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The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

Littlestream, did you start early?

Nope! I was writing all day because I have a few days off from school at the moment. I won't have much time at all later in the month (choir trips + long school days + teachers who give out too much homework (5. Double sided. Sheets.) = no time to do ANYTHING) so I want to get as much done as possible right now. I had a sudden bout of inspiration which helps too. This is my favorite book of mine ever.
Anyhoo. Day 2 update.

Technically, everyone should have 3,334 words, at least, and write 1,667 more every day. But.
Ahhhh I totally have 3000 words right now! Almost caught up! And there's still 30 minutes left of my day two so it's okay (even though there's no way I'll be able to write 334 words that fast).

Whooo Littlestream go go go! Hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon, but life's a jerk and everything is due in November :(
I'm tryinggggg but I keep getting home late and then having a ton of work to do D: I have to write a ton before Hell Week, where I'm going to be at my school doing stage crew during the play rehearsals until like 8 every day. *sigh* *furiously writes*
Welcome to team yellow, Hiikaru.

Red team is doing better now, in terms of scaled averages. Which I have now changed to reflect only people who don't have 0 words. For instance, the scaled totals of teams red, green and yellow have the same scores as they do normally, because they all have only one person with no words. Whereas, team blue has 4/3 of what it would otherwise have because it has two people with no words.

That said, we're still a little behind but whatever.
I'm a little behind, but I am trying.

C'mon Twilight! Don't water damage your keyboard, that's bad. WE CAN DO THIS TEAM BLUE!
I'm withdrawing from my team and abandoning. Here's why: even though I'm meeting all my word goals and stuff, and it's not particularly stressful, what I'm writing is crap. I did Nano last year, and I saw what kind of crap Nanowrimo tends to produce. A pile of poorly written garbage, but in that garbage is a diamond in the rough; the story's spirit, so to speak. This year, no suck luck. I have before me a story, without a background, without a purpose, without a soul.

I with my teammates better luck than me.
Ok, so I've gotten to about 2560. Tonight I'm going on a writing spree!

Why does the OP say I have zero? I've been writing since day one.
Hmm, weird. I swear I posted something at least day two. Maybe my browser/internet having a mind of it's own.
Congratulations, Cirrus; you have replaced bulbasaur on Team Red.

Okay, so. Updated! Things are not looking good for team red. They've added only 3000 words since the last update. Team green, on the other hand, is doing much better, with an entire 8000 word increase between them. While team yellow matched Team Green's word increase, they're still a bit behind a bit. Meanwhile, team blue also had a healthy increase, pulling ahead of team red to claim second place for once.

...that is all. And I did not have time to update yesterday, so.
'Letting the team down' is an understatement :/

I actually forgot to update my word count when I last wrote a substantial amount, so it's up now. I'm sorry I haven't been able to write much yet, but exams have kind of got in the way of that. I'll definitely try harder as the month progresses.
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