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My Missingno. and Manaphy were just floating in the header. I have atrocious luck at finding anything in the Shelter or whatever :<
I think the best I have found in the shelter is that female Zergoose I have...I dunno though. Either that or clone charmander...^^ Now named after John redcorn from king of the hill for no reason. XD
I've never gotten anything really rare from the shelter. Just the odds and ends like Weedle, Seedot, Whismur, Shuppet, Buneary.... *rambles*
Ditto on Cryptica. ~ I missed a whole bunch of stuff in the past week, and I didn't even see a Shellderboy either...
But I've begun to search for a female Eevee.

My party is here:

As you see, nothing particularly special...

ohai gaise

So I'm looking for a shiny Sentret, trying to hatch starter eggs so I can be Professor Oak, and am totally gunna dress up this Metapod >:[
Just summoned:

EDIT: Just summoned and subsequently corrupted:

EDIT 2: This just appeared in my party:
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Those black fuzzy eggs are from a novelty called Pokii. My brother has one and he found its species. From the looks of things, a lot of people are getting them.

PS the Pokemon in my signature are in my PC.
Summoned a couple of days ago:

The griseous orb I used to get that came from the backroom. I'm surprised I managed to get it; there was only one in there, and I didn't notice it right away. I've also got a rainbow wing right now (that's what the Johto Master achievement gave me), but I'm gonna wait until one of my other high-maturity-requiring eggs hatches to use it.
Oh! Perfect timing. Sike Saner, I just got my first chest, and I was wondering...

how do I summon something?

I already have a Ho-Oh, so I'll probably sell the Rainbow Wing, but for future reference.

You do it on the lab page. Scroll down past the eggs far enough and you'll find a little image of the summoning item. Clicking it summons the egg, but you might have to refresh a few times before it appears. You've got five minutes before anybody else can even see it in the lab.

I usually use a repel after I've used the summoning item to make the egg appear right away. (Repels are activated on the lab page just like summoning items are; when you have a repel, a button appears under the lab eggs that you can click to use a repel.) Now, in the case of legendary eggs that I've already gotten before (e.g. groudon), however, I wouldn't use a repel because it would also repel the summoned egg. Also note that using a repel to make the summoned egg appear right away is likelier to work if your egg dex has a lot of entries; if you haven't gotten very many kinds of eggs, the repel won't repel very much.

Speaking of summoning, I used that rainbow wing and got that ho-oh egg yesterday. Also, I bought a lustrous orb after the reset and summoned this:



I actually initially refreshed past it, too. I noticed it only after hitting F5--the moment the page finished reloading, I used the repel I had lying around, and there that egg was again, sitting all alone. Yeah, good thing I had that repel then. X3 I'm still surprised that that egg was still there after even the tiny little amount of time that it took to use the repel, though. I'm guessing it probably helped that there wasn't like four digits' worth of users online at the time.
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So. Um. I have a tale of something that happened to me a few days ago.

I was looking through the Shelter, looking for something to pop up, when, lo and behold, a Pokii egg pops up! I click it, though I miss it, consumed with anguish, and refresh. After refreshing, I immediately click a Manaphy egg that appeared! I missed that too. Darn.
Best way to avoid such mishaps is to never, ever go to the shelter like me. I never go to the shelter and whichever Poke's I did adopt once long ago have now ended up back there.
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