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Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]


indubitably ineffectual
Everyone knows that the biggest crime ring in the Pokemon world is Team Rocket. Their goal seems to be extremely simple, to obtain money and infamy by whatever means possible, usually by Pokemon. The notorious group seems to be almost ubiquitous now, having infiltrated every organization imaginable, most notably the Kanto Pokemon League. Although their hold is strongest on the Kanto and Johto regions, their agents stalk even the dark streets of the cities of Hoenn and Sinnoh. Their most recent plans have only been hinted at, but conspiracy buffs have claimed of a Pokemon genetics research project unlike any other. Rumors abound of secret underground laboratories, hacked satellite programs, and the strange absences of famed Pokemon trainers worldwide.

Crime rates are on the rise as the dark influence of Team Rocket proliferates. Trainers have become unwilling to trust even regular Pokemon centers as Pokemon-stealing has arrived at an all-time high. Their occupation has also fallen lower in popularity; parents concerned for their children now reluctantly allow them to begin Pokemon journeys at fifteen on average, a five years' difference compared to the average a few years back. The government is nearly in a state of panic, but it offers no solution to the Team Rocket issue. Some suspect that the majority of the government has also fallen under Team Rocket's control. If you are still reading this and intend to participate, put amazinglolwtf in your sign-up.

Several people, fed up with the lack of activity on the part of the government, have decided to sneak into Team Rocket on their own. They come from many different backgrounds, each with his or her own story to tell. They vaguely recognize each others' faces, from the few prepatory meetings they have held online and face to face. Some of them are motivated by righteous anger, by guilt, by greed, or even boredom. Some are motivated by justice, while others are by curiosity. However, they share a common goal: through posing as Team Rocket members, they intend to find out what the crime ring's ultimate goal is and weaken its hold on society.


Basic Background:
Pokemon (if any):

Extra notes: Please do not create a lot of Pokemon characters (you know how confusing that gets after a while). You can control the occasional Rocket character if you like, but please, nothing too big.


Keta's form
Name: Alice Levellyn
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Around average height, she looks younger than her age because of how thin she is. Her black hair is cut shoulder-length and is usually bound back in a ponytail. Her hazel eyes hold a strange luminescence sometimes, like a cat.
Personality: She appears to be bored and apathetic in terms of her opinions. If she is ever asked why she chose to pursue Team Rocket, she laughs it off and provides ridiculous reasons, none of which seem to be true. A laid-back individual, she slacks off whenever she can but is careful enough to slip below the radar, so she is not too suspicious. She actively makes jokes often and especially seems to enjoy mocking people. This leads her to a lot of arguments and fights, but she seems to enjoy the mental exercise, especially when its a Pokemon battle. Her habits include compulsive biting of her fingers and her "finder's keepers" doctrine.
Basic Background: Alice, as an orphaned child, learned how to steal and take advantage of all her resources while living on the street. Adopted into a Hoennian family, she explored the internet often when she was bored, thus learning a hodgepodge of random information, including how to pick locks and fiddle with security systems. After becoming a Pokemon trainer, she quickly became bored with the competition as well, which had started to dwindle once Team Rocket took over. Because of this, on a whim, she decided to infiltrate the group. Because of her skills, she has gotten on the higher end of the Grunt social ladder, but, as a result of her slacking, she does not seem able to get much higher.
Pokemon (if any): Leafre (male Breloom), Ariant (female Combusken), Jolteon (male Pikachu)
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Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Name: Violet R.
Sex: female
Age: 15
Appearance: Her eyes are bright green, and her hair is pure white. She is embarrassed of this, so she has it in a short ponytail with a bandana on her head. She has a lot of freckles, and the end result is that she looks a bit strange.

