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Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

The four-armed winged chimera completely ignored Nia, but fortunately she too was distracted by the flash of alchemy. She followed Edward closely, not thinking about how the four-legged walk was so natural to her, or how she was instinctively managing to keep her claws from snapping off on the floor with every step. "I can do alchemy too," she said cheerfully. "Daddy taught me."

She was happy that Edward seemed to know what to do, because she didn't know where they were and would have felt lost without him. And there were so many people here, too! Usually she didn't get to see this many friends at one time. Maybe when she went back home, Mommy would let them come over?

"We should find the people in blue," Nia said, remembering something her mother had told her. "They'll bring us home."
The hallway around Edward was quiet and still, but he was wary. Something could spring out of the woodwork at any moment and attack them, and he had to be ready. He hunkered down into a stance that suggested a predator ready to pounce at any moment, gold eyes wide.

He heard someone speak behind him, very faintly, like they were whispering and turned his head slightly. He was amazed that his ears could have picked it up, even barely.

"This... This place. We could escape so easily? Why would they put bars if they could be broken like this?"

He couldn't identify the speaker, but they sounded female. He chose to respond.

"I guess they didn't know if chimera could still do alchemy, I guess. Hah, guess we showed them." He said, looking at his hands. At least his still had alchemy.
Fang chuckles under his breath when he heard the question, even more so when the short boy answered. He glances at the hallway before them and tilts his head bit when he sees a odd energy ahead of them.

"It may have been easy to get out...the hard part is staying hidden on the outside...."

Fang shrugs, not knowing what the energy meant and continued to follow the short boy.
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Gary walked out of the room along with the other Chimeras. He took a little time to look at them more closely, thinking as he walked. They're just like me.... they were probably human too... before... Who could have done this to us... And, hmm, why did they let us get out so easily, I don't get it... "You know, this was too easy... Someone's out there, probably watching us right now..."

(been trying for a whole day, and this is all I could come up with... so much fail :'( )
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((Assuming that I can post now...))


The sound was familiar, almost comforting. Zachary twitched, his body laying in a strange twisted position in the corner of the room, his dark purple hair cast across his face. A deep shadow cast over his body, making him seemingly melt into the ground.


Ah, what is this sound...? So familiar. Almost like... Something. Something he could not remember. The man shifted a bit, vaguely aware of the cold ground pressing upon his face. Something hard was pressing up on the side of his head right above his ears.


Zachary shifted again. The sound was so familiar... What was it reminding him of? The steady dripping, slow and soft... Like... Blood. Like blood dripping from a freshly killed body, blood still bright red and beautifully streaming and flowing and crimson and...


Zachary opened his eyes. The room was dark; there were no lighting whatsoever. However, he found that he could see. And he could see quite well indeed. Zachary slowly scanned the room, looking for the dripping noise. It was seriously bothering him -- if someones' making that noise on purpose, they're going to taste metal. He could really use some blood on his hands right now. Yes... To Zachary's disappointment, the source of the sound was a leaky ceiling. The man sighed lightly and turned away

Splash. Voices.

He could pick out nine shapes in the dark, mostly humanoid, but there was one that looked more like a dog than anything else. They all looked ridiculously tall and strangely shaped -- does that person has a tail coming out of his back? Zachary reached a hand up to rub his eyes, and, instead of fingers, he saw three, sharp, purple claws. He inspected the claws carefully, flexing them and feeling the strange appendages -- his appendages -- move to his will.

So something had happened. Something that had ruined his neat life of hunting and killing, and turned him into... This. And he's not the only one. The others must have been changed as well; how else would they have tails and -- Zachary noted interestedly -- wings? The chimera turned his gaze back to his claws. They were probably sharp enough to kill, and he could use this change to his advantage. But now, he should get out of here. Zachary pushed himself off the floor and stood up, noticing that everyone seemed ridiculously tall. The other people were chatting amongst themselves, and, suddenly, there was a bright flash of light. Zachary yelped, his vision temporarily blinded. When the spots of light finally faded from his eyes, he could see that the metal bars have disappeared.

Oh well. Might as well as leave this place. It's no fun being locked up, and he might find the person who's responsible for this. And there will be blood.

Still keeping to the shadows, Zachary followed the other chimeras out of the cell.
Hmmph, I guess that is about as much as is to be expected. Blowing through bars without a second thought.

