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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Luigi rolled around on the ground, trying to put the flames out. He was on his back when the angel Pit slashed at him with his swords. Luigi went flying off of the edge, but not before he fired off several fireballs at Pit, aiming at his toga.
Mecha Sonic, now in his room and recharging, was lost in thought.

I let the promise of victory overwhelm me. My earlier victory over Tails blinded me. I underestimated that Knight, and he weakened me enough for that cursed fox to finish the job.

Why? I've lost to Tails before. Why should this one be any different?

He couldn't find out any factors that could make this defeat any different than his previous ones.

This place is filled with too many random factors. Far too many
Startled, Skylar rushed over to the edge, calling to Luigi. "Hope you don't mind this!" He stuck out his long tongue to maximum length and took Luigi in his mouth. Luigi had just been in range. Lucky for him. At that, Skylar gently spit Luigi out back onto the stage.

((Assuming he fell off; if he flew into the air, ignore this.))
"Aack," Pit yelped, and tried to dodge roll get out of the way of the fire, failing completely. He slapped at his burnt tunic before jumping in the air. Now, let's see about that Yoshi.. Pit spun his blades thoughtfully.
"Anything I can do to help?" Bowser asked. He thought it was rather ironic that both he and Luigi could use fire, but that just might be to his advantage -- that was, if he could think of a way to use it.
Ike saw the fox pull out a bomb and throw it. He dodged toward Tails, but it still wasn't enough to escape a bit of he blast. He was thrown a few feet, and got up by rolling at Tails. He ran over to him and, while running, took his sword on the ground, and fliped it over his head to the other side.
((Up smash, while running.))
Tails saw the bomb make contact, which gave him enough time to get a good grip on Ike's location again. Instead of jumping, he rolled under Ike's swing and did a sweeping kick to Ike's legs.
"Umm, thanka you, Skylar," Luigi said, wiping Yoshi spit off of his ruined overalls. With that, Luigi ran over to a platform, jumped at it, wall-skipped off of it, and landed on the topmost platform. hanging onto the edge of the floatinf platform, Luigi fired off several one-handed shots of fire at Pit before falling down onto Bowser and atempting to grab his horns.
Bowser watched Luigi as he hopped up a to a platform. He hung on the edge. Swiftly, a plan formed in Bowser's mind. I hope this works ((and that this isn't godmoding)). He jumped up slightly, tucked into his shell and began spinning around in a Whirling Fortress attack.
I exist for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic. I will not be destroyed permanently until I step over his corpse.

But now I can comprehend something else: there are fighters- biologicals, no less- that can show power I thought would be beyond them. I have lost the power of my nano-tech while coming to this place, but if I were able to copy this power, i may finally achieve my goal.

But would that be enough?

There has always been some sort of factor that has prevented me from killing him, whether it was miscalculation on my part, or simply something out of factoring, it doesn't matter.

In a fair fight- nothing to interfere with us, no holds-barred, I should win. I am more powerful, I have more knowledge of combat, I am greater.

But I don't win, for some reason. That cursed hedgehog has triumphed over me when the odds are in my favor. There can only be one reason: There is something that he fights for.

There's something all of his friends fight for.

What could it be?

Mecha's eye began to fade, as he went into a total dormant state. If he wanted to completely rearm and repair himself, he would have to go dormant for now.

((This is my sort of segway into "not being here for tomorrow, Saturday, and all of next week.))
((It's fine with me))

Luigi had just gotten a grip on Bowser's horns when the draconic turtle jumped up and started spinning.

Why is it always ME who gets spun around so much I almost puke? he asked himself before he was flung away from Bowser. Thinking quickly, Luigi tensed in midair, aimed his head at his old enemie's ((presumably soft-er)) underbelly, and attacked with a Green Missile.
The fox rolled around him and kicked under his legs. Ike fell, to the ground but quickly rolled behind the fox, for it hadn't moved. He lifted his sword and slammed it to the ground on either side of him, starting near his enemy.
((Down smash.))
((Alright, guys. I'm thinking about removing the "Alternate Personality" thing in the forms and adding a new rule stating that characters must act as they do in the games. It's not as if anyone but me uses it and even I really don't feel like playing as my version of Meta Knight anymore. So uh... what do you guys think?))
"Excuse me?" A familiar figure nudged Meta Knight, who was still lying in bed. "I have a message from the DM. Apparently you're getting taken out due to a new rule that's in place. I'm your replacement." He nudged a little harder. "Wake up or I'll drag you out."

"...Five more minutes." Meta Knight rolled over and faced the other way.

Sighing, the other Meta Knight walked around him, picked his foot up, and shoved him out of the top bunk. He hit the carpet below with a loud THUD after falling about four feet and getting tangled in the blankets.

"Was that really necessary?!" he shouted angrily at Meta Knight #2.

"Yes it was," he replied. "Now come on. Out the door. Back from whence you came."

"But... but..." he attempted to give him puppy-dog eyes and failed miserably.

"Look, do you think I want to do this?"
He nodded.
"I don't. But don't take it too harshly. Sometimes change is good."
"No it isn't."
"Would you please just go?" He hopped down from the top bunk and made his way towards Meta Knight.
"No need to get pushy," he snapped. "I'm going." He stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

Meta Knight stared at the blanket still on the floor for a few seconds before picking it up and climbing into bed.

((Yeah, I know, I can't do something so simple as change my character's personality without making a filler out of it. But it's a good excuse to break in the new Meta Knight.
In terms of plot, disregard this post.))
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The sword caught Tails from underneath. He toppled over and slid across the ground. He pulled himself up, but was feeling very weak. He was very sure he wasn't going to last much longer, so with the last of his strength, he ran full-tilt at Ike, hoping to grab him and fling him off the stage.
((If this goes on for much longer we're going to pretend that no tourney ever happened and instead do Target Test. >:/))
Tails felt the sword catch him right in the gut. The sword swung outwards, flinging Tails at an amazing speed.

Well, at least I beat Mecha Sonic...

((Should we PM Blastoise and tell him to post or something? If one's attacking the other and "the other" isn't posting, neither post because the other won't react.))
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