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The Christmas thread

Super Paper Mario

Spread the Papery love~


From my parents, I got the New Penguin Russian Course (yes), Russian for Dummies (lol), Living Language: Russian (starting to see a trend?), Mamma Mia the DVD (ha ah!), and Action Replay for the gamecube (yes finally).

From my friends, I got Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

I gave:
to Lunah, I gave Maximum Ride: School's out,
to Danizzle, I gave a Toby Keitch CD,
to Pika, I was going to give a Warriors book but I haven't seen her yet,
and to Superstariti I was going to give a CD of symphonic stuff but I haven't seen her yet.

Oh, and I donated $25 to an AIDS/HIV charity. :)

Did anyone else give anything?
I got a 16GB flash drive, the Rurouni Kenshin season 3 box set(anime), and a funky belt that's studed like a red and black checkerboard. It was okay.
From parents: An origami kit, Eternal Sonata, some pajama pants with skulls on them (one's the skulls is a cyclops X3), a diary, a tin wiimote with gum in it, a HUGE box of tictacs and a RINGPOP <333

From relatives: Two books, one's on cadavers and the other's on anatomy, both awesome, a CUTE owl ornament, a lovely black and purple scarf and $120. <3 I looove my family~
More gifts X3 Boxing Day: The day for late gifts:

-More clothes
-Reloadable Blockbuster Card with $25 on it
-Action Replay Power Saver for the Wii
-A nasty cold that could be the stomach flu. Yay?

So, if anybody hates me, you can kill me now. Please? ;.; I don't wanna be sick
Let's see, I got quite a bit of money and gift cards (Some of which I used to get Final Fantasy IV), The Dark Knight, and Prince Caspian. Oh and some other stuff, but those things are the highlights.
My Christmas was OK- pretty meh after the presents and food, but then it always is. My sister had to work, and was only there for the present-unwrapping, but she came home for Boxing Day.

Main presents: laptop, Friends: The One With All Ten Seasons, a Freeview box for the TV in my room (must get an aerial so I can use it), and a spaghetti fork. You press a switch on the handle and the head spins so you can easily wrap up spaghetti. It doesn't work for shit but damn it's brilliant :3
I got Brawl and some other stuff. Oh, and I got a pokemon sticker book from my little sister.My Christmas was better than last year; at least this year I didn't throw up.
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