• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The New Kid on the Block~

Inept At Normal

New member
Uh. Hi.

My name is Inept At Normal. I'm a rather unactive member of the studio-revolution forums, so some of you may know me from there. I've been considering joining this forum for quite a while, but haven't because I've been very focused on my schoolwork, and also I'm generally too lazy. But hey! Here I am.

First of all, I'm going to get some intial things out of the way. I find that the following things can turn some people away from me, so it's best I get them out in the open. *ahem*

I am fourteen. I am not, however, some unintelligent nitwit who lies around and accepts everything everyone around him says to be true. I am a skeptic, and I've read just as many Richard Dawkins books as the next guy.

I am gay. This does not mean that I'm going to hit on you if you're male and that I'm going to beg you to go to the mall to me if you're female. I watch football (the American kind), go hunting, and make grunting sounds when I lift heavy things.

I am an athiest. I've also grown up a very strict Evangelical family. Upon my 'coming out', everyone assumed that I was just doing some petty teenager thing and that they could bully me back into it. However, when I countered them with logical arguments, they were taken aback. My relationship with my family isn't the best, but I love them, and I think they respect me that much more for sticking up for what I believe in.

Are you still there? Good. From what it seems, TCoD isn't a judging type of place, but I thought I'd put it out there as often people find these things to be reasons not to like me, and I really don't want to be associated with these people. So, there you go.

I can't promise I'll be on very often, but I'll try to stay relativly active. This forum seems to be a very open-minded place, and I'd like to be part of that.

So. *bows out*
First off, Welcome to TCoD! Most of us here tend not to be the judging type, so you shouldn't worry! I'm an open minded person, so I believe we could get along! I personaly believe you can't judge someone until you walk in their shoes, so we shouldn't have any trouble with each other! You should fit right in here!

Second, I shall direct you to the Role-Playing thread! It's quite fun there if you like that!

Also, I am a Moogle, kupo. =3
Hi, fellow atheist! Yeah, we don't judge here. Not unless you're Turbo, anyway... are you Turbo? No? You'll be fine then.

This is the time when I'm supposed to recommend you to the Animé-Style Battling and Safari Zone forums. See, I just did, right on schedule.

See you around! I'm confident we'll become the best of friends.
Won't judge? He'll fit right in! Also, if you actually like debating, we have a nice Theism and Religion thread down in Serious Business for you! ;)
So you're an atheistic homosexual who reads Richard Dawkins?

That's an accurate profile of about 90% of our members here.

Have fun.
Gee, everyone, thanks for the introductions!

I'd like to join your RPGs, etc, but I'm afraid that after some time will stop being here too consistantly and I don't want to cause anyone any inconvienace. Your ASB system is very interesting, however, and I want to check that out at some point.

Believe it or not I read that Theism thread before joining. Many people made very good points on both sides of the arguments, and I saved them onto word. I don't think there's much I can contribute (Eevee, opaltiger, and Music Dragon usually beat the crap out of everyone), but I'll always be lurking.

Turbo is Celstial Blade, right? I remember reading that somewhere.

Will I fit right in? Heh. Thanks. I hope to be a helpful member of society, at any rate.

(And no one gave me the tea and cod line! That makes me grr-y.)
Nah, most of us gave up the teacod thing long ago. I'll temporarily revive it especially for you, though, since you asked:
Would you like some tea and cod?
No, no! It was something along the lines of:

"Welcome to TCoD, where we drink our tea and eat our cod!" with various small variations. It's so sad - I always loved that about this forum.

(A for the effort, though! :3)
Hello Inept At Normal! I'm Mini Moonwalker, TCoD's always happy, peppy King of Pop fan. Welcome to the TCoD Forums, where we drink tea and eat cod! Would you like some?

Haha, that aside, welcome! Hm, I do think that you'll really enjoy this place! No one judges anyone here, so have no worries! Ooh, hunting? How cool! If I remember correctly, we do have a Hunting thread somewhere around here... And wow! I think you'l fit in perfectly here! A lot of our members are just like you, so make yourself comfortable and at home! Please do enjoy it here, and I hope to see your around! :D
Welcome toTCoD!

The meat-eating welcome mats are allergic to chicken, by the way.
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Ah, don't worry you'll find many people who are on the same boat as you are... and what an introduction!

I am Phantom, I won't bother shouting meme's at you so don't worry. I am the resident Doctor Who obsessed member, as you can most likely tell. Welcome to TCoD!
My name's Arylett and you have interested me, good sir. You seem like the type I'd like to talk to! Welcome, welcome, yes. Pretty much, most of these forums is what you are, so... you really won't have any problem.

I also must say that I do like your username, ahaha. It caught my attention.

So that's all I got to say! I do make many welcomings to you, and hope sincerely that you have a most frimply time. Whatever that means.
Hello and welcome to tCoD! May I just call you Inept?

You seem like an awesome person, and as Karkat Vantas has already pointed out, you aren't so different from many of us. :) Hope you enjoy your time here!
Yeah, Inept's perfect. It's what I usually like to be called, actually.


Thanks. (And gee, everyone's so nice here. That makes me feel all squigly inside.)
Hey, a new person! Why do the interesting ones show up while I'm gone? I'm Blastoi-erm, uh, Foamy, and it's nice to meet you, Sir Inept. I highly recommend ASB, as it's one of the best leagues around the net, and I hope to see you there at some point like you said. (Also, being gay here is like being a tree in the jungle)

Also, your avatar is adoratasticelicious.
I'm asexual, I'm like... something that is not a tree in that forest. Glargh, I'm awful at metaphors.

I like calling people Inept! I prefer to describe it as their ineptitude, but that works too I guess.
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