Eliana tossed her hair impartially and strode out of the cell with the rest of the Chimeras. All of them were still obviously mad, what idiots. But she couldn't let herself get stuck on that, there were more annoying things to be mad about.

"I can't believe they would have stuck me in such awful clothing. Honestly, sweat pants and a t-shirt? This is an embarrassment."
Of course Rukh recognized the sudden flash of light that flooded the room and the loud crackling that accompanied it, and, in the moments following, was not at all surprised that the cell door had been twisted apart, the metal bars bent outwards out at multiple angles. He was slightly more confused as to what, or who, had brought it about in the first place; there had been one among them who knew alchemy after all? Not that he doubted the potential of his new companions, more so the convenience that there would just happen to be one among them with the skills to escape that way. It seemed just a little like whoever was in charge of this...experiment (Rukh's hands clenched tightly as he thought this) had expected them to break out...

He joined the procession of chimeras stepping through the opening in the bars, taking care to keep his robes from snagging on the jagged metal, and found himself in a hallway colored with even more drab gray. When one thinks about it, the only real difference between this and the cell was the lack of a locked door, although they were still trapped inside the facility. This, he knew, as the others almost certainly did as well, was only the beginning of their journey.

The chimeras were cautious as they crept through the halls; they needed to be remain wary, for their captors could spring a trap at any moment, but they must also avoid bringing attention to themselves; Rukh could almost smell the uneasy feeling that saturated the air. Yet one took lead at the front, the young alchemist who had freed them all, and his stance betrayed an experience in these situations beyond his years. Rukh blinked; something seemed familiar about the now-feline youth, his blond hair, automail arms, and...admittedly lacking height...

Leore had once been a proud town, one that thrived even in Amestris' harsh eastern deserts, because, for a time, it had seen the light of god, but it was that faith too that led to their destruction. The false prophet Cornello came to the fallen Ishbalans inhabiting this land and, in their hour of desperation, stole them away from their hallowed ancestry, tricked them into prostituting their souls for a faulty religion through alchemical "miracles". But today the pretender's reign is gone, toppled by a military coup, leaving Leore's inhabitants gasping without air. Rukh came to this ruined town in his travels, and they told him of the military's benevolent emissary who had revealed Cornello's ploy, a young state alchemist and his brother, and his name was...

"Edward Elric, the Fullmetal alchemist," Rukh said aloud, realizing that in the midst of his reminiscing he had advanced to the front lines, and now loomed over the far smaller teenager (that he was crouching down even lower to the ground didn't help matters).
Karae barely paid any attention to the others, frowning as one of them mentioned how it would be much harder to stay safe outside. Wherever they were. However, someone's voice managed to pierce through the shock that surrounded her - that name. She knew it. Didn't everyone? She had lived in the alleys and streets of Central, and that name had been spewed forth all the time by those better than her.

Edward Elric. The miracle. The prodigy who did so well, and never had to suffer from lack of money, or food... So what if he was in danger? So was she - of being sick, of dying from hunger or cold or exhaustion or from the greed of others on the street. The knowledge of who he was made her resolve to hate him, even if he was now her equal. Weren't they all monsters here? Yet... Most looked better than her, and had probably lived in some comfort for most of their lives. There was no better reason to not trust them, to watch and choose her own path. They only wanted what was best for themselves.

"How many of you are alchemists?" How did she know she could trust any of them? And the simple answer was that she couldn't.
"I'm not..." echoed a weak voice from behind Karae. Gretchen had stopped halfway out of the cell to look at the twisted bars of the cell, but had started walking again after she had realized that there was no one behind her. Not that that would matter. Hell, she knew it probably wasn't her place to speak, but she didn't care. It wasn't as if she could ever go back to living her admittedly feeble life at home.

The name of the boy in front of the group failed to faze her. Yes, she had heard the name floating around, and yes, she did process it for a moment as it was spoken, but she still stared at the ground while walking forward with her new ears pressed against her head in disdain.

She was a freak. And she couldn't stop thinking it. Even feeling her tail swish unconsciously or her ears twitch at sudden sound reminded her of it. One look down would confirm it again and again, no matter how much she wished it were a dream.
((Sorry for lack of posting, I got dragged out camping ^ ^; ))

Edward flinched backwards a bit when the tall man loomed over him, his feline ears laying flat against his skull, his whiskers twitching. Something about this man's eyes unnerved him, and his size didn't help matters. But he straightened up and looked Rukh right in the face, frowning slightly. Don't be scared; stand tall.

