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Got bored and decided to create my first sprite in... several months, a Blue Mewtwo revamp. Because I think this sprite of Mewtwo is one of the few good ones.
I think that's the JP Red/Green one... but the Blue Mewtwo is cool, I like how its arms dangle down. That one and the Silver would be my favorite.
It looks like you took away from the shading on his left (our right) hand... And it makes that hand look really odd. I'd put the shading back on like it looked in the original sprite. Otherwise the shading looks very much like it's down now in the games and I don't really see any other problem areas.
Veekun says it's Blue, maybe that means Japanese Blue?
Aww, cute. =3 The muzzle's outlines aren't very different from the main color, though; try darkening the outlines there and emphasizing the highlights. The base of the tail could start thicker, too.
I think the tail needs to be bigger; if you make it bigger you can make its flag-like shape more obvious, and Pichu's tail is bigger in proportion to its body anyway. Also, on its right (our left) side, there is a straight line going down from its head to its body; see if you can take a pixel out of that (like at the top of its arm) to break up that straight line. Looks pretty good otherwise. =D
Pretty nice revamp. I think mostly what you can work on here is smoothing out the colors of the shading; for example, the line in the middle of the leaf is all the same dark shade of green. I think it would look better if that line was lighter in places where the leaf would have a highlight (and I don't see any highlight on the leaf, either; that would help.) Also, for such a light Pokémon, there's quite a bit of black outline. Maybe that's personal preference, but I think you could make some of those outlines green.
Hmm. For the highlights, I think your best bet is to continue the white dithering across the belly. I don't think it would interfere with being able to tell apart the colors that much; maybe try it and see how it looks? Sorry, I don't have much else to say since I'm not so good at devamps.
On the Celebi revamp, it bugs me how the antenna have the same shades for the outline both on the top and the bottom; it makes it look a little 2D. I think you could get away with making the tops a tiny bit lighter so you can tell the difference and the antenna look more rounded. Also, there's hardly any shadows on the green parts of Celebi's body so you might want to add some.Still no crit on these:
I don't have a whole lot to say about the devamp; I'm not very good at them and it looks good to me. =D
Watch the outlines on your recolors; don't just use the Paint eraser trick to change all of the colors and then leave it. Some of the outlines are too dark or too light for where they are placed. For example, Persian has a lot of outlines that are too light, and then the black outlines stand out too much because the other outlines are so different. Try darkening the outlines on those. Heracross shares this problem; there is too great a contrast between the black outlines and the green ones. Careful on the "primal" sprites; the Charmander's outlines have become almost indistinguishable from the main color. I really like the primal Bulbasaur, though. It's adorable. <3I made this for the Pe2k forums. Any comments?