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The Math Contest



I'm to use Androgynous Porygon and use the above theorem, which is finding the dihedral angle of an Icosidodecahedron.

I'm going to have the lights out completely, and the curtain closed behind Porygon, with my theorem written on them.

I'm going to start by having Porygon use sharpen and form into and Icosidodecahedron. Then when you are in this form, use Flash, but use it just to light up your form.

At this point I want the light to only light up one of his dihedral angles.

I want Porygon to Psychic up anything he can grab (books, pens, paper, etc. NOT humans.) and form the theorem and have it hover above his dihedral angle, as to represent the theorem goes with that angle.

Sharpen ~ Flash ~ Psychic
I call 20 BP then 40 BP then 60 BP power STUPID MATHEMATICIAN COMBO!!!!

also im joining
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Just wondering, how breakable is the ground around the stage? Enough for, say, Rock Slide or Earth Power?

Or are we not allowed to use it?
Meh, the flooring's made of wood in places and linoleum in places. Pretty breakable if you ask me, but please don't wreck the flooring. So that's a sorry, no, you're not allowed to use it.
Yes, but don't deliberately try to damage it. Nothing that will irreplaceably damage the floor. Burns and water are fine.
All righty, then. Quabbel the Frillish, it's your turn to shine. You will be dressed in a regal, light cyan gown from the neck down. I'll be taking it easy this first round, demonstrating the Pythagorean theorem if I may.

First of all, I want you to use a quick Ice Beam, but draw it out as long as possible and try to draw a right triangle on the floor. Also, make sure that each of the legs (but not the hypotenuse) is one side of a square, sort of like this:


...where anything not a dot is the frost from the Ice Beam. Following that, use Water Pulse or Scald (whichever can get you more precision; you know best) to fill up the Ice squares with water . Basically, the ice should make a slight bump, try to fill in the area inside that bump. Basically, fill up the squares marked in red in the above diagram. Then, quickly (so the water doesn't have time to seep away or something) follow up with a big, long Psychic and pick up both squares of water (making sure to preserve the square form, holding each molocule in the exact same place relative to each other, you should be basically holding two square sheets made of water), then combine them into one larger square with the same proportions and the same mechanics; but make sure to keep the thickness of the water the same so as not to skew the results. Then, hold the water up vertically for the crowd to see and then make it hover horizontally above the line of Ice that's still there, so that one side of the large water square is directly above the remaining line, proving that a²+b²=c².

Ice Beam ~ Scald/Water Pulse ~ Psychic
Can I start the appeal with my flying Pokemon already in the air, or at least hanging on to a curtain somewhat high up?
ugh there goes my Ancientpower ~ Earth Power + Fissure appeal

Let's go with the same "all radii of a circle are congruent" idea and put a different spin on it, though! Jet's up.

Start in the center of the semi-ellipsis and create a Twister/Whirlwind by flying around the circumference of the future tornado-circle to make it as large as possible without being bigger than the platform (whichever would have more rotational and staying power; choose Twister if the difference is marginal); try to make it as perfect as possible. Featherdance up in quick succession and spread the feathers around, then land in the center of the circle. Now, Heat Wave if you think you can control it precisely enough to make it expand at the same rate in a circle around you, Dark Pulse if you can't. Be sure to destroy the tornado-thing, though.

Twister/Whirlwind + Featherdance ~ Heat Wave/Dark Pulse

Edit: And this represents the theorem by making all feathers burn up/explode in puffs of darkness at the same time, which would not happen if circles were ellipses. I think.
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Can I start the appeal with my flying Pokemon already in the air, or at least hanging on to a curtain somewhat high up?


Is this considered an acceptable theorem to appeal to?

... I just thought this would be easy. My brain almost exploded today; this was a stupid idea. I really, really hate math.

You might want to reconsider that. It's going to be really, really hard to make a creative appeal with it. But if you have some idea burning up inside your head, you could.

are we allowed to have props, and can we use more then one pokemon?

Yes to props, no to multiple Pokémon.
Ok, I'm gonna be soooo simple and just use symetry and angles.

God, let's do this. Ok god, use scald on the floor, creating a scalene angle. Then, use scald again, but make an obtuse angle in which the two ends meet up with the two ends of the scalene angle, making a right triangle. now, use scald to make a line of symetry in the polygon. The hot boiling water should glisten to the audience, becoming beautiful light, possibly rainbow colours, reflecting from the water.

Scald (Make a scalene angle)~Scald(Make an Obtuse angle)~Scald(Make a line of symmetry, in which all the boiling water create a reflection of rainbow colours.)
Ok, I'm gonna be soooo simple and just use symetry and angles.

God, let's do this. Ok god, use scald on the floor, creating a scalene angle. Then, use scald again, but make an obtuse angle in which the two ends meet up with the two ends of the scalene angle, making a right triangle. now, use scald to make a line of symetry in the polygon. The hot boiling water should glisten to the audience, becoming beautiful light, possibly rainbow colours, reflecting from the water.

Scald (Make a scalene angle)~Scald(Make an Obtuse angle)~Scald(Make a line of symmetry, in which all the boiling water create a reflection of rainbow colours.)

What's your theory/theorem/postulate?
Alright, then I'm going to use F= ma. Hooray for Science!

Alright, so I'll be using Clyde, my Numel. He'll be dressed up as Zorro, the Mexican vigilante. (mostly it's a black hat, cape, and mask, but.)

My props will be many pre-made steel walls (Prisms?), approximately ten feet tall and three feet wide, with thicknesses of one foot, three feet, and five feet. They will be set up like dominoes, spelling out F= ma, arranged so that the F= is one structure, consisting of a series of one foot thick walls, and the ma is a series of three and five foot think walls. Clyde will use Flame Charge to initiate the first series of walls, and he will do the same for the other one, this will show the theorem by making his acceleration greater. Lastly, use Yawn and fall to the ground as if you were going to nap. Remember to be cute.

Flame Charge~Flame Charge~Yawn and pretend to nap
Alright, then I'm going to use F= ma. Hooray for Science!

Alright, so I'll be using Clyde, my Numel. He'll be dressed up as Zorro, the Mexican vigilante. (mostly it's a black hat, cape, and mask, but.)

My props will be many pre-made steel walls (Prisms?), approximately ten feet tall and three feet wide, with thicknesses of one foot, three feet, and five feet. They will be set up like dominoes, spelling out F= ma, arranged so that the F= is one structure, consisting of a series of one foot thick walls, and the ma is a series of three and five foot think walls. Clyde will use Flame Charge to initiate the first series of walls, and he will do the same for the other one, this will show the theorem by making his acceleration greater. Lastly, use Yawn and fall to the ground as if you were going to nap. Remember to be cute.

Flame Charge~Flame Charge~Yawn and pretend to nap

Question: for mathematical theories, can we use things that are more "science" than "math"? I'm thinking of things like the laws of thermodynamics, laws of gravity, electrical resistance laws, stuff like that. They all involve math in their applications, but are somewhat easier to illustrate via reactions and interactions, rather than just being math for math's sake.

Urf. I'm going to go ahead and say no, for the moment. Sorry :(

Yeah, sorry. Maybe I'll allow them in a later round.

EDIT: Also, I thought you meant props like what you dress your Pokémon up as, not setting up a stage. Sorry, but nothing that excessive in props. You can dress your Pokémon however you like, though.
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There's no such thing as a scalene angle, as far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a scalene triangle?
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