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The Challenge Board

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Battle Format: 2 vs 2 single
Battle Style: Switch
DQ Time: A week
Damage Cap: 45%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKO's, direct healing limit of 1, chill limit of 3
Arena Description: Sketchpad

A giant pad of paper made for transferring imagination into reality, everyone probably knows what one of these is. Except this one is big. Humongous, even. Yet for all intents and purposes it's flat, slightly textured surface provide an incredibly neutral field for battle. However, the paper seems highly resistant to normal damage, and as such the likes of fire, water, or any other damaging elements will not immediately disintegrate it's being as they may normal paper.

The ref plays an extra role in this battle, however.. upon accepting they are granted a magic pen, capable of bringing life to what is drawn onto the paper. As such, the ref gets to decide the arena effects each round, for better or for worse. (Try to remain unbiased though!! Most effects should probably affect both contenders unless you want to get creative with balance)
The catch is, they actually have to DRAW it - obviously. So with a little creativity (NOT asking for artistic genius here, Paint and scribbles will work, though effort would be appreciated~ ) this battle can flow as their fingers decide.
EVERY ROUND THE REF SHOULD DRAW THEIR CURRENT PERCEPTION OF THE BATTLE ON A 750x450 PIXEL TEMPLATE, AS WELL AS ADDING THE EFFECTS THEY WISH. For instance, the ref may draw a pond and colour the rest of the sheet green, to bring the battle to a grassy field with a small pond.
The ref may draw on the ENTIRE ARENA as they wish.

ADDITIONALLY, every three rounds STARTING AT ROUND TWO (Meaning the first round is played by contenders normally, then this will come into play, then two more will be played normally, and it will come into play again) both contenders will receive a disposable pen of their own, which will have enough ink for ONE EFFECT. By using a turn labelled as "Sketch", a Pokemon may sketch a desired effect using this pen, either immediately, or holding onto the pen for a later round. (Only two may be held at one time)
When a pen is used, the contender uses the same 750x450 pixel sheet to illustrate their desired effect, BUT THEY MAY NOT DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS. Instead, the ref judges from their drawing alone and applies the effect as such!
When a contender produces their own effect, the ref will copy their drawing and ADD to it, but not OVERRIDE it. If both players use their pens at the same time, the player whose turn is first gets first dibs, the second player may ADD but not OVERRIDE it, and the ref takes last priority. A player's effect may only affect a maximum of HALF THE ARENA.
(FOR EXAMPLE: If Player 1 draws a field of Fire on the left side of the field, player two may draw the right side of the field with water, but NOT cover the existing fire. The ref is then within their liberty to add, for example, a platform on either side - but not remove or edit player effects drastically.)
Finally, at the end of every round the pad is wiped clean to begin anew. Meaning at the beginning of every round, it will have returned to a clean, neutral field until edited again.

My Profile

And I'm calling out Dwagie!

YOU'RE ON, SISTER. BWAHAHA *and other dramatic sounds*
The imminent English release of BW has lured me back from my hiatus/sabbatical/whatever you want to call it. Not reffing again yet (as I prefer to get back in the swing of things first), but as I understand it there isn't any formal procedure for me to rejoin beyond just becoming active again, so allow me to kick off a new battle!

2 vs. 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 49%
Banned moves: OHKOs and weather moves banned; direct-heals restricted to 3/Pokemon
Banned Pokemon: anything with Drizzle, Drought, Sand Stream, Cloud Nine, or Snow Warning as its ability
Arena: Embedded Tower

In honor of the end of the DPPtHGSS era and the imminent oncome of the BW era, we battle in Johto's Embedded Tower, a relic of ancient Hoennese settlers to Johto. The weather trio still hold enough power here that mere ASB Trainers' Pokemon cannot hope to change the weather with their own power; they must suffer the whims of the more powerful weather trio. Before each set of commands is given (i.e., at the end of every round as well as in the first post), the referee will indicate the color of the glowing marks on the floor: blue, red, or green. At the beginning of the next round, the weather will change to rain to match blue marks, sunny to match red marks, and clear (no weather) to match green marks. The weather may change as often or sporadically as the referee desires, as long as each change comes between rounds.

My profile
The imminent English release of BW has lured me back from my hiatus/sabbatical/whatever you want to call it. Not reffing again yet (as I prefer to get back in the swing of things first), but as I understand it there isn't any formal procedure for me to rejoin beyond just becoming active again, so allow me to kick off a new battle!

