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The "Fwee" Thread

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I got honors for the third time in a row this year :D Marks are never a big deal for me (I'm pretty okay with B's and C's and even F's on individual tests and all, and C's on cards themselves, usually.) but holy crap the four day tesing tommorow has not gooten less.
I got 78/80 on my English Lit. coursework! :D How the fuzz I did it I don't know, but since I keep getting C's on the practice exam essays it should drag the marks up a little and help me not fail too obscenely!
Whee~ In one of my classes the teacher posted the marks last week, and I was about 1.5% below an A. I was pretty sad, but his tests were hard and compared to the rest of the class I'm doing well. (At least three are currently failing.) Anyway, report card came home today...and somehow my mark went up to an A! I'm very happy~
Got a 680 on the first of 3 practice Chemistry SAT Subject Tests I have. With a bit more review, I should have no trouble getting over 700 on the actual test! Woohoo!
Finally getting the hang of programming in TADS 3! :D At this rate, I might actually, y'know, finish the game I'm working on in the next century!
I just managed to make myself sit down and study/do homework for a half hour straight. =D I've been doing that occassionally today. Maybe there is hope for my school motivation, haha.

Finally beat the Elite F(our/ive) in Heartgold. First time I've ever beaten the league in any Pokemon game. I mean, I know I still have half the game to go, but... feels nice to finally accomplish that, you know?
school play audtions were today :D

not only did one of the guys come in with a top hat and a cane, but apparently i did well!
So, you've been using me, huh? That's all I was for you, a little toy? Those kisses weren't real, those hugs fake. You just wanted to get as much affection as you could, and then broke my heart when you had your fill.

Well, guess what? I've told my friends about your little Don Juan attitude, and your friends as well. I have a feeling that you won't be having them for very long now. Because now everyone hates you, you shoggard. I hope you enjoy the rest of the school year.

It seems I got the last laugh with my former best-friend and crush. Suck it, Silcox, suck it.
AP Compsci test pwned!

...well maybe not. Last free response question, what the fuck.

Just need to turn in AP Studio Art portfolio on friday and I'm basically done with high school!
did community service at a soup-kitchen-sorta thing.

served a bunch of poor/homeless people

the majority of them were actually incredibly kind! dude why can't everybody be like them, politeness-wise?

though there was one lady who was being relatively annoying (and of course, she just had to be under my jurisdiction) and complaining about the fact that the milk she got had an expiration date of today. (oh my god!)

basically she kept complaining and eventually left in a huff, and one of my friends walked by and was like "Was she yours? I'm so sorry."

and the chaperone told me i did a good job too! :)
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