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The Challenge Board

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2 vs. 2, Single
Style: Shift
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Vermillion Pier

On the south side of Vermillion City a long, wooden pier stretches out into the ocean leading to the dock. The pier's surface is about ten feet above the water with three foot high fences along the edge. The south end of the pier leads to a small, paved island that's used as a dock, however there are no ships currently docked. The pier itself is weak in places, and will collapse if a Pokemon weighing more than 600 lbs. or about 272 kg. is sent out onto it. Moves that create intense heat-enough to catch wood on fire-will do so and burn through the pier. If it burns away too much then the affected area will collapse. If, however, the pier gets significantly wet then it will not burn. Any particularly destructive moves that would be powerful enough to at least moderately damage wood can also collapse parts of the pier.


I was halfway through writing this before I realized that I wasn't completely sure that the pier in Vermillion is actually wooden. I attempted to look it up but Google Images wasn't giving me any pictures or screenshots of Vermillion. I eventually had to dig out my Fire Red just to make sure. Luckily, it was wooden.

Aaaaanyway, anyone want to battle?


I'll take you on.

my Profile
3v3 Single
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Direct Healing, Chills 5 per Pokemon
Arena: Martian Desert

The cold surface of Mars is covered with rust-red dust. Tall mountains tower in the distance. The arena is on a rough surface of rocks, pebbles, and dust. It is illuminated faintly by starlight and moonlight. Gravity is lower; Pokemon weigh less, which affects their movement and attacks to a certain extent. Oxygen is low as well- this may stress out the Pokemon, sapping away at their energy.

3 vs. 3, Single Battle
Set Style
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Chills limited to 5 per Pokémon.
Arena: River Raid

A flowing river, with an intense westward current. There are stepping stones conveniently placed across it, and Pokémon can spend an action paddling on or breaking their stepping stone to try to change the severity or direction of the current. Water spray lowers the accuracy of all moves that aren't Water- or Electric-type by 3%. Fire type moves are lowered by 2% damage and take 1% more energy to use. Electric-type attacks take 5% less energy because of all the water! Rain causes the water level to rise, making it hard to see the stepping stones (and thus, it's harder to move), whereas sun(ny day) drains the river, lowering the current and totally draining the river in some places.

Damage Cap: 42%
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Arena: Deep Sea Arena

As the title says, the Arena is in the deep sea. If you're a land-pokémon then you get a special air tank. Size and weight is unlimited, as you are undersea. Fire moves are canceled out immediately by the water, Ground won't do much if you're above the ground in the water, Grass attacks get canceled out, and Water is explainable. All those moves have 0% damage unless for Ground you're on the ground. Since water is everywhere Electric moves get a 5% boost after calculations. Land pokémon tanks will run out of air every 10 rounds and refilling takes one action/move; however, if that is necessary opponents are NOT allowed to attack that pokémon but anything else is okay.

Accepting this challenge.


I will referee this battle. By the way, my challenge is still open.
3v3 Single
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Direct Healing, Chills 5 per Pokemon
Arena: Martian Desert

The cold surface of Mars is covered with rust-red dust. Tall mountains tower in the distance. The arena is on a rough surface of rocks, pebbles, and dust. It is illuminated faintly by starlight and moonlight. Gravity is lower; Pokemon weigh less, which affects their movement and attacks to a certain extent. Oxygen is low as well- this may stress out the Pokemon, sapping away at their energy.


I'll battle, if you so desire.

Exclusively for moon-panther

3 vs 3 single
DQ time: 14 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKOs, Direct Healing, Attract

Arena: Torterra Shell Hill

Torterra Shell Hill was named for its uncanny resemblance to a torterra's shell. It is a massive, but low, hill that lies in the middle of a sea of tall grass, where it is not suggested the battlers go. It is not known which pokemon live in the grass (or if it is, the locals aren't telling), but it's possible they will attack the trainer's pokemon, treating them as prey or a threat.

The hill itself is covered in short grass, not too difficult to traverse. One one side of the hill, there is a massive tree whose leaves cast a large, comfortable shade where people might picnic if not for trainers coming to battle so often. On the other, there is a row of tall white pyramids made of rock, seemingly for no reason at all. A white line runs from the tallest and middle rock to the base of the tree, bisecting the hill. The middle of the line is turned into a large pokeball design.

Pokemon are sent out just outside the inner circle of the pokeball by default, so that time doesn't have to be wasted in traversing the battlefield.

Exclusively for moon-panther

3 vs 3 single
DQ time: 14 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned: OHKOs, Direct Healing, Attract

Arena: Torterra Shell Hill

Torterra Shell Hill was named for its uncanny resemblance to a torterra's shell. It is a massive, but low, hill that lies in the middle of a sea of tall grass, where it is not suggested the battlers go. It is not known which pokemon live in the grass (or if it is, the locals aren't telling), but it's possible they will attack the trainer's pokemon, treating them as prey or a threat.

The hill itself is covered in short grass, not too difficult to traverse. One one side of the hill, there is a massive tree whose leaves cast a large, comfortable shade where people might picnic if not for trainers coming to battle so often. On the other, there is a row of tall white pyramids made of rock, seemingly for no reason at all. A white line runs from the tallest and middle rock to the base of the tree, bisecting the hill. The middle of the line is turned into a large pokeball design.

Pokemon are sent out just outside the inner circle of the pokeball by default, so that time doesn't have to be wasted in traversing the battlefield.


I take your Challenge!

