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The "Fwee" Thread III

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Skyrim.... attack of the bucket thief.

Yep look it up... apparently if you put a bucket over the clerk's head and block their line of sight they don't see you steal... therefore you didn't.... Hello funfun. Haven't laughed that hard since I discovered reverse pickpocketing live grenades in Fallout 3....

Exploding pants.

They had them.
So Legend... wanna go shoplift with me? There will be cool stuuuuuff...

In other news I just narrowed down my signature by SO MUCH STUFF AAAAH and it now only contains a randomized Mewtini Poem (TM) and a random quote below it.

That was easy, but I miss my My Current Interests thing. And also my cool SPRITES. OH WELL GOOD THINGS HAVE PRICES
1000 or 1200

Skyrim.... attack of the bucket thief.

Yep look it up... apparently if you put a bucket over the clerk's head and block their line of sight they don't see you steal... therefore you didn't.... Hello funfun. Haven't laughed that hard since I discovered reverse pickpocketing live grenades in Fallout 3....

Exploding pants.

They had them.

Waitwaitwait...really? Gotta try this...
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o_0 Slowbro...

EDIT:No, elekid just like to play with my feelings...
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Took me two years, but I finally finished Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix... in Russian.

Like a boss.

Now I will start <Anna Karenina> and I will finish this other one I have started reading about the history of the USA. I am the language queen!

Also submitted a supplement today and wrote a couple of essays, ready to be corrected. Things are going pretty well. Not even gonna let my ex bother me because I AM THE RUSSIAN QUEEN
Took me two years, but I finally finished Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix... in Russian.

Like a boss.

Now I will start <Anna Karenina> and I will finish this other one I have started reading about the history of the USA. I am the language queen!

Also submitted a supplement today and wrote a couple of essays, ready to be corrected. Things are going pretty well. Not even gonna let my ex bother me because I AM THE RUSSIAN QUEEN

You are the winner

It is you
You have won 15,000 Neopoints!
You also win a Radioactive Muffin and a Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush!

My date yesterday went SO SUPER FANTASTIC and we only got through the first two LotR movies so GUESS WHAT I'M DOING NEXT SATURDAY?

So happy with how my fan fiction is doing. (It has a fan group in which characthers are shipped)

And what's online is so close to what I have written down, soon i'll just write things directly into the computer.

AAAAH So close to a scary and exciting part
Had alot of coffee, so I'm happy today~

I don't understand how you people can stand that bitter stuff x.x

But! I think I can actually draw ponies now! Will be uploading ASAP.
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