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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Last one was female, so I grabbed this one.
I thought these were uncommon... o.o"
The Lab wants me to have Smeargles for some reason...

Also, Riolu is at max happiness, so I've boxed him until tomorrow.
...Gallade? :< What about male Gardevoir? Actually, if you don't want it, I'll take it. I won't be too heartbroken if someone else takes it first.

Eh... I was actually planning on keeping it :X I don't hold anything against Male Gardevoir (oh, I don't hold anything against the Pokemon version, either :B) but I want a Gallade.

If you were bored enough to read my entire wishlist, you'd realize that I want a female Gardevoir first, though :3 If you were even more bored, you'd make a Powerpoint of every DragCave dragon species in existence, like me

So, I boxed most of my hatched Pokemon (except Lilith, 'cause she's on my wishlist too), and adopted another Ralts and a Houndour instead. Left a space open for MOLTRES~

Oh, Moltres, if I get you (which I will >:F) then I'll name you Exordium. I know my Lapras is named that, but I'll change his name.

If I get an Articuno, I'll name it Taransay, and if I get Zapdos, I dunno what I'll name it (probably Muladach).
The event is tomorrow, right? It's one of those things where you're supposed to just browse the site and click people's eggs, then it randomly appears in your party?
...How exactly do these events work? I've never actually got anything during an event...

The only eggs of Pricklethroat and Grayfang that people have adopted were Eevee eggs. Surprise.
Bravewind is 3 levels away from evolution~
You just have to leave a space open. I'm waiting until the mysteries, none of the known ones are really interesting to me.

Also, does anyone know what a Snorunt egg looks like?
Wait Nvm I just got one xD
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You just have to leave a space open. I'm waiting until the mysteries, none of the known ones are really interesting to me.

Also, does anyone know what a Snorunt egg looks like?
Wait Nvm I just got one xD



Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a Snover, not a Snorunt.



Rather major difference :X
They just had a Ho-oh event though...
I'd be mad if it's a Ho-oh :/
Regirock seems more possible to me, because I don't think they've had a Regirock event at all yet.
^They also just had an Entei event, so~

And dammit, my Raikou egg is at 20,460/20,480 ;_;

Torture. And I have to go soon >:/

YES~ Thank you, whoever the hell clicked my egg~
Moltres today, keep five pokemon/eggs!

GPX+ said:
Children: Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg, Abandoned Egg

Somehow this is so ridiculous that it's funny.

EDIT TWO: http://gpxplus.net/info/ZmN4ZGR

Check out the heritage.
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Me neither.

With that done, there is about 5,000 people left who can get a legendary egg from this event.
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