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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

(((He dosen't... I'll post his moveset on the social group.)))

"Let's hurry!" Ohayou called, grabbing onto Spin.
He took off after Blade.
"Doesn't Sunny Day weaken Moonlight?" Aria asked skeptically. "To heal him as much as you can, it would be better if it were raining."

"But," Aria lamented after a moment, "None of my Pokémon know Rain Dance, which makes Moonlight stronger."
Earacor sighed. "I will be ok. Now that I am conscious..."

The god began to glow as his Recover attack spread across his body. Soon, all of his injuries were gone. "There we go"
((All right then, start over.))

"Morning Sun after Moonlight, just like the real day..." Aria commented. "That's smart, Blade. Good thinking." She continued behind the others, and with each step, she grew more anxious to heal Earacor. She couldn't and wouldn't let the Pokémon of the Forest die.
"You still need something," insisted Lucidia.
"You might get a scar," added Joy. "It would be unsightly. And we need to heal Shimmer's pulled wing muscle anyway, so we may as well treat you as well."
Earacor grinned and began to use Recover on all of the trainers and their Pokemon. Soon, everybody was at full health. He grinned. "Hey, I AM a god, am I not?"

[Echo, I took back control of Earacor as him and TAW are not fighting anymore]
Aria grinned. "Sincerely, thank you, Earacor. But... why can't you do that to yourself? And I thought gods were immortal." She had a slightly questioning look on her face, but didn't show any disrespect at all toward the god.
(((I thought so :D)))

"So... Are you ready to fight, Earacor? Because we are!"
"'God' may be a term of exaggeration," said Tsukimaru, and turned to Earacor.

"Thank you," he said sincerely.
"Thank you." Blade calmly said to everyone, including Earacor. "Everyone here helped to save the forest god, so they all deserve to be thanked. Now who's ready to destroy Rocket for what they've nearly done?" he said and sent out all six of his Pokemon, ready to fight.
"Me, totally!" Aria said. "For the forest! Let's do it!" She looked up at the sky, and then at the nearby treetops.
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