2 vs. 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 49%
Banned moves: OHKOs and weather moves banned; direct-heals restricted to 3/Pokemon
Banned Pokemon: anything with Drizzle, Drought, Sand Stream, Cloud Nine, or Snow Warning as its ability
Arena: Embedded Tower

In honor of the end of the DPPtHGSS era and the imminent oncome of the BW era, we battle in Johto's Embedded Tower, a relic of ancient Hoennese settlers to Johto. The weather trio still hold enough power here that mere ASB Trainers' Pokemon cannot hope to change the weather with their own power; they must suffer the whims of the more powerful weather trio. Before each set of commands is given (i.e., at the end of every round as well as in the first post), the referee will indicate the color of the glowing marks on the floor: blue, red, or green. At the beginning of the next round, the weather will change to rain to match blue marks, sunny to match red marks, and clear (no weather) to match green marks. The weather may change as often or sporadically as the referee desires, as long as each change comes between rounds.

My profile

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: N/A
Arena: /b/

Ah, /b/. The infamous message board that has spawned over nine thousand memes and housed countless trolls. /b/ is a twisted area of cyberspace that few are brave enough to venture into, lest their poor souls be scarred with the macabre images of Pedobear, Jessi Slaughter, and Shoop da Whoop.

Being a region of cyberspace, those who are foolish enough to hold a Pokemon battle in /b/ are forced to jump from message to message, avoiding the 0's and 1's that zoom by at great speeds. Every now and then, a Pokemon will be unlucky enough to be smashed into by a floating binary number, taking anywhere from 5% to 15% damage. Occasionally messages will simply disappear, leaving those who had used it as a foothold to plummet into the depths of the ancient messages, some of which are a whopping 10 minutes old.

Now and then memes will greet the battlers. Not all are friendly, for example Shoop da Whoop may deliver a blast of incredible lazar energy, inflicting 40% to 50% damage to all in the vicinity. Some are simply distractors, such as Rickroll, whose exotic dancing will entrance naive Pokemon for quite some time, leaving them oblivious to pain or other stimuli.

Additional Rules: Referees, feel free to add more memes as you see fit. I didn't take too much time to write this, so I left out a lot.


I'll take this challenge, now that I'm getting active on this site again.

Sadface. I'll post my own challenge then!

2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 50%
Banned moves: OHKOs, weather altering moves, dig,
Banned pokemon: Any pokemon that need to be in water
Arena: Mt. Blaze Slope

A massive volcano that belches fire at random, causing 20% damage to any pokemon hit. Digging is impossible due to the obsidian that has settled on the surface of the slope, also giving pokemon a chance to slip when using physical moves.

There are massive rocks scattered across the surface which any pokemon can hide behind, but can roll on top of any pokemon if pushed hard enough.

It is also possible to fall into the core through the hole at the top of the volcano.

Edit: Failure... forgot to post my Profile
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Sadface. I'll post my own challenge then!

2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 50%
Banned moves: OHKOs, weather altering moves, dig,
Banned pokemon: Any pokemon that need to be in water
Arena: Mt. Blaze Slope

A massive volcano that belches fire at random, causing 20% damage to any pokemon hit. Digging is impossible due to the obsidian that has settled on the surface of the slope, also giving pokemon a chance to slip when using physical moves.

There are massive rocks scattered across the surface which any pokemon can hide behind, but can roll on top of any pokemon if pushed hard enough.

It is also possible to fall into the core through the hole at the top of the volcano.

I'll take. Profile?

Here's mine.

EDIT: Okay, thanks for the edit. But now I sort of regret it; all Fire types xD
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Somehow you're going to have to get together a single post that contains the battle description as well as all three of your profile links.
We're ready! Any ref wanna take this?

In addition to what Negrek said, this (asking for a ref) is generally frowned upon. It's best to simply wait for one to pick it up, because asking generally makes refs less likely to take your battle. Personally, I like to take the older battles first, since they've been waiting longer, unless someone asks me personally beforehand.
3vs3vs3 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: 14 Days
Damage Cap: 48%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Surf, Fly, Solar Beam, Weather Moves, 4 Chills per Pokemon
Arena: The Statue of Liberty

Ah, the Statue of Liberty... three trainers are up there, preparing for battle.

