Kung Fu Ferret
The Sultan
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I just finished Final Fantasy VII after beating Ruby and Emerald Weapon and am just in a very good mood.
Congratulations! I could NEVER get past the part where Cloud has to be a cross-dresser.
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I just finished Final Fantasy VII after beating Ruby and Emerald Weapon and am just in a very good mood.
I just finished Final Fantasy VII after beating Ruby and Emerald Weapon and am just in a very good mood.
For Ruby, I used Knights of the Round linked with HP Absorb and Mimed it until it died. For Emerald, I gave Cloud four Hero Drinks, got both Cloud and Cid into 7777 mode, and then kept using Omnislash to hammer away at its remaining health.What did you use? Spamming Knights of the Round then 7777 mode usually does it for me lol
For Ruby, I used Knights of the Round linked with HP Absorb and Mimed it until it died. For Emerald, I gave Cloud four Hero Drinks, got both Cloud and Cid into 7777 mode, and then kept using Omnislash to hammer away at its remaining health.
For Ruby, I used Knights of the Round linked with HP Absorb and Mimed it until it died. For Emerald, I gave Cloud four Hero Drinks, got both Cloud and Cid into 7777 mode, and then kept using Omnislash to hammer away at its remaining health.
Yep, yep. Almost always works lol
On mine I ended up using the Final Attack materia paired with the Phoenix summon spell. I ended up with two (maybe even three?) of each Materia because I decided that I wanted to level all of the materia up so I'm pretty sure I had some Knights of the Round launched via Magic Counter, too. :')
Gold stars to...[The Omskivar] for a good sense of bro-ness