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The "Fwee" thread II

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Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

My dog's carrying around a new raw hide around like it's the best thing ever invented; it makes me giggle.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II


originally i wasn't going to cause my friend wasn't going, but two people dropped out and now we get to go!!!
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

Someone just told me I'm one of their best friends.

I feel like I've been a better friend this year... at least to people I've met recently. And this makes me happy, that people feel they can trust in me. I want to be a trustworthy person. There's a lot to be said for academic talent and all those things, but I think very often we forget the basics of being good people. At least, I forgot. I want to be a good friend to people, someone they can depend on and trust in, who'll listen to their problems and at the very least offer sympathy.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I thought my dentist appointment was Friday, but it was actually Thursday...then I found out they moved it to today! I got all three of my fillings done, and my numbness is starting to wear off... I was talking all weird at the dentist's office because I couldn't feel my bottom jaw or my tongue XD
But yeah, no more cavities!!
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

My friend issues are gone.

Absolutely, completely gone!

I guess everyone listening and being helpful reassured me that they really do care.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I have this Saturday off, hell yes. :D

Aww, I would definitely invite myself over if I didn't have a mountain of stuff to do for Monday.

But I'm making progress on my dissertation! And I've got three-and-a-half days to go, so it's looking like I should finish on time! :D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

Yessssss my new memory stick arrived
Now I can stop using this old broken one that only works one time out of five

Also I have a new friendly-type person (though it's a complicated situation)

Also Indi is feeling good recently and this is good :3
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

A couple things to post:
1. My tongue is completely healed and I've changed the piercing successfully. No infection / complications.
2. We picked out the engagement ring.
3. Even though his mom doesn't know we're engaged, she bought us a wedding book to start filling out and asked me if we had a date in mind. She also introduced me as her daughter, since I'm marrying her son. It makes me happy that shes happy about it.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I haven't had a day off in two years! NOW I GET A VACAAAAATIIIIIOOOON!

We're going up North to my family cabin with my DnD group and we're going to play for a whole four days! Doctor Who, DnD, CoC, Dragon Age, D20 Modern, Zombies... it's going to be epic.

Oh and a drunk just climbed my fence at work when there was a open door three feet away and I got it on video. >:D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II

I can't legal issues, the video technically belongs to the company.. The guy showed up majorly shit faced to work and was told to leave... he left all right.
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