"Yeah, I'm Edward Elric." The boy said, his tail flicking behind him and flesh arm flexing, in case he had to fight. Something in him was telling him to be wary; anyone could be a foe, don't let down your guard. "I didn't have anything to do with, uh, this." He added hastily, holding up a clawed hand.

Without waiting for an answer, the teenager darted down the hall, barking out a 'follow me' before disappearing around a corner. He held his body low to the ground, the tips of his fingers could almost touch the floor. Hopefully, this was the right path...
"I can do alchemy," Nia said. "Daddy taught me." The hardest part had always been drawing perfect circles and straight lines; both Mommy and Daddy and all the other alchemists could do it so easily, but she had to practise a lot. Memorising what each array did was also hard, but it didn't take as long.

She looked up at the metal-armed alchemist. Edward Elric? Mommy had mentioned him before, as the youngest and possibly most versatile alchemist. His power was probably the one he'd just shown, using clap-alchemy except he had millions of invisible circles on his palms ... or something.

She obediently followed him at his orders, at a relatively relaxing pace that easily matched his. "Hullo, Edward," she said. "My name's Nia."
Fang watches the exchange of conversation between the short boy and the taller one. He then tilts his head to the side when the small one spoke his name.

Edward Elric...hm. That sounds semi-familier.

Fang shrugs and walks down the hall, keeping close to the wall in case of danger. He slips around the corner and looks ahead of Edward, his ear twitching as he looks for signs of danger.

Be on guard

Fang closes his eyes and places a hand to his temple, rubbing it.

I'm hearing voices in my head...not a pleasing sign.
"Edward Elric... where did I hear that name before..." Gary thought back about his college classes, until he remembered. "Oh right.. he was a child prodigy... he works for the state." Suddenly something hit him, the idea that Ed might know more than he's letting on. Gary chased down after the Persian, running until he caught sight of the little guy again. He growled, "What do you know about all this, Ed? Why are we here! And what are you doing here? You work for the state, don't you? Then you should know something!" Something in his mind was telling him...

Don't give up on him, or anyone. Show no mercy
"Uh, Hi Nia." Edward said, stumbling a bit but catching himself quickly. She was fast for keeping up with him so easily. The feline teen skidded to a stop in front of a large metal door, placing a palm on it. It was then another voice caught his attention.

"What do you know about all this, Ed? Why are we here! And what are you doing here? You work for the state, don't you? Then you should know something!"

Edward turned around, flinching at the speaker's odd appearance very slightly, but he didn't show any other outward fear or repulsion. He frowned, wrinkling his nose up slightly. Just because he worked for the state didn't mean he knew anything about this.

"I don't know anything! I'm not even very high ranked, just a Major, why the hell would I know about...this!" He growled, tossing out his arms. "And if I had do you think I would have let them do this to me! I'm a goddamned freak! I'm not human anymore, I'm an alchemical product, I'm an experiment! I wouldn't be surprised if they did more than just make us into chimera! I'm not happy about this!"

Edward appeared to have lost his temper, and was glaring Gary down with the fierceness of the feline he had been fused with as well as his own.
"Now now kiddies. There's no need to fly off the handle too soon. We still need to leave the building"

Fang walks over to the small group that was talking to Edward, a slight smirk on his face. He places a hand on Gary's shoulder and squeezes it lightly, a sign for him to back off for the time being.

"Just becuase he works for them, doesn't mean he knows."

He then looks at the small by and gives him a wink.

"As for you, Edward. You need to chill out a bit. Don't need you clawing at us quite yet. I don't want to be a cat's scratching post. Now..."

Fang slips past Gary and places a hand on the metal door.

"I wonder what's behind here...."

He leans his head against the door and places on of his large ears against the door.
Karae scowled at Edward, but he seemed to not know anything, or pretended to not know anything. People lied all the time. It was a part of life. They lied to get out of a situation they didn't want... So maybe he was lying too. Still, she couldn't do anything to quell her anger at him. It was her fault, for not being good enough, that she had been taken and turned into a monster. If she had tried harder, gotten off the street, no one would have bothered - if she had tried harder, she would have been important enough to be missed, at least. She could have had friends, maybe an adoptive family...

