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The LGBT Club

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DO NOT duct tape hi do you want your skin to come off I didn't think so

I personally am graced with itty bitty titties, 34 B, so I can just wear two sports bras sized 32 B and get away with normal guy t-shirts.

Ace bandages kinda suck cause they make breathing hell. Also they kill your ribs.

Underworks is hosting a contest where every week five guys get free binders -- it asks for your name as well as your shipping name, so it's totally stealth. Fairly certain that normally underworks has a stealth option too... I don't know.

Besides, underworks sells all sorts of other stuff, too, so you could just explain it away as thus.
First of all, L'il Dawgie, that's nothing to be embarrassed of 'round here. Yeah, sperm bank is probably your best bet without not taking the estrogen (which I doubt you'd want to do), or you could adopt. I mean I know there's always the chance that you and your girlfriend (assuming that you did mean girlfriend by that one statement) might wanna do the whole "pregnancy" thing. Also, the legal stuff with adopting could get messy depending on where you are and whether you're legally considered male or female and if you can get married and whether just one of you would have to adopt the kid legally or not or whatever...
Aaah I'm just.. shaky, about those functions when it comes to myself. >_< And to be honest, I'm more embarrassed about asking my parents - thus I'm yet to look into it. Yeah, though.. There's no way I wouldn't want to take the HRT. When it comes down to it, it's cautionary; I don't want to be a year down the line and realise that I was an idiot for not saving anything. As was mentioned, there's something about blood-family. But I only have my thoughts on one person, the same one I mentioned in my previous CC thread - My "sister" whom is keeping me arms-length currently. I'm unsure WHERE that would go, even being in another relationship if it doesn't work out, which is why I suppose I say I'm still a bit torn.
I HATE, HATE HATE HATE the idea of what feels like pawning off something like pregnancy on someone else. I absolutely don't want to put ANYONE through that kind of ordeal; I'd want to go through it myself. I feel like a user otherwise, someone else sacrificing their comfort and body.. And then connection you feel from harbouring your own offspring. But I'm just incapable of that unless science comes a LONG way in little time on it.. Adoption as such seems like a really good option, but again.. blood offspring. Not to mention, my genes with hers in particular... It's a tough position.. Because I still feel like I could never put her through that. It's even been offered that she'd do it WITHOUT being in a relationship - as in acting as surrogate mother should I be involved with someone else, but there's not even a chance I could do that.
Then there's the legal issues, albeit; She's a biological female, while my documentation will for likely a long time read that I'm a biological male. It might mitigate those adoption issues.. though I don't know.

And thanks, VPLJ. Yes, my parents are still being difficult.. But I've found out the hormones are covered by insurance as I mentioned, so there's really nothing they can do. (Since I wouldn't have the money to pay for them on my own) I do still get lots of arguments started up, ramblings about how they wish it were different and etcetera, but I think at this point they know they can't stop me..
I know how it is to be in that position too, it took me ages to tell anyone - I was terrified. But as I've talked more about it, it's become much, much easier. I don't know if you have someone, a CLOSE friend or trusted therapist, but if you can open to SOMEONE suddenly it becomes easier. At least, it did for me. The first person I told was my "sister" I've mentioned - I was terrified I would be thrown out the door by her, outed, disconnected from all my friends.. But instead she ended up helping me form an entire support string to where I was able to tell my parents. It always feels like noone will accept it as you tell them, and it's hard, they're not going to react well; Parents just.. don't. But waiting doesn't change that either. Nowadays I'm adamant about it to them, and it's helped me have the foundation of necessity that even they couldn't deny.
I don't know if that's any help at all, and I'd hope you would be able to establish a similar comfort..

Anyway... [/EndBrainsplat]
Why do all these guys have bigger boobs than me? D:

I think Alexi meant duct-taping over the tight t-shirt, but I can't imagine that'd be too effective, and the restricted breathing aspect would, uh, kinda suck.

I feel your pain on the wanting to order embarassing stuff off the 'net (granted, my 'embarassing thing' was £50's worth of Pokemon cards, which doesn't really compare); could you get your own debit card? My sister's 16 and she's got one and can order stuff online with it. I'd suggest either that or coming up with some really elaborate lie about what you're really ordering with your mum's, because I can't imagine the home-made versions being either comfortable or entirely safe.

Dwagie, I think it'd be a good idea if you asked a specialised MtF message board/community about things like hormones and sperm preservation - only because I think they'd give you better, more accurate information than we have. Plus, if you're embarrassed, you could use any random name and nobody'd know it's you~
(basically, I have no idea, but I wanted to be helpful ):)
How come I don't get reply notification emails? O.o

@Verne: Nice, I'd go out with tha- *shot*

@Dwagie: HOORAY X3

I can't wait to see what you look like afterwards :3
speaking of which... i straight-up come out to my class tomorrow. Via my speech. About that essay that I had to do. Reminds me, I promised to upload it, huh?

Also the wait on prop 8's decision is gonna /kill/ me, it's not 10 pst until I'm in drama. ew.
how'd it go verne huh huh huh

also: why are there so many lesbians here when there are practically zero at another forum I go to

(seriously the gay forum there is like full of cock)
That was weird.

I totally went through with it. But I don't think it registered for anyone but my friend who already knew who was like 'lolwhut?'
I mean... it's good, yeah, but... he hasn't really done much about DADT yet and he's been able to do so for absolutely ages. Plus, all the talking about "equality" with "civil unions" and not a mention of marriage just seems a little hypocritical.

As it's been said:
The big thing missing from this document is the "when." Also, there's no mention about progress in the states that now have marriage equality, or the setback of Prop 8. It was a perfect opportunity to do this, but alas, no.

I mean, it's good... but it could be better :/
I don't see the point in gay marriage tbh.

You get more benefits by being a de facto couple and you don't have to go through divorce and crap if it doesn't work out.

My boyfriend wants to get married, but I don't see the point.

Then again, he also wants children....*shudders*
The point is equality.

Cause everyone else gets marriage and we're stuck on a lower level.

It's the fact that we could access marriage if we so wanted, complete with all the benefits and titles of a straight couple; it sets us on the same level as them, which is where we belong, cause we deserve not to have to have clubs and support groups and shit because we're not different than anyone else cept in who we like or how we express ourselves.
The point is equality.

Cause everyone else gets marriage and we're stuck on a lower level.

It's the fact that we could access marriage if we so wanted, complete with all the benefits and titles of a straight couple; it sets us on the same level as them, which is where we belong, cause we deserve not to have to have clubs and support groups and shit because we're not different than anyone else cept in who we like or how we express ourselves.

I see your point there.

In Queensland, Australia, two single gay people living in the same house will get more benefits than a married couple. What the Queensland gays want is the right to marry, but to keep the benefits of a single same-sex couple.

It kinda screws it for the rest of us because all people want is more more more :/
Same-sex couples want to marry because it's the thing everyone's raised with - the ideal of marriage, eternal bonding and all that. Plus I want to be able to refer to my partner as 'wife' if we feel we should be a married couple. :/

(in other news, oh my god, I'm so happy I finally got round to watch the L Word <3)
Same-sex couples want to marry because it's the thing everyone's raised with - the ideal of marriage, eternal bonding and all that. Plus I want to be able to refer to my partner as 'wife' if we feel we should be a married couple. :/

(in other news, oh my god, I'm so happy I finally got round to watch the L Word <3)

Most people in Australia these days are raised with abuse and divorce D:

My parents divorced and it took them 2 and a half years to finally finish the settlement. This leads me to believe that marriage is useless and only costs you a shitload in the end :/
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