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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Ooooh, I'm DEFINITELY getting an earth Eastern :3


I've only seen Ancient Easterns, but they're pretty cool.

After this fur I'm getting a Water Dino, I think. Maybe a Water Wyvern.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~


Holy crap, how'd I miss this?! And we're about to see Tidda's Lizardus become and ancient as well. :D
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Yayz~ Tenaera will look cool, then. I still wish I would've gotten a fire eastern, but I can always go back and get one for dragon #5, since I don't want a wyvern or a dino.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I really wanna see an Ancient Western. They look so cool already owo

Furdragon egg can almost hatch. :D

Edit: Do they even HAVE males? -.-

But anyways she hatched and is now named Kia. :D

Other Edit: It's official, I'm not getting a Lizardus. Their Ancient form looks horrible -.-

But the Fur is pretty cute :3
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Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

What. The. Hell. Is this some kind of joke? Those ancients are hideous! No way I'm getting a Lizardus. This is an outrage.

...Now what do I get for a third dragon. D: I so badly wanted Yoshi the Lizardus... And they won't even let you freeze them at a certain stage like DragCave!

They'll pay for this. I think.

I so badly want to see the Western's Ancient stage now. D:
What if they screw it up too? But, I like the Furdragon's, so. And I think I might get an Eastern as my third, but that depends on what the Wyvern's Ancient looks like.

Well that was whiny.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^If you look here, you can see every dragon of every element and every stage~ That is, unless I'm taking you far too literally and you mean you just haven't seen anyone with one.

Ooh, thanks. ^_^
Hmm, the Air Lizardus isn't that bad...

Why does everyone dislike the Ancient Lizardus? I think it's cute~
I'm so getting an Air Lizardus next. Well, after my Water Furdragon, of course. ^_^
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^Well, y'know, I tend to be quick to judge. Having had a while to think about it, just like with the adult Lizardus, I've gotten over it. I still think it looks big, fat, and stupid, which is because it is big, fat, and stupid, but that's part of its charm. I think I'll stick with Yoshi the Lizardus.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

eeee the Ancient Lizardus is so fat and happy <3 I might just get one now.

I wanna see the ancient Wyvern already D: what is my Heiderich gunna look like?
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Me liekz the ancient furdragonz even better than the adultz~
I'm getting one next instead of a lizardus, who's ancient form is ugly.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~


Only other form I like than the hatchling. But It's AWESOME.

Want see Western and Dino now plz.

So yup, Air Wyvern next, then Water Dino will be my last.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~


But... Maybe I'll get a Air furdragon instead of a Dino... Their Ancient form is meh. And I wanted to get an air fur anyways.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Western Ancient LOVE! I've got mixed feelings about the Dinos, but hey, at least now we have all the ancients!
And I still don't know which dragon I want. D:
But at least Automne is going to be a teenager reeeal soon~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

I was undecided for a brief while on what to do with my recently-acquired option of getting a fourth egg, but in the end I chose to go with my original plan:


The adorable and amusing derpness of the ancient form ultimately won me over. X3
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Added, lalala~

Aaand since I hasn't been on teh intarnez for a while, on mah way to go see those ancients. fuuu why am I last ;_;

EDIT: And my Western egg hatched as of three seconds ago...

And is male.

Hate me, why don't you. *grumble*

EDIT2: Aaaand Eastern Ancients are scary. DDDD: There better be a stage after Ancients.. *cracks knuckles*
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^'Fraid not. They said there were only 6 stages.

Oh yeah, and Automne is a teen now. <3
5 levels until Lv. 30~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Looks like Westerns and Furdragons are epiiic~

So screw Lizarduses, I might actually get a Dino.. or another Furdragon.

I suck. :DD
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^Your dragons don't like me. I lost on all of their lotteries =/
Automne gave me 9 units of White Aura~

233% until ElVira is at level 30...then I can get a Water Furdragon ^_^
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