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Blastoise: Looks pretty good, though I'd say it's a little small. The shading seems right, though.
Is the official DPPt shiny sprite;
Not bad, but it's a recolor. Nothing else.Oh yeah. Sorry, I had it in my storage.
What about this?
This is my new best sprite. Finished about... a few hours ago. >:3
First map. I think I like it... *squints*
My main problem with this is the lack of logical geography. You seemed to have thrown the routes, mountains, and islands any old where. See, the thing about designing a region is that you've gotta make it interesting. Take into account the hypothetical player's experience. You'd want varied terrain: coastal areas, rugged mountain passes, lush forests... and well-placed cities, on rivers and suchlike. It definitely helps to sketch out your region on paper first, and think about major landmarks: what makes your region special?
The other issue is the spriting mechanics. Regions are tricky-- they've got a lot of minutiae that's very hard to convey in text like this. And don't ask me to go over your map with a fine-toothed comb; I read a tutorial when I did mine. Basically, though: you've gotta use the brown for the coast (as you've done for the southeast of the main island) on the entire south side of all the islands. And the light blue border only on the edge of that coast, not randomly dotted around the islands any which way.
Third is a simple, silly thing: you freehanded the blue for the ocean, right? Don't. Use the oval tool; if it's nice and even, nobody will know.
Follow up or at least regard my crit or I will be sad. :<