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The servant headquarters

Seedeth gives you a Magneton! She was grining evily and stroking the emotionless pokemon's magnets before giving you it.
Seedeth returns with a male trapinch, grinning at the poor quivering thing before handing him to you.
For cage 1, Seedeth gives you....a male Togetic! You'd better wash that before you use it...

For cage 4, Seedeth gives you...a male Cyndaquil! A rare find indeed.

omg If I get another i'll evovle them until I have one of each member!
One go for evolved Pokémon down cage route 1, and the same for cage route 5.
Then, one go for unevolved Pokémon down cage route 2, and the same for cage route 4.

So, that's a total of $10~
Cage route 1
Seedeth gives you a male Togetic! She strokes the feathers fondly, seeming to be happy to have business again.

Cage route 2 (unevolved)
Seedeth pushes out a female Drowzee, who is grinning a scary grin which is even freaking out the Aipom who is handing her over.

Cage route 4 (unevolved)
Seedeth hands over a male Koffing, coughing herself at the smoke that the pokemon is giving off.

Cage route 5
Seedeth hands you a genderless Magneton. "I use these to pick up stray paper clips" She says, looking shy.

Seedeth hands over a male Pelipper! The white bird shivers uncontrolably while the aipom hands him over.

Seedeth hands you a female fearow. The bird pecks her before she hands her to you, and makes a shrill cawing noise.
Haha, glad the rng likes you.

Because it knows me from prior meetings. We used to play poker every second and third Monday of the month. (Although I SWEAR those cards it had weren't randomly generated.))

And a go down evolved route four. Or whichever is the Gorund type.
That is cage route 3, my good friend. But I will let you off. =]

Seedeth hands over to you something that looks a little like a tree. You are about to throttle the Aipom for trying to scam you when the female shudowoodo sneezes and gets your attention. You shyly walk away from the slightly annoyed Aipom, and sneak out before she makes YOU the next part of her extensive collection.


After looking at the running figures that rush past you and feeling a little confused, you slap your money on the table with a big grin. Seedeth hands you over a male Numel, who is dribbling lava everywhere.
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Seedeth gives you a male Aerodactyl! He looks like he is going to bite the poor Aipom's head off when she gives him to you.
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