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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Come to think of it I've seen a lot of female Meowths on GPX+. Can't recall seeing male one, in fact... excuse me while I construct a crackpot conspiracy theory.

I have a male Persian. C: I named him Edward.

Meanwhile, my Vaporeon and Lucario are level 90 and 94, respectively. Woooo.
Fucking hell, I didn't get a Moltres.


*cough* What do you mean, there's a big crossed-out message in the middle of this post? You must be hallucinating.
A human sexually attracted to pokemon? This must be looked into farther. :P

I have a new thing for Firefox which lets me do full party clicks in seconds. :3
Oh, I tried to get that once but it was mysteriously hard to find.

Also Hong Kong is now in his Origin Forme. :3
My favorite feature of that is, after you open whoever you're gonna click in a new window, you use the thing which open all selections in tabs in that window after highlighting all of their pokemon and eggs. From there, just go tab to tab and click all of the appropriate things. Once done, close the window.
Events seem to like you, Tailsy. THAT'S BECAUSE YOU GIVE OFF AWESOME VIBES

*ahem* My Eevee egg is going to hatch soon~
*oozes awesome*

Nah, I didn't get anything from the last event. :P I was kinda hoping for a Moltres, but whatever. Entei is cool~
Groudon? Eh, Groudon is okay :P I'd have sex with any event Pokemon now ;-;

Or a Luxray, even though it's not an event egg. Luxray, you sexy bastard.
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