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The Spriter's Showcase!

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I hate to do this and all but, anyone on C/C for this? Was my first try at a scratch so...

So.. I've had a go at scratch spriting, since I'm trying to design a beastie for later submission to ASB. REAPHEAP!! :> Well probably not really, unofficial name I guess for now. Either way it's meant to be Ghost / Steel.


Feels very beta-forme.. I also went over the ingame colour limit because as I went I realised my relative inability to work with that few shades, but it doesn't matter much for what it's meant for~ Least I hope not..

Edit: I tried to touch it up a bit because the metal plate looked all flat and blaaaah but I don't really know how to do metallic shine like this blaaah dunno which is even better. >: Also added a couple more detail screws, FOR DETAIL~


I've also made my pokesona in sprite forme in at least one of the many outfit combos I could think of~


Eh so it's lazy with a stolen hat and scarf. Glasses area pain to make at that scale though.

Look I revamped the RB Golbat from scratch :D Honestly, you can't revamp it the normal way, there's just too many flaws you'll have to fix and when you have, it'll still be a scratch >_<
I like it, but it's very flat due to a lack of shading. Shading the legs more and using colored outlines for the white could probably fix that.
Time for a horribly arranged sprite sheet! :D


The ones on the top are Pokemon sprites, and the ones on the bottom are Harvest Moon DS sprites. |3 The Marshtomp/Beautifly splice was one of my earliest sprites (several years old), so please keep that in mind.
Time for a horribly arranged sprite sheet! :D


The ones on the top are Pokemon sprites, and the ones on the bottom are Harvest Moon DS sprites. |3 The Marshtomp/Beautifly splice was one of my earliest sprites (several years old), so please keep that in mind.

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