But no. And now she was stuck with a group of freaks. "Getting out... What if we''re supposed to get out, and then they can find us and put us back in another cell?" she murmured quietly. "Maybe our whole escape is just research..." She ran a hand over the sharp horn on her head, willing it to disappear. It didn't work. "I can't trust anyone here..."
Zachary watched the little argument from the shadows, amused. Edward Elric... Of course. That explained why the boy looked so familiar. Everybody knows the famous Full Metal Alchemist, the youngest State Alchemist and a dog of the military. But Zachary had always imagined him to be shorter -- rumors say that he was a runt, tiny, a beansprout. Zachary thought that Edward would at least be shorter than he was -- not like he was the tallest man around -- and he never imagined that Ed-the-shortie would be taller than he was.

Speaking of height, Zachary realized that he was shorter than everyone here. Perhaps it wasn't that everybody was super tall. Perhaps it was because he shrunk when he became a chimera. It did not matter though -- it is impossible to figure out that fact without a normal human to compare to.

Zachary turned his attention back towards Edward. The boy seemed angry, and Zachary couldn't help but notice his metal arm. Ah, automail. It would be fun to pull those off before he kills the boy, just to see the reactions. Hm, yes... Edward looked like a nice candidate for his next prey. He will be hard, no doubt, but what's the fun of killing something easy? Zachary could already imagine the looks of terror on the boy's face as he places a knife in his throat.

But, ah, first things first. They have to get out of here, and without the boy's alchemical skills, it would be impossible.
Those childish fools, Rukh mentally scoffed, his crimson stare practically boring holes through Edward and the...he was pretty sure the other boy was mixed with some kind of insect, like a bee, even after the man with the dreadlocks and silver bangles came and broke them apart. He could feel their anger mixing in the air with that of the others just behind him, a swirling cloud of loathing that choked the atmosphere as well as his lungs. It's just like them to only look out for themselves. Why couldn't there have been more like the little white one, that Nia, who might look on the bright side of things? He sighed; now was hardly the time to dwell on such things.

"Don't any of you understand this situation?" He asked incredulously to the group in general, taking long strides up to the front, to the large, foreboding metal door blocking their path. "We are at the heart of a military compound; even though we have escaped the prison we are still within the enemy's clutches!" he said, grasping at the air for effect. This was the voice he usually reserved for sermons - calm, but loud, forceful, and imposing - and it filled the hall, pushing against the haze of hate. "And yet we continue to bicker, too caught up in our own devices to see the big picture: the military, the governing force of all of Amestris, is against us, and we cannot hope to thwart their plans if we are divided like this! I have experienced the oppression of the Fuhrer's troops in my homeland, in the Ishbalan refugee camps; our lives were bleak, grim, hopeless, but we lived on even with icy oblivion breathing down our necks! And that is the same for us now, we must act as one, move as one, and escape as one, lest we wallow here forever in a prison of our own bodies!"
((*Waves arms* Come on you guys! Post more!))

"Don't any of you understand this situation?"

Edward growled when he heard the words, turning his head to face the speaker. His temper was still lost, and the boy had thankfully not resorted to blows yet, but an angry Edward Elric was a force to be reckoned with. He listened (mostly) respectfully to what the man had to say, making soft growls or grunts at random moments, before shifting so he was facing the door again.

"Well, whatever. Let's just get out of this stinking place. It smells like rats and death in here, I hate it." He grumbled, running his hands over the metal. It looked to be made of the same as the bars before. "Are they trying to get us to break out of here?" He added under his breath, though he was probably clearly audible.

There was another clap, a bright flare of blue light, and the door melted away into the surrounding walls, leaving the hallway quite clear. It seemed to lead outwards, into a courtyard, where Edward could make out the outlines of a few hulking metal-and-glass objects in the gloom. Probably old machinery.

"Get your asses down the hall, I wanna go find my brother." The feline growled. He reached out a hand and rested it gently on Nia's head. "Come on." He added, softer.
Fang gets himself off the the ground and brushes himself off, shooting Edward a annoyed look. Didn't the boy she that he was leaning on the damned door to listen to the other side before transmuting it?

Ignorant little bugger.

He walks past the boy and down the hall, his ear's twitching, trying to pick up signs off threats and other life. He then looks over his shoulder at Edward.

"So your brother was taken as well?"
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