Personality: She is friendly and silly, but doesn't like to have Pokemon battles. Tends to be sarcastic when she's nervous or scared. She would be very protective of her friends, but she doesn't have any. She loves catching Pokemon, and wants an Eevee. She is extremely self-conscious because of her hair, and if mocked, she would not hesitate to punch them in the face, or worse.
Basic Background: Her parents are in Team Rocket, so she had to join. Violet half-wants to stop TR, and half-doesn't because of her parents, and what would happen to them if she did. She learned from her parents how to pick locks, hack computers, and make Pokeballs.
Pokemon (if any): Windy (Female Arcanine), Clay (Ditto), Gold Bunny "Goldy" (Shiny female Azumarill)

Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Alright, everything seems good, and you're in. I'm still waiting for more sign-ups.
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Name: Jackson
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Very tall, dark hair that nearly covers his eyes and is rarely cut, appears to be older.
Personality: Jackson is usually quiet, usually only talking to answer a question, but occaisonally will be very talkative. He is shy but can be arrogant. He has few friends.
Basic Background: Jackson was abandoned by his parents when he was only 4 years old. He lived in an orphanage in Kanto, but ran away when he was 11 to pursue becoming a Pokemon trainer. His first Pokemon was a Combee which he caught using a Poke Ball he stole from a Poke Mart. He was able to acheive getting three badges before being found by the police and brought back to the orphanage. The police took his Pokemon at the time. Team Rocket heard of him and quickly recruited him. Jackson was only able to recover one of his Pokemon, his Combee, from the police. He vows to get revenge on the orphanage, his parents, and the police. He at first fully supported Team Rocket, but is beginning to have doubts about their mission.
Pokemon (if any): Apireine (Vespiquen), Rocky (Male Sudowoodo), Pinch (Female Skorupi)
Pokemon taken by police: Scissors (Scyther), Blade (Weepinbell)

And, because you told me to, amazinglolwtf
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Name: Luna R.
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: She's about 5''6 with light skin. Luna has grey-green eyes and short, curly light brown hair, barely reaching the top of her shoulders, which she keeps in the back with a black hairband. She has short bangs that only go about halfway down her forehead.
Personality: Luna tries to act smarter than she is and is a very good liar. She has no problem with lying, cheating, or doing anything besides murder. She's good with common sense and strategizing in battle, but lacks patience and tends to be unable to make good decisions if she's caught off guard. Luna usually doesn't try to make friends unless she needs to talk to someone or if someone else tries to make friends with her. She's trusting and loyal if given enough time to get to know her, though Luna still tries to do things in her own way and argue why her decision is better unless there's absolute proof that it isn't.
Basic Background: Luna's lead a pretty decent and normal life as a trainer. She was born in the Kanto region and decided to use a journal to record things instead of a Pokedex. Her Dewgong was stolen once by Team Rocket and it took her days to get it back. Their interference in Saffron City and the Pokemon League threw off her journey quite a bit, which lead her to the decision the organization opposing Team Rocket.
Pokemon: Florece (Female Leafeon), Nanee (Female Altaria), Glacia (Male Dewgong) amazinglolwtf
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Hi, can I join? This looks awesome!

Name: Grin
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: (Look at avatar)
Personality: Grin has a great sense of humor. He often jokes around, but he is very protective about things he cares about.
Basic Background: Grin is still a rising trainer, but has a good, experienced team of ground-types(Mostly). He dreams of becoming a ground-type gym leader someday. He left home to chase his dreams, but he heard talk of this Team Rocket. Now Grin knows that if he can stop Team Rocket, he'll be a famous hero!
Pokemon (if any):
-Flygon, Grin's pride and joy.
-Rhyhorn(Still in training)

Re: Thieves of Moonlight

More people read the instructions than I would have thought; good job to all of you. Eevee, Blaziking, Miyari, and Grinning Calamity, you're all in.

I'll be beginning the roleplay now, but anyone who wants to join is welcome to.


Alice slipped through the dark underground hallways like a wraith. Clad in the usual dull garb of a Rocket Grunt, her black outfit blended into the swiftly moving crowd of other Rockets walking past. All of them had large red Rs emblazoned on their long-sleeved shirts, proclaiming their notoriety as Team Rocket members. The only thing that distinguished her from a normal Rocket were the shiny Great Balls that held her Pokemon at her belt. Her white-gloved hands moved towards them uneasily.

