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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you want for Christmas/other holidays?

I thought I wanted an iPod, but now I'm not so sure. I guess I'd like some clothes and chocolate.

And some little unexpected cool amusing things would be nice too.
I thought I wanted an iPod, but now I'm not so sure.

I have serious issues with iPods. Not only do I hate iTunes with a passion, of the £1o0 the actual machine costs, at least £40 of that is just for the apple logo. You're better off with a cheaper-but-does-exactly-the-same MP3 player.
I... want a lot of things.

- Nvidia GeForce 9400 (or better, but preferably 9 series)
- Another GB of RAM
- Xbox 360
- Wii
- PS2
- DS
- a new mp3 player (but not an iPod)
- Football Manager '09
- Left 4 Dead
- Team Fortress 2
- Lord of War
- Flags of our Fathers
- Letters from Iwo Jima
Another new Animal Crossing: Wild World game, though I don't expect it seeing as:

First game got so glitched up it barely loads properly.

Second got lost. XP

Uh, I want a cowboy hat, a few games, drawing supplies, and fruit, and possibly non-alcoholic sparking grape juice. I really don't know what else, and everything previously stated is completely serious.
Wii games.
And money.
And mechanical pencils.
And a calculus book. (Don't ask. Just...don't)

I have serious issues with iPods. Not only do I hate iTunes with a passion, of the £1o0 the actual machine costs, at least £40 of that is just for the apple logo. You're better off with a cheaper-but-does-exactly-the-same MP3 player.

I subscribe the the iPod-bashers club, but my ideal is being shaken: my friend got a 120GB iPod (awesomesauce) and I got a free Shuffle from my school. So...I don't know.

For the record, I do call it a jPod, but still.
I have serious issues with iPods. Not only do I hate iTunes with a passion, of the £1o0 the actual machine costs, at least £40 of that is just for the apple logo. You're better off with a cheaper-but-does-exactly-the-same MP3 player.
It's not good hardware at all in the first place. Even Microsoft's heathen, the Zune, has better audio capabilities than that piece of junk.
I really, really want to just ask for money so that I can buy what I'd ask for anyway and more from the 26th to the 31st when everything is cheap.
A Nintendo DS
An album
A PS3 game which I'm sharing with my two other siblings

And that's everything! I also asked for some earphones, but a few days later I found some lying on a road on the way home from school and they work well, so now I can be happy knowing I'm not asking for anything too demanding (as in, hard to get in time, not cheap). :D
Now just have to hope nobody other than my parents buys me anything or I'll feel bad.
My brother and I want the album Running On Ice by Vertical Horizon.

I'd also really, really like a Wii and SSB: Brawl (...okay, and possibly Tales of Symphonia 2), but uh, I kind of doubt that's going to happen...
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