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The Spriter's Showcase!

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Another repose for the collection. Glaceon platinum sprite used.
Ruffled - theres something wrong with the head on that one - Umbreon's is more rounded than that, IIRC.
Yes. OK, the tentacle things aren't smooth enough. OK, they aren't supposed to be but if you look on the one on the right it has the curve but also lots of little bumps. If that was intended then cool. Apart from the fact I have no idea the red things near the hat are it's good.
Here are four sprites I made. Two Eevee/Skitty[Skitvee & Evitty] and two Delcatty/Espeon[Deleon & Espatty]. I did two because I wanted to try both bases. The background is just RS's trees and ground so don't pay any attention to it.


The Eevee base is Evitty and the Skitty base is Skitvee. The Espeon base is Espatty and the Delcatty base is Deleon.

Evitty: We're trapped! *runs in circles*
Skitvee: Cheer up and smile :D
Deleon: Yes Skitvee's right Evitty, be happy. Even I look up to Skitvee's greatness.
Espatty: o_O
Deleon doesn't have enough espeon in it for my liking, and neither does Espatty. But the skitty/eevee ones look perfect from what I can see of em.

Edt: And, the shading on Deleon's tail looks a bit odd. It shouldn't be so light.
I have crap for you guys to crit...

1. Work in progress Lapras repose/scratch thingy... I dunno.

Original sprite:

2. Splice of Houndour and Houndoom!

I'll crit this for you.

You can make this bigger. The size limit is 80x80, not 47x52. The body is far too big and cramping, so the head is much smaller and the beak has even less space to fit in. You could re shade it a small bit but the shading looks alright to me. Try not to make it circular. For more understanding on this have a look at the below...


The legs look really small too, and they look like they're broken. So basically all you need to do is shrink the body to make space for the other parts, and fix up the legs so it doesn't look like it's standing like a penguin.

You may want to consider adding an element for the Pokemon, because Pokemon are based on animals, but they are edited so it looks like Nintendo didn't just rip an animal. So you'll have to add an element, recolor the Pokemon according to the element and add some unique features which makes the Kiwi look like an actual Pokemon.

Other then that it's pretty good for a first. Good job ^^

Now, after my long (not really xD) critic, would anyone mind rating these for me?


Eevee in my Sea Floor Pallete.

Ditto Revamp.

Made from torkoal, lairon, pidgeot and wartortle.
C+cc please.
The rock head thing looks a little big, like it's covering the whole other side of the head.

It's a little hard to critique rainbows, unless there are quality errors. Which I see none of.

The head is too small. Also, the shell is too flat and crowded with spikes. They should be small and aplied to an obviously rounded shell.

Shouldn't the green be fringed at the top, rather than recoloring a whole section? (Assuming it's supposed to be algae)
The rock head thing looks a little big, like it's covering the whole other side of the head.
The smoke looks way too much like a rock.
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