Before they had entered, she remembered that they had designated a meeting place in one of the mess halls for eating. The planning was awful; but by sheer luck they had been put in the same squadron, same dormitory, and same assignments, making the process seem much easier. Although it had been a relief at first, the group now had to work to blend in even more. Although they were together now, like all new recruits, the newer entries were probably being closely watched.

Alice had traveled these dim hallways often enough to at least know that now she was heading towards her lunch. She did not bother to learn much else besides the basic areas she usually went to, already satisfied and relatively sure that some other member of the team would eventually remember how to get to the other places in the underground complex. Now, as she walked towards the mess hall, she glanced sideways and scrutinized the area. Her keen hazel eyes searched eagerly for a familiar face among the crowd.
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Name: Safira
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: She has long, jet-black hair that is very straight. Safira has green, cat-like eyes. Her face also reminds you of a cat's.
Personality: Safira loves Water and Ice types, but she is willing to use other types in battle too. She believes in the fact that destiny cannot be changed and it will happen no matter what you do.
Basic Background: She has a mysterious background, and no one really knows where she came from, except for her.
Pokemon (if any):

Victreebel [F]
PoisonPowder, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Toxic

Gardevoir [F]
Psychic, Imprison, Magical Leaf, Captivate


I couldn't see what was wrong with it, but edited it anyway.
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Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Good, I'm not too late. Sign-Ups are still open

Name: Kailani Tyron
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Kailani is medium height, and he has somewhat long, black hair. (not too long, though). He is quite pale, and usually wears a black cloak with a hood, and keeps the hood up most of the time. His right eye has a long scar running down it and is a sickly red, while his left eye is more of a grey-blue
Personality: Kailani is a very isolated person, preferring to work alone. He will only work in groups if 1: he plans on betraying them later, or 2: It will serve his own purpose in life. He is a very skilled strategist, and rarely loses a battle
Basic Background: Kailani never knew his family. He grew up on the streets, carving out a life for himself, and his only companion: A Gible whose life he inadvertandly saved in his earlier years. By the time he was fifteen, Team Rocket saw his potential for being a skilled theif due to his past, and recruited him. After some time, however, Kailani realized how evil Team Rocket truly was, and quit. Since then, he has decided to fight against them.
Pokemon (if any):
Garchomp (This is the Gible mentioned earlier, evolved, obviously)

EDIT: I've fixed it. (Hopefully) I'm sorry if It still isn't that good.
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Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Violet yawned and stretched, looking around in the mess hall. She looked down at the huge furry creature she was sitting on like a horse. The Arcanine pulled her head backwards to look up at her trainer.
"Hi Windy. Did I fall asleep?"
The huge, lion-like Pokemon nodded and licked Violet's knee.
"Oh crap, my bandana!"
The bandana the girl had been wearing had come untied and falled off. She quickly put it back on, covering most of Violets hair. Despite her attempts, most of the hair in her bangs slipped out of the bandana onto her forehead.
Good enough, I guess.
Violet stretched and yawned, then recalled the Arcanine into it's pokeball. She looked around. She rode Windy around a lot, so much that nobody noticed or cared anymore. It was funny to her. The girl felt safe being with such a huge Pokemon.
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Re: Thieves of Moonlight

((Gardevoir and Exo-Raikou, I'm afraid you did not read my first post carefully enough. Please follow my instructions in the first post and edit your posts if you wish to join this. For now, you are not accepted.))

Alice nodded in acknowledgment to Violet, something of a smile on her face. She did not dare to greet her in a manner that was too friendly; many of the Rockets were under the assumption that she did not know her followers and they did not know her. Plus, many squadron leaders, although still lowly Grunts, were expected to treat their subordinates like tools, or even like dirt. Looking around, she saw no suspicious looks glance in their direction. She relaxed her manner and began chatting idly to Violet.

