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The GPX+ Fan Club

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Ouch. D: I've had some of the daycare eggs I released turn out to be shinies myself (specifically, there's a shiny pinsir, a shiny metagross, and a shiny ivysaur out there that I bred), but I wasn't hunting for any of those shinies at the time.

Haven't really done any shiny hunting to speak of, now that I think of it. Well, okay, I did a sort of half-assed shiny snorunt hunt once, but I didn't stick with it for very long at all. X3; I have yet to get any shinies on GPX+, but again, I've not really put any effort into trying to get any. Presently, I'm focused almost entirely on getting the badges.

Meanwhile, I accidentally put my scyther in the underground rather than the walker. XD; So yeah, that's going to put a little extra delay between me and the Hive Badge achievement that wouldn't have been there otherwise. X3
May 10 is gonna be my anniversary. I've lost two Winter Vulpix, 2 Clone Squirtles, 1 Clone Charmander and a Slime Slugma. One Clone Squirtle was 100% maturity but my computer lagged. The Slime Slugma was in the Safari Zone. Everything else were eggs. People don't seem to like Phiones cause I see like everyone have their eggs.
Got a Corruption Orb from the underground! Go Butterfree!
Shadow Lugia Shadow Lugia Shadow Lugia here we go.

Also got the 'over nine thousand!' achievement.
Hatched Rayquaza, finally. Not much else happening, except I only have a few Pokemon left till I get the Jhoto dex achievement. Hope the reward is good.
I had someone reales a shaymin for me but i didn't get it.... and of course the person who got it was a legend hoarder ;<; BUT I got a clone charmander and another dracowmysy... and Zergoose hope my underground pokemon brings me a summoning item
Oh no, my party is infected. I meant to remove them but now...
Got the Team Rocket achievement, hoping to get something from the "mystery" event.
I made account three millenniums ago but didn't start collecting until today. Found Absol and Larvitar eggs! :) Snorunt is pretty awesome, too. I wonder what that last egg is? I hope it's a Drowzee.

Fun fact: I literally lol'd at the "Ranch Undressing" achievement and Lord Shyguy's avatar.
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horkhork i haven't posted here in ages.

My current party:

Scout I'm training because SCOUT<3, Hammer is nearly level 100 (he was surprisingly easy to level), and I got another Missingno. egg the other day! woo.

I'm currently breeding Slime Slugmas, but once the pair in there is level 100 I'm going to swap them out for my Surskit and Pinser, since I have the Pokemon, but not the eggs =w= Surskit is the last common egg that I need to get for 100% completion in that area.

After that, though, anyone have ideas for what I should breed next? Take a look at my PC boxes and give me ideas 8D

...also I did this 8D
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