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What are you thinking?

I'm eating these rice chips right now
Garlic and white cheddar
Very nice
JAM SESSION *headbanging*
As days go by, I can feel 'em flying like a hand out the window in the wind~
God I love this computer's sound system
Aw crap now it's a love song *changes*
Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuung my cotton dress on rusted wire~
Up there on Pilahatchee Bridge~
Thaaaaaat's better ^^
I swear this is my theme song
Because it's title is "Nothing Better to Do"
And I don't have anything better to do
Which is awesome
Momma said "Idle hands are
Devil's handiwork, oh
The trouble you'll get intoooooooooooooooo~"
I just finished typing Onko's profile.

And Toree the Swellow's.

Swampter's was finished long ago.

I like Tech Camp! :D

I left three hours ago, though. So luckily I can't get in trouble for this. :)

I like using text smilies.

I wonder how the RPGs are doing?
keroro is staring at me
my nose is runny
gunpla is fun
this is the ULTIMATE PROOF that keroro and i are extremely similar
however this presents a terrible problem
not going into it here ffffff
jjhf know
they lol'd
damnit pikmin
i hear a rick and i see a rick
The same voice actor of Pikachu does Dot's voice in the Japanese dub of Animaniacs.
I can really hear it though.
there's a japanese dub of animaniacs bahahahaha
lalala i renamed by brain last night
because the word brain is too similar to Brian
sounds a bit lame, but it started from "pinkgrey squishy thing in my head"
so i shortened it
changed the G to mean Gerald
and gave him a title
my brain is male
wow there's barely any cars on my street today
have the chavs died?
i hope so
oh no i have school tomorrow
oh well at least its only a taster day
i wonder how many of my friends have been invited
Haircut time...
I'm starting to look like Mick Jagger.
I wonder if he chewed his hair when he was bored too...
I can't get no, sat-tis-fact-chun...
school won't be that bad tomorrow
cept liam won't be in my english class! ;-;
no ressurecting year 9 D:
oh well maybe jemz will be there
i hope i have nice teachers
i.e not glover please
Temporal Tower is eeeevil.
I only have 1 reviver seed in the world and I have to survive that monster house factory.
It deserves to collapse >/
I cried at Grovyle too.
It's dark. I can't see my keyboard.
Time to watch Keroro with VOLUME UP.
The Japanese version of Defying Gravity is so good... but why is there no Glinda part? Glinda makes everything better!
The lid is stuck
Nothing beats meowth singing about toilets
But curse youuuu!
Wakko has a potty emergency now.
Kids WB bumpers were cool.
Sniffles the Mouse is awesome.

Even though I only saw him in Romanian.

Yes, Romanian.

My teacher's fault.

God, that bat talked a lot.

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