3 vs. 3, Single Battle
Set Style
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Chills limited to 5 per Pokémon.
Arena: River Raid

A flowing river, with an intense westward current. There are stepping stones conveniently placed across it, and Pokémon can spend an action paddling on or breaking their stepping stone to try to change the severity or direction of the current. Water spray lowers the accuracy of all moves that aren't Water- or Electric-type by 3%. Fire type moves are lowered by 2% damage and take 1% more energy to use. Electric-type attacks take 5% less energy because of all the water! Rain causes the water level to rise, making it hard to see the stepping stones (and thus, it's harder to move), whereas sun(ny day) drains the river, lowering the current and totally draining the river in some places.


I'll battle you!

1vs1 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Insect Forest

This dense forest is home to many bug pokemon. The large trees are good for pokemon who like to climb. There is also a small pond where water pokemon live. This pond has a small stream flowing from it. The forest is always very dark because no light reaches through the trees. Many people who try to explore the forest get lost Grass, Bug, Dark, And Goast Type moves get a 5% boost. The trees will burn down if fire attacks are used. In that case there will be no more move boosting at all


Battle format: 1 vs 1
DQ time: 5 days
Damage cap: 25%
Restricted moves: 1-hit KO moves.
Arena: A deep quarry, with stone walls on all sides. There are a few large piles of rocks dotting the bottom of the quarry, as well as some ridges on the walls that are good for aerial attacks. It's somewhat warm and sunny, so Fire-type moves deal 5% more damage after other calculations. Rock and Ground-type moves deal 2% more damage after other calculations due to the hard and rocky environment. Ice-type moves deal 2% less damage after other calculations.

I'll take it =D


I will referee this battle. (I'm taking all the short battles while I can)
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Battle format: 1 vs 1
DQ time: 5 days
Damage cap: 20%
Restricted moves: 1-hit KO moves, Healing Moves
Arena: A giant ditto

The battle will take place on its back. It will transform every two turns, thus the terrain can change. It can only change into a Torterra (Forest - a forested area with pokemon nesting in it. 10% chance that a pokemon will attack any of the battler's pokemon), Golem (rocky area - Big rocks stick out of the ground and give pokemon a place to hide.), Slugma (Lava - deals damage at a 10% chance every turn) and itself. 25% chance for each transformation.

My first battle =D Profiley
Battle format: 1 vs 1
DQ time: 5 days
Damage cap: 20%
Restricted moves: 1-hit KO moves, Healing Moves
Arena: A giant ditto

The battle will take place on its back. It will transform every two turns, thus the terrain can change. It can only change into a Torterra (Forest - a forested area with pokemon nesting in it. 10% chance that a pokemon will attack any of the battler's pokemon), Golem (rocky area - Big rocks stick out of the ground and give pokemon a place to hide.), Slugma (Lava - deals damage at a 10% chance every turn) and itself. 25% chance for each transformation.

My first battle =D Profiley
I'll take this!
Profile of Doom
1vs1 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Insect Forest

This dense forest is home to many bug pokemon. The large trees are good for pokemon who like to climb. There is also a small pond where water pokemon live. This pond has a small stream flowing from it. The forest is always very dark because no light reaches through the trees. Many people who try to explore the forest get lost Grass, Bug, Dark, And Goast Type moves get a 5% boost. The trees will burn down if fire attacks are used. In that case there will be no more move boosting at all



I will accept this challenge. My profile is here.
Okay, this is bad, but it's my first. Tell me if I should add/change anything.

Battle format: 3 Vs. 3 Single, Switch
DQ time: Seven Days
Damage cap: 35%
Restricted moves: 1H KO moves, Healing Moves, Weather Moves, Fire Type
Arena: Coral Reef

This reef is full of undersea life. The reef's many colors can be somewhat distracting, as is its wildlife. Now and then, Sharpedo will see the battling Pokemon as targets, and attack. (There's a 25% chance of that happening.) The coral isn't sturdy and can break from nearly any phsyical attack. That includes the plates that make up a large portion of the floor. Algea often causes Pokemon to slip.(15% Chance.)

Other:Moves such as fly, dive, and bounce don't make a difference, as we are underwater. But you can use them for a faster way up or down.

Profile! Use it, or else... I'll do something really... really bad.
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Okay, this is bad, but it's my first. Tell me if I should add/change anything.

Battle format: 3 Vs. 3 Single
DQ time: Seven Days
Damage cap: 35%
Restricted moves: 1H KO moves, Healing Moves, Weather Moves, Fire Type
Arena: Coral Reef

This reef is full of undersea life. The reef's many colors can be somewhat distracting, as is its wildlife. Now and then, Sharpedo will see the battling Pokemon as targets, and attack. (There's a 25% chance of that happening.) The coral isn't sturdy and can break from nearly any phsyical attack. That includes the plates that make up a large portion of the floor. Algea often causes Pokemon to slip.(15% Chance.)

Other:Moves such as fly, dive, and bounce don't make a difference, as we are underwater. But you can use them for a faster way up or down.

Profile! Use it, or else... I'll do something really... really bad.

I'll take this challenge

2 vs 2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct Healing limited to five per Pokémon
Arena: Unstable Dimension

One moment it’s a vast empty dark space then a calm beach beside the ocean the next. It’s to believe that Palkia had opened a hole in space trapping trainers that goes anywhere near it. This dimension is highly unstable and unpredictable since it is always changing every 2-7 rounds but for some reason it is always the four same locations: a beach, the mouth of a volcano, deep inside a woods, and the empty space again. Water-type Pokémon get a 5% attack boost when at the beach also the same goes for Fire-types when at the volcano and Grass-type when in the deep woods. When in the empty space, all Pokémon will use up an extra 2% of energy except for Flying, Psychic types and any Pokémon with wings or the ability Levitate. This is because the Pokémon will be floating in midair and won’t have anything to help stabilize them (no ground or rocks floating around) when they attack. Of course when the battle ends, Palkia will appear and return the trainers back home.

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