Lady Liberty up there imbues a special power that raises the power of American Normal Type moves, and weakens the power of Japanese Dark Type moves.
Earthquake may be used, but at the cost of a part of Lady Liberty falling apart, hitting any Pokemon on field with 7% Typeless damage. There is a 50% chance of this happening.

The Pokemon can blow a hole below, as they are on the very top of Lady Liberty. This will move the battle downwards. However, if this isn't done within 5 rounds, it will happen automatically. After two Pokemon in battle are given a fainted status, a trapdoor will open, bringing them to the next floor. This goes on, until only one trainer is standing at the end of the battle. Any trainers KO'ed during a round will have to standby and watch the battle until the next trapdoor is opened.

Basically, during the first five rounds, the Pokemon can battle. Then, a trapdoor opens, if not blown apart. Then, the three trainers continue battling, until two of the three are KO'ed. The ones that is KO'd first cannot issue any commands or send out another Pokemon until the next trapdoor opens. In total, there are 4 floors, five if you count the top.

Other: If a Pokemon attempts to use Fly, it will begin to suffocate due to lack of oxygen. This can be fixed if the Pokemon is not required to breathe. However, Fly is almost unusable on the other 4 floors. Surf can be used on the final floor, but at the cost of drowning their trainers. The three Pokemon will then have to fight for themselves while the paramedics try to revive the trainers. Solar Beam and Weather Moves can only be used on the top floor, while they will be unusable otherwise.

Xero's, Mine (Leafstorm's), and Barubu's.

Will that work?
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: Chills limited to 4 per Pokémon.
Arena: Wilderness oasis
Challenging: Shadow Serenity
Wild Profile Appeared!

Bordered by dense coniferous forests and sitting at the base of a towering mountain range, this wide open oasis is the epitome of pristine wilderness, virtually untouched for as long as history can remember. The distant thunder of a mighty waterfall can be heard as it carries snow melt from high in the mountains and feeds the large river that flows through this area. Don't let the serenity fool you, though; the thunderstorms here are wicked should they pop up. Weather moves/conditions other than rain dance would require an extra turn to set up, while rain dance itself would remain constant should another weather condition fail to change it. The strength of the electric moves "Thunder" and "Thunderbolt" would also be increased by 3%. Flying types may have a difficult time competing with the high winds.

When rain, thunder and wind are not ravishing the land, sunlight is plentiful here. The sunlight is always strong, should another weather condition fail to change it. Solar Beam requires no set up and may be fired immediately. The power of grass-type special attacks is increased by 3%.
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3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: Chills limited to 4 per Pokémon.
Arena: Wilderness oasis
Challenging: Shadow Serenity
Wild Profile Appeared!

Bordered by dense coniferous forests and sitting at the base of a towering mountain range, this wide open oasis is the epitome of pristine wilderness, virtually untouched for as long as history can remember. The distant thunder of a mighty waterfall can be heard as it carries snow melt from high in the mountains and feeds the large river that flows through this area. Don't let the serenity fool you, though; the thunderstorms here are wicked should they pop up. Weather moves/conditions other than rain dance would require an extra turn to set up, while rain dance itself would remain constant should another weather condition fail to change it. The strength of the electric moves "Thunder" and "Thunderbolt" would also be increased by 3%. Flying types may have a difficult time competing with the high winds.

When rain, thunder and wind are not ravishing the land, sunlight is plentiful here. The sunlight is always strong, should another weather condition fail to change it. Solar Beam requires no set up and may be fired immediately. The power of grass-type special attacks are increased by 3%.


Also, deal for the ref who takes this: Point me to one of your waiting battles and I'll ref it for you. *winkwink*

And if that's illegal, we'll do the negotiating in the back alley.
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3vs3 | triple
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 5 chills/pokemon, 5 direct heals/pokemon
Arena: inside a computer screen

Using the power of GTS, ASB has invented a way to transfer Pokemon into a computer and hold battles there. However, because this idea is still quite new, there are a couple bugs. Every now and then there will be some lag, rendering a Pokemon unable to carry out a command or dodge a move. Sometimes pop-ups may appear, hitting the nearby Pokemon and dealing from 5% to 15%, depending on the severity of the pop-up. Referees are free to create other obstructions.

Pokemon are free to climb on the desktop icons, change the computer settings, open the Start menu, etc. However, if a Pokemon enters the Recycling Bin in any way, it must spend an entire round (three actions) getting out.

And if it wasn't clear, the OS is Windows XP.

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