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The Pokemon Academy

I didn't manage to get to updating the list yet, but I did create the special challenge, which actually relies on luck. Anyway, I'll update the list tomorrow if I have time.

Squornshellous Beta:
Prize: growlithe (Male)
Then, in the forest:
pidgey (Female)
Poke Balls left: 12

starly *SHINY* (Female)
Poke Balls left: 5
Your sacrifice worked, it seems. Maybe Jashin was just waiting to give you this.

Edit: If you want to know what the challenge is, it has been edited into the front post.
I didn't manage to get to updating the list yet, but I did create the special challenge, which actually relies on luck. Anyway, I'll update the list tomorrow if I have time.

Squornshellous Beta:
Prize: growlithe (Male)
Then, in the forest:
pidgey (Female)
Poke Balls left: 12

You've spelt 'Rattata' wrong in the first post, by the way.
You hear a soft, sad mewing coming from behind a tree. A Glameow pads into the space in front of you. Before you even think about catching it you notice a collar around it's neck. You realize that it is the missing pet of one of the students. You bring it around to her, and when it sees her, it jumps into her arms.

To thank you for reuniting her with her her pet, she gives you a repel. "It will prevent any common Pokemon from appearing." she explained. "But you can only use it once. And you must use it in this forest, to demonstrate it's use for the class." She then walked away with her Glameow, leaving you with this useful item.
I didn't manage to get to updating the list yet, but I did create the special challenge, which actually relies on luck. Anyway, I'll update the list tomorrow if I have time.

Squornshellous Beta:
Prize: growlithe (Male)
Then, in the forest:
pidgey (Female)
Poke Balls left: 12

starly *SHINY* (Female)
Poke Balls left: 5
Your sacrifice worked, it seems. Maybe Jashin was just waiting to give you this.

Edit: If you want to know what the challenge is, it has been edited into the front post.

Catach. Now I has 3 shinnehs. They're all pathetic Sinnoh Pokes. Bidoof, Budew, and Starly
Squornshellous Beta:

You used the repel, scaring away all of those boring, common Pokemon.
pidgeotto (Male)
Poke Balls left: 12

Walking on, you notice a
sentret (Female).
Poke Balls left: 4

For some reason, this teacher can be in two places at once. This is how she manages to give you your test.
1. Where can you catch Zapdos?
2. What movie does Moltres appear in?
3. Who is the champion of the Johto region?
4. Which event item can be used to catch Darkrai?
5. Which type does Wattson train?
6. Can Machamp breed?
7. What color is shiny Sunflora (the main color)?
8. Who is the leader of the Pewter Gym?
9. Does Dawn (anime) have a Furret?
I'm not sure I'm going to pass this.

1. Power Plant in RBYFRLGHHGSS, Roaming in Platinum.
2. What movie does Moltres appear in? The Power of One
3. Who is the champion of the Johto region? Lance, the Dragon Tamer.
4. Which event item can be used to catch Darkrai? Secret Key, I think?
5. Which type does Wattson train? Electric
6. Can Machamp breed? Yes.
7. What color is shiny Sunflora (the main color)? Gold
8. Who is the leader of the Pewter Gym? Brock.
9. Does Dawn (anime) have a Furret? No.
You were so close! You use the member pass to catch Darkrai. Don't feel bad, though. I'm not very familiar with the events myself.

Poke Balls left: 8
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