unknown to why it is a field. In Flotation Field, there is nothing but, well, nothing! The Gravity keeps you up. This makes Fly, Bounce, Dig, and Earthquake unusable.

In Flotation Field, this is a battle that has almost no interuptions. Occasionally, A weird Mexican guy will float through and hit one of the Pokemon. Due to a weird feeling in this area, It makes Pokemon more energetic, halving their energy usage. (Meaning when they attack, Their energy status is only drained by half.)

2 VS 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Fly, Bounce, Dig, Earthquake.
Arena: Flotation Field

An area unknown to why it is a field. In Flotation Field, there is nothing but, well, nothing! The Gravity keeps you up. This makes Fly, Bounce, Dig, and Earthquake unusable.

In Flotation Field, this is a battle that has almost no interuptions. Occasionally, A weird Mexican guy will float through and hit one of the Pokemon. Due to a weird feeling in this area, It makes Pokemon more energetic, halving their energy usage. (Meaning when they attack, Their energy status is only drained by half.)


I'll take you on. >:3

Fight On!
Looking for my first battle.

2-on-2 Single
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Protect/Detect, direct healing moves restricted to two per Pokémon.
Arena: Natural Pier

A long, platform-like rocky formation stretches from the coast and towards the sea. It stands not long above the sea level, and although a bit ragged, it's almost plain. The sea's waves are not in a good mood today; any non-water-type incapable of flight/floating to end up on the water will need to make a costly struggle to get back on ground; it will take a full action, and some energy (the amount changes with how capable of swimming the Pokémon is).

Other: None.

2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery moves limited to 2 per Pokemon
Arena: An Extremely Large Cup of Mint Tea

Nobody's quite sure what's Linoone's sudden interest in food-themed battlefields, but here is her second arena of choice: an, well, extremely large cup of mint tea. The cup in question is, yes, extremely large -- two Wailords long in diameter at its largest and one and a half Wailords deep. So, yes, you actually can battle with a Wailord in this arena, the only problem being that it'll be hard for a Wailord to maneuver in here. The tea cup is a regular shaped tea cup, which means that it's wider on top than on the bottom, with a curved, porcelain handle coming out from one side. Made from white porcelain, the tea cup has been strengthened with a secret formula so that it will not break even under the most powerful attacks.

Now, what's the fun of battling in an empty tea cup? The cup has been filled to almost the rim with delicious, freshly brewed mint tea, made from the most high-quality tea leaves grown on the mystical mountain of Codter. The tea is refreshing and delicious, and will restore 5% health to whatever pokemon that decides to take an action and drink it 50% of the time. However, because of the caffeine and the sheer awesomeness of battling in tea, all attacks deal an extra 2% damage without extra energy costs.

Because it's mint tea instead of regular water, electricity conducts as well as it does in air.

A total of five cod live at the bottom of the tea cup. They're regular cod-sized, about 1.5 meters long, and don't do anything. If a pokemon manages to kill a cod, cook it, and eat it, it can gain 15% HP and 30% energy, although the cod are ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard to catch. Imagine them as level 100 Magikarps with Splash, Tackle, and 200 speed if you will.

Eating raw cod is not advised because it will cause food poisoning.

Other: Have a picture of the tea cup, if it helps.

Also, all pokemon that cannot breath underwater will get a air bubble mask over their face that gives them air to prevent drowning at a cost of -1 speed.

2vs2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery moves limited to 2 per Pokemon
Arena: An Extremely Large Cup of Mint Tea

Nobody's quite sure what's Linoone's sudden interest in food-themed battlefields, but here is her second arena of choice: an, well, extremely large cup of mint tea. The cup in question is, yes, extremely large -- two Wailords long in diameter at its largest and one and a half Wailords deep. So, yes, you actually can battle with a Wailord in this arena, the only problem being that it'll be hard for a Wailord to maneuver in here. The tea cup is a regular shaped tea cup, which means that it's wider on top than on the bottom, with a curved, porcelain handle coming out from one side. Made from white porcelain, the tea cup has been strengthened with a secret formula so that it will not break even under the most powerful attacks.

Now, what's the fun of battling in an empty tea cup? The cup has been filled to almost the rim with delicious, freshly brewed mint tea, made from the most high-quality tea leaves grown on the mystical mountain of Codter. The tea is refreshing and delicious, and will restore 5% health to whatever pokemon that decides to take an action and drink it 50% of the time. However, because of the caffeine and the sheer awesomeness of battling in tea, all attacks deal an extra 2% damage without extra energy costs.

Because it's mint tea instead of regular water, electricity conducts as well as it does in air.

A total of five cod live at the bottom of the tea cup. They're regular cod-sized, about 1.5 meters long, and don't do anything. If a pokemon manages to kill a cod, cook it, and eat it, it can gain 15% HP and 30% energy, although the cod are ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard to catch. Imagine them as level 100 Magikarps with Splash, Tackle, and 200 speed if you will.

Eating raw cod is not advised because it will cause food poisoning.

Other: Have a picture of the tea cup, if it helps.

Also, all pokemon that cannot breath underwater will get a air bubble mask over their face that gives them air to prevent drowning at a cost of -1 speed.


I have to accept this ^^

I have to accept this ^^

..And I have agreed to ref this because Mike ish awesome and so is tea, and I nagged him to have an awesome battle on tea. :3
I shall have it up some time soon~ I still have to work on a reffing I'm WAY overdue though ><'' Stupid desktop crashing lost me my WIP document. So forgive if it takes a little bit.
La la la this challenge is for Mike.

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place.. is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.

Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

La la la this challenge is for Mike.

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place.. is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.

Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Cos those three seconds can make ALL the difference.

ooh i wonder what this is
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