"Ah, what a nice day it is today, don't you think Violet?" she commented quietly. "Of course, its always a nice day, every day we get manufactured food stuff and sit under lights with dead wires," she muttered darkly.

The usual lunch lady shoved trays at Violet and Alice, hardly glancing at them. The discolored mashed potato, peas, and corn made Alice's stomach twist a little bit, but she knew she could manage it. "Hey Violet, you want to trade the Jello? I got pineapple- what did you get?" asked Alice avidly, peering at Violet's tray.
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

"Rhyhorn! Use Rock blast!" Grin shouted in excitement.

The crowd went wild, and the announcer's voice came on. "And there you have it, folks! Grin wins the tournament!" Grin looked around and smiled, taking in the cheers.

Later that day Grin was happily sipping away on a soft drink, as he overheard a group of men talking in a corner of the restaurant. "Yeah, I heard about that. Team Rocket is up to something, huh?" A man said.

The other replied, "Indeed. I say, if someone ever ended Team Rocket for good, they would surely be treated as a hero..."

It was then, that Grin knew what he had to do. Grin's dream was to become a famous hero among pokemon trainers. This may be the best way to achieve his dream.

Okay then... Team Rocket, here I come...
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Re: Thieves of Moonlight

"Cherry, I think. Eh, sure, I'll trade."
The Pokeball containing Clay wiggled a bit.
Violet chuckled and released the Ditto with her one free hand. The pink blob sat there for a bit before transforming into an almost-exact copy of Alice. That, except for the black dots for eyes. Violet grinned. She loved having a Ditto. Even if they weren't very strong in battles, they were goofy. And useful for tricking people, if needed.
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

((Uh, grinning... wth? Alright, take your time in making your way to the base if you really want to... but you won't get to interact with the rest of us very smoothly. o__O;; By the way, you spelled Rhyhorn wrong.))
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Luna walked casually through the crowded mob of Rocket grunts and toward the mess hall. It was still amazing just how many Rocket grunts there were in the base; this one small base out of many. The very thought of how many members of Team Rocket there could be with all the bases made her think of all the miserable trainers, whose Pokemon had probably been stolen, whose relatives were hurt or killed.

Maybe she could try and free some stolen Pokemon one day...? Luna supressed the thought easily. There wouldn't be any way of doing it without getting caught and the consequences would be too high. Well... maybe she could discuss it with the others in the mess hall.

Luna walked inside the large room and looked around for one of the group. She spotted Alice and Violet sitting down and quickly got her lunch. Burnt potatoes, some old peas and corn, and what looked like apple jello... most of which was squished and in small pieces. She pulled a face of disgust and sat down at the table. Luna took out a Pokeball and released a brown cat-like Pokemon with wrinkled, green, leaf-like ears and tail.
"Lee... Leafeon...!" Florece mewed happily.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. Got stuck in a crowd when a fight broke out. It took forever to get through. So... anything new today?" she asked while holding a lump of potatoes to her Leafeon.
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Re: Thieves of Moonlight

((What? Everyone loves crazy Ditto clones of people! =P))
Clay returned to his regular form momentarily, before transforming into a Mew wearing a monocle.
"Okay, that's just creepy, Clay."
The Pokemon's eyes were tiny black dots, making him look almost scary. Giggling, the Pokemon went back to his normal form, as a small pink blob.
"Thank you."
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

((Uh, grinning... wth? Alright, take your time in making your way to the base if you really want to... but you won't get to interact with the rest of us very smoothly. o__O;; By the way, you spelled Rhyhorn wrong.))

