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The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Haaah, my dragons hate everyone but me. Because I feed them. >:3
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

She's cute~
Your dragons hate me too ;~;
MUAHAHA! edRashtekaresket gave me a whole bunch of Reptile Scales~
Embris gave me 36 Blue Aura~

ElVira's at level 28 now~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

*unintelligible gibberish* Ancient Western Dragons are adorable. 'Nuff said.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Can someone give me an image to an ancient western dragon? The link is broken for me xD
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~


That be water.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

ElVira literally has only 2% left until level 30. Hurry up, ElVira~!
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Kyooaku reached level 30, and I got another egg.

'twill be an earth! *needs ancient*

Next I will get *another* EASTERN. I need to know what an air looks like, though :)
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Then I probably should get either a Lizardus or a Dino, so I'm getting an Air Lizardus. So I can have all three secondary resources. =]
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^Your dragon egg loves me, I won 109 Green Aura. :D

Come on, Automne, hurry up. I want a Wyvern.
I still can't decide which element, though.
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

^Your dragon egg loves me, I won 109 Green Aura. :D

109?! =O
Violet and Automne dislike me, though =/ I lost two chances to get Blue Aura
Speaking of Aura, my Green Aura is now at exactly 1,111. I never thought I'd save that much - I was way too much into randomly making items and reselling them for resources I don't yet have, like Reptile Scales.
Terra seems to like me, though (42 Green Aura), and so does Midnight =]

My Furdragon Egg is at level 3~

Off topic, but IP, the random code in my sig seems to love displaying the banner you made for me ^_^
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

109?! =O
Violet and Automne dislike me, though =/ I lost two chances to get Blue Aura
Speaking of Aura, my Green Aura is now at exactly 1,111. I never thought I'd save that much - I was way too much into randomly making items and reselling them for resources I don't yet have, like Reptile Scales.
Terra seems to like me, though (42 Green Aura), and so does Midnight =]

My Furdragon Egg is at level 3~

Off topic, but IP, the random code in my sig seems to love displaying the banner you made for me ^_^

Well I'm glad my dragons like you. :D

Random code must like me too xD

And Elvira likes me apparently, she gave me 77 Dragon fur..

I've got over 10000 Reptile scales o.o

I don't even have a reptile xD
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Hey everyone read this post read it read it

If you're slow to notice things like me, there is now Gold Aura and a few new backgrounds.

Gold Aura=awesome~
Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~

Going around trying to figure that out riiiight.. now.


You'll need an Ancient dragon of any type, and you get an option to buy Gold or Silver powder for an apparently HIIIIIIIGH price. You use the powder on the Ancient, and *fwoosh* you have a Gold or Silver elemental dragon~

Storm is going to be Silver, dammit. >:DDDD

EDIT2: Look heeeyar for an EPIC Gold Furdragon~
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