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Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

To the person who mentioned Hitler:
"You shall not murder." Exodus 20:13
"Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him." (1 John 3:15, NKJV)
The Bible was created by imperfect men sometime after 587 BC
"16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17
And besides, after only a few days of constant burning sensation the human body would get used to it; it may even be so adapted that it would feel as normal as being in the air we are in right now. I'm sure I could remember a few Lady Gaga tunes to pass the time, talk to other denizens of Hell, and actually have a bit of fun.
"In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far
away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in
agony in this fire."
4) First off, my father and many other Christians I know happen to claim that it does end, and there is a point when these people are allowed into heaven.
If you don't mind my asking, can you get a Biblical citation on that?

This will sound incredibly Corney, but this is what God asked me to say, for now.
Well can you give me one historical citation that shows the bible is imperfect? By which I mean a secular historical record that won't match up with the bible?
Noah's Ark?

EDIT: It's really difficult to give an exact historical citation because, there just simply aren't many which exist and are interprettable from so long ago.

However, if you want my logic for it, if the event of Noah's Ark did happen, every living animal would be riddled with genetic illness.
Genetic illness as in, after the first two bred, all the rest would be breeding with their siblings and problems could occur?

Well, if evolution was true, all humans would come from the same ancestor and we would all have genetic illness.

It can go either way so the obvious argument is that we either bred out of it or didn't contract genetic illnesses through a stroke of luck.
Noah's Ark?

EDIT: It's really difficult to give an exact historical citation because, there just simply aren't many which exist and are interprettable from so long ago.

However, if you want my logic for it, if the event of Noah's Ark did happen, every living animal would be riddled with genetic illness.

Simple logic disproves it.

> Food came from where?

Pwnemon said:
Well, if evolution was true, all humans would come from the same ancestor and we would all have genetic illness.
How so?
Well, if evolution was true, all humans would come from the same ancestor and we would all have genetic illness.

It can go either way so the obvious argument is that we either bred out of it or didn't contract genetic illnesses through a stroke of luck.

You don't "not contract genetic illness through a stroke of luck". Have you ever heard of the programme "Pedigree Dogs Exposed"? If you haven't, I'd really suggest watching it. It will explain to you, and show proof, that genetic illnesses can arise from as few as three generations as incest relationships.

Also, the difference between evolution and Noah's ark is that, in evolution, genetic mutation has had time to occur whilst populations of bacteria are being built up. There was already enough difference in genes before multicellular organisms had even existed.
I know, but I don't think Evolution believes that three hundred monkeys all evolved into humans at once. If I'm correct, there was difference in monkeys, but all the humans came from a single evolved monkey, and all the monkeys came from a single evolved Whatever, and so on.

EDIT: No never heard of that. I will check it out if it's on youtube.
Well can you give me one historical citation that shows the bible is imperfect? By which I mean a secular historical record that won't match up with the bible?
Actually, now that you mention it...

... hang on...

... holy shit. So the events in the Harry Potter series actually happened?
I know, but I don't think Evolution believes that three hundred monkeys all evolved into humans at once. If I'm correct, there was difference in monkeys, but all the humans came from a single evolved monkey, and all the monkeys came from a single evolved Whatever, and so on.

EDIT: No never heard of that. I will check it out if it's on youtube.

You realise that real life evolution doesn't involve a glowing white light once a species reaches a certain level, right? Right?

There are steps in between "monkey" and "human". I'll just list a few:
Oh, and one you might have heard of. The neanderthal?

Also, evolution doesn't occur in one individual at a time. It happens in a population. A selection pressure causes "survival of the fittest", which over time causes a directional change in a population of a species. Simple location of two populations can cause one population to change into something different, just based on the difference in geographical location.
Not quite. Evolution happens in time to an entire group of individuals. The reason why we can trace our genes to genetic!Adam and genetic!Eve, is that there was an extinction event that reduced our population to about 50,000 members. That's barely enough to get out of the incest sinkhole, but we did it.

Evolution never happens suddenly or all at once, nor does it happen to one individual.
I do, Espeon, realize that Evolution mostly occurs by genetic mutation during birth. And okay, so all homo erectus came from one evolved monkey, all homo eragster came from one evolved homo erectus, all neanderthals came from one homo eragster. I knew the steps, just didn't feel like pulling them all out. It doesn't combat my argument at all.

And btw, 300 actually /did/ happen. Maybe not exactly like in the movie, but have you ever heard of the battle of Thermopalye (sp) during second persian war?
Genetic illness as in, after the first two bred, all the rest would be breeding with their siblings and problems could occur?

Not quite. Evolution happens in time to an entire group of individuals. The reason why we can trace our genes to genetic!Adam and genetic!Eve, is that there was an extinction event that reduced our population to about 50,000 members. That's barely enough to get out of the incest sinkhole, but we did it.

Evolution never happens suddenly or all at once, nor does it happen to one individual.

I do, Espeon, realize that Evolution mostly occurs by genetic mutation during birth. And okay, so all homo erectus came from one evolved monkey, all homo eragster came from one evolved homo erectus, all neanderthals came from one homo eragster. I knew the steps, just didn't feel like pulling them all out. It doesn't combat my argument at all.
This is false, and yes it does.

And btw, 300 actually /did/ happen. Maybe not exactly like in the movie, but have you ever heard of the battle of Thermopalye (sp) during second persian war?
... this came from where?

(Also, funfax biology: Everybody has mutations. Yes, even you.)
As I said when you ignored me, we did not come from only one mutation.

1) There would be nothing for it to mate with, thus it would die off.
2) It would succumb to insect almost immediately if it didn't have a large enough population.
3) It's not just one animal, it's an entire population of animals that becomes separated from the rest of the population and thus adapts to their new environment.

Also, we didn't come from monkeys, we came from a common ancestor of chimps and ourselves.
The history of "300" is a little, tiny, weeeeee bit irrelivant, don't you think?

Also, it completely blows your arguement out of the water. Not necessarily the steps. Read the /next part/.

Espeon said:
Also, evolution doesn't occur in one individual at a time. It happens in a population. A selection pressure causes "survival of the fittest", which over time causes a directional change in a population of a species. Simple location of two populations can cause one population to change into something different, just based on the difference in geographical location.
Pwnemon, please read a good science book. Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" would be a start. "The Selfish Gene" by Dawkins is another one. Or basically any good high school textbook that isn't sanctioned by Fox News or the like.
Perhaps, but the thread has become over come with this. I don't see what's so wrong about this; it's been done many times before.
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