(Thanks, I always get confused by that spelling. I got kind of confused about the order of events here. So, should I edit my first post, keep going, or just post in the right order now? Sorry 'bout that.) :sweatdrop:
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Name: Erindor
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Longish Dark Brown Hair, Blue eyes
Personality: A bit cold to people he doesn't know, though very friendly to anyone close to him. Other than that, mysterious.
Basic Background: His parents didn't want him to leave, but he was sick of having to stick around and do nothing. He felt that if something could be done, he could help. He took his pet Eevee, and after traveling for a long time, training it, it evolved into an Espeon. Slowly Erindor has gotten weak Psychic powers from prolonged exposure to his Psychic pokemon.
Pokemon (if any): Espeon, Kirlia, Quilava, Raichu, Absol, Pupitar

Re: Thieves of Moonlight

amazinglolwtf Team Rocket could do that? Their Pokemon suck.

Name: Thorn
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Appearance: Red hair, freckles, hazel eyes, the usual drill~ Oh yeah, and a birth mark that only shows if very short shorts are worn, on her thigh, and if you look at it upside-down it looks like South Carolina or West Virginia (can't decide which).
Personality: Look at her age! Too many mood swings! Although she does enjoy joking and being sarcastic, and sometimes points out things to people that they might already know and not like ("Oh, you have a lot of whiteheads on your neck.").
Basic Background: Thorn was impatient to start training Pokemon, so to let up the whining a bit, her mom and dad let her raise some as pets. She got fed up with having to wait so long, and decided to do something about Team Rocket so that she wouldn't have to wait anymore. Her pets are now her team. She knows a lot about battling and Pokemon, as she read encyclopedias on them to pass the monotony. As her father worked in the Pokemon Lab in Jhoto, he was able to give her a Totodile.
Pokemon: Female Sneasel (Claw), male Gastly (Ghost), male Totodile (Fang), female Starly (Star), female Togepi (Joy), male Absol (Armageddon)

We don't have to trade to evolve, do we? If so, then I will replace Ghost with a female Misdreavus named Scream.
Re: Thieves of Moonlight

Jackson slowly opened the back door to the police station. It was a rusty metal door; someone had graffitied it along with the wall where it was located. If Jackson was correct, then this entrance would lead him to where the prisoners Pokemon were kept. Thus, his Pokemon would be there somewhere. Today he was finally going to get Blade and Scissors back.

The door had fully opened without any noise being made. Jackson quietly stepped inside. He was in a long, dark, musty hallway. In front of him were many prison cells, all of them full of prisoners.

"Hey, there's a kid here!" one of the prisoners in the cell in front of him whispered. "Please, get us the keys!" Jackson ignored him and walked down the hallway to where the Pokemon were. As he walked, even more prisoners began to call out to him and ask him to get the keys. Jackson continued to ignore them and walked on.

When he was about to exit the hallway, and get to the Pokemon chamber, one of the prisoners whispered, "Kid, if you don't get me the keys, I'll let the guards know you're here." Jackson stopped and turned to the prisoner. Slowly, Jackson reached to his pocket, then quickly whipped out a pistol.

"If you do, the only thing they'll hear will be your screams," Jackson replied darkly to him. The man looked away hurriedly. Jackson left the hallway and entered the lobby. It was midnight, so the guards were asleep at the front desk. Jackson went over to the desk and took out his pistol. The two guards were still sleeping. Jackson didn't think twice. *Click* Bang! *Click* Bang! The two guards who took his Pokemon years ago were dead. Jackson whipped the pistol back into his pocket and walked into the back room.

The back room was large, and had a large machine that contained all of the Poke Balls. Jackson walked over to it. He typed in the words "Blade; Weepinbell" and "Scissors; Scyther". Upon the screen on the front of the machine, it displayed the words "Pokemon Taken". Jackson looked at the words in shock. He typed the Pokemons' names again, and again the screen displayed the words "Pokemon Taken". Jackson tried one more time, but the screen displayed the words yet again, "Pokemon Taken". Jackson took out his pistol quickly out of anger and aimed it at the machine.

"Drop the gun! Show me your hands!" Jackson heard a voice behind him say.

"Damn." Jackson said as he dropped the gun.
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