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The Christmas thread

I got the two things I wanted most for Christmas:

1. A soundtrack for Anything Goes (the play where it's impossible to read into it too much!)

Oh, yeah, and an Xbox, along with (to my surprise) Tales of Vesperia, along with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and Spore.
Skies of Arcadia Legends

Possibly more money to follow, otherwise that's it

And I had a shitty day so I'm kinda "meh, thanks"

Edit: 100th post, oh dear what

One of them has a picture of Santa on it

The picture is in colour :3

The other stuff:

2000 Wii Points
$15 for iTunes
Other stuff which apparently doesn't stick out in my mind

Now, slight problem...

:( What should I get with the wii points? I just spent 1000 on OoT (I own the cartridge, but my N64 is out of commission. >.< I don't have the wires for it), so that leaves me with 1000 more. I can't decide between Yoshi Story, Pokemon Snap, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, or one of the older Zelda games ;.;
nothing but for Hanukkah I got:

Guitar Picks
Guitar (better than air guitar)
New Poem Notebook
Jazz mix album
Seinfeld DVD
Gift cards
Tons of socks
This year wasn't so bad~

I Got:
-Cocolates of various types
-Spore for the DS
-A card binder + Sleeves for my Pokemon cards (the thing weighs a ton now that I've filled it >_o)
-A bunch of clothes
-A 1GB Flash drive (is that good?)
-DS accessories
-D&D Guide for Girls (<3)
-Dice (ILU moony)
-Nice Markers
-Paper (lots)
-lotsa jewelery

pokemon ranger 2
panic at the disco: welcome to the sounds of pretty odd.
pirates of the carribean chess set

~ laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop..........
~ laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop..

Okay, i'm

laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop

done now
for once I feel like I got presents for me for me (rather than presents for me for christmas) from my parents and I'm happy

they were wrapped and put under the tree, but hey~

From immediate family:
- A Farewell to Kings by Rush
- 2112 by Rush
- Boston by Boston
- Octavarium by Dream Theater
Rubik's cube
sexy keyboard :3~~~~
Mirror's Edge for Xbox 360

From extended family:
$170 Canadian total; dad promised that if I pool this together, he'll fill in the rest to get me a netbook since he bought Andrew more (I asked beforehand for him to buy less and do this)
an expensive, crappy, closed-source equivalent of Audacity
some compilation of Mordechai Richler's short stories I don't care about
probably more to come but unless it's more money I almost definitely don't care
MY PARENTS GOT TICKETS TO AVENUE Q. 8D I still can't believe it~
You will enjoy it, belive me. I went sometime earlier in the year and it was freaking epic!

late post is late. I got an iPod, a wireless stereo, a rubber duck (hey, it plays radio and glows in rainbow colors, damnit), chocolate, 50 pounds and a 10 pound book voucher. I got some more stuff but I dont feel like wiriting my entire list down.
so I got Doctor Who Top Trumps for the DS, a Doctor Who annual, a Lacoste Jumper, some chocolate, a Parker pen, "Keep Your Brain Fit" which is a book by that Mensa thing, a program called Write your own Novel, a washbag, a razor, a Volkswagen camper van moneybox and a VW campervan version of naughts and crosses. Also about £35. £15 of which as a cheque.
I think my parents felt bad for getting me pretty much nothing for my birthday and made up for it by spoiling me terribly this Christmas X)

From Parents:
30 Rock DVDs season 1
Law and Order DVDs season 1
Will & Grace DVDs season 8
New pajamas (wearing them now :D)
Articulate! (the best damn board game ever made)
Couple of new tops
Some fancy hairclips
A bazillion pairs of socks (I actually asked for these)

From my sister:
A yellow t-shirt with chibi Dorothy + companions on that says "Off to see the wizard" <3
A slab of Thorntons chocolate with "Fabulous!!" on it X3
The Jane Austen Book Club on DVD

From other family:
£25 (my aunt)
Guitar Hero on Tour and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics on DS (my uncle)

From friends:
A Peanuts book (as in, Snoopy, Charlie Brown and people)
The Anchorman on DVD
24: Redemption on DVD
A plushie platypus
Two absolutely awesome books on 24, one of which Im nearly a quarter of a way through :D Gaaah, theyre amazing <333
I got a hundred Euro from my grandma, House s4 DVDs from my aunt (I've been waiting to see it for like a million years THANK YOU AUNTIE <3), a necklace my cousin brought back from Morocco, a promise from my mum she'd get me anything I wanted that cost around fifty Euro and CDs from my step-dad (Frank Sinatra and Seal, if you're interested).
I don't know what I'm going to get from my dad but he'll probably be all like 'CHOOSE WHATEVER YOU WANT LOL' because he has too much money and doesn't know what to do with it so he buys me stuff.

From parents and family...

An ushanka <3
South Park 2009 calendar
Cartman t-shirt
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Warrior Cats 4, 5 and 5
The Mighty Book of Boosh
Japanese dub of South Park BLU (it's hilarious.. =w=)
Sketch book and pencils
Suicide Bunny badges
Evangelion: Death and Rebirth

Then I got some neat drawings from my friends at JJHF (all before Christmas day but it still counts!)
Skymin plushie from Jolty c:
Duck plushie named Edward from my friend Lauren
Twatlight from Lauren, bought for the lulz hurrr
Uh, let's see...
-Most of the Earthsea Cycle
-Some really nice formal clothes
-A new Go set
-Money (this must be converted into books as soon as possible)

I also had pumpkin bread for breakfast, which is a lot better than it sounds.
I got Okami for the Wii, Super Paper Mario, Phantom Hourglass, this DVD box set of rock history documentaries (or something), a leather jacket, a t-shirt with a Monty Python quote on it, this shirt (which to be honest I think I'll only ever wear on days where I don't have to go anywhere, due to the shirt being a) very tacky and b) probably rather uncomfortable) and that's it.

Oh, and I got a ton of money from relatives. I might use some of it to buy an Xbox 360? :|
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