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I know, I can't get it any rounder without redoing the whole head. ><Ruffled - theres something wrong with the head on that one - Umbreon's is more rounded than that, IIRC.
Its really nice for a scratch but I can't really see the outline in Roar of Time.
I know, I can't get it any rounder without redoing the whole head. ><
*shrugs* I believe it is fine the way it is.Then redo the head. If you want it to look nicer, that is.
Another repose for the collection. Glaceon platinum sprite used.![]()
First rainbow. Crits?
The rock head thing looks a little big, like it's covering the whole other side of the head.![]()
Made from torkoal, lairon, pidgeot and wartortle.
C+cc please.
It's a little hard to critique rainbows, unless there are quality errors. Which I see none of.
The head is too small. Also, the shell is too flat and crowded with spikes. They should be small and aplied to an obviously rounded shell.
Shouldn't the green be fringed at the top, rather than recoloring a whole section? (Assuming it's supposed to be algae)
That's smoke. >.>The rock head thing looks a little big, like it's covering the whole other side of the head.