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How a bout this?
I will never understand how you people can stomach working with little dots and flat colors instead of flowing lines and pretty gradients
@Ruffledfeathers: You need more distinct lines. Otherwise, I guess just spend more time making your lines clean and exact.
How a bout this?
Thank you. =) Should I use a darker outline colour, or should I use black to distinct em? Cuz it always looks odd when I add black outlines.
Because I suck at drawing.I will never understand how you people can stomach working with little dots and flat colors instead of flowing lines and pretty gradients, and much larger working spaces without temporarily distorting the image you're working on.
K. I thank you again!Some black, but also some darker colors. Not all black, though. Take a look at some sprite's outlines. Generally the shading color is used for outlines touching highlights, a much darker color is used for outlines touching the base color, and black is used for outlines touching the shading. I'm not sure, so you may want to confirm that, but I think so.
That is, unless you're talking about the reverse-dot shading on Dragonfree's sprite tutorial. I don't think you've attempted that right, since it looks weird on a dark background. Maybe you should try a different style of outlining next time.
I know this comment was aimed at someone else, but I'll just comment on this and say that I don't do reverse dot shading. Unless the sprite is entirely mine, I try to stay true to the original shading style.