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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What if you knew the world was ending?


Uh, I didn't do it.
Okay, it's New Years. I was in a discussion with some friends and someone mentioned the Mayan 2012 deadline. Now it might not be how the Mayans thought it would be, but what if you knew for sure that the world was ending on December 12th 2012? I am talking without a doubt world leaders on television telling you there's no hope we failed and can't save ourselves, the world is going to end. If everyone was 100% postitive this was going to happen. Hypothetical of course.

What would you do if you knew the world was ending? What would everyone do? How do you think it would end?

Kind of like the question if you knew you were going to die in a month.
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Re: What if you knew?

There'd be a lot of chaos, that's for sure. Why bother working a job you hate if you know that the world's going to end?

As for what I'd do... the first thing that comes to my mind is just call my crush and be like "I need to talk to you. The fucking world's going to end this year." We both like each other, so hopefully he'll know where I'm going with this. And I'll be like "so since we don't really have much time left, I want to spend a lot of it with you."

And then I don't know. Blow all my money on an epic trip to Russia?
Re: What if you knew?

I would do everything that I was scared to do or stuff that I was too scared to do. I would basically change my whole outlook on life. I would do stuff that normally I might have regreted, because I would realize that it would be my last chance to do so. I would also say bye to everyone I knew. and generic stuff like that.
Re: What if you knew?

I'd prepare. Stockpile food and water, dig a shelter underground (or if it was coming from underground, above ground), tell people about it, save people, invite them to my shelter, post shelter-making instructions on the internet.

If there was literally no hope of survival (like the sun was going to engulf Earth), I'd tell everyone goodbye, see if I could catch a ride on a rocket out (with friends and family if possible), and, if I couldn't, I'd find some cyanide and end it all painlessly.

Not like I believe any of that bullshit's going to happen, but hey.
Re: What if you knew?

Pretty sure I'd do something obnoxiously stupid but no one would care because HEY THE WORLD'S ENDING.

I would also not want to die by whatever painful means that the universe plans to destroy the Earth with, so I'd do something quite reckless and attempt to kill myself in the process.

i've got these things planned out, man
Re: What if you knew?

it depends on whether one also knew for sure if there's an afterlife or not; if not, it'd be common sense to keep both that and the world ending as a secret from everyone else. I mean if everyone knew, people would steal, rape and kill the shit out of everyone long before the end would come, there would be no moral values whatsoever, and even if you aren't killed, you'll starve to death as all stores get robbed out

besides trying out stuff I always wanted to try out, I already live my life as if it was the last moment of it - time shouldn't be wasted, and one should enjoy every last bit of one's life

p.s. the world isn't going to end, or if it ever will, we won't live long enough to have to care about it
Re: What if you knew?

Also grab whatever game has my team on it and keep it with me. Because my friends are on that thing, man.
Re: What if you knew?

If the world was actually ending?

Live my life out like I want to. Duh.
Re: What if you knew?

I don't really think I'd do anything differently. If I wanted to do something so desperately that I'd make it my number one priority if the world were ending... well, then I'd be doing it right now, wouldn't I? I suppose I'd say goodbye to my friends and loved ones, and, uh, not give a shit about school any more. That's about it.
I'd probably go find my girlfriend and spend a week or so performing illicit and illegal activities in my bedroom.

Eh, I'd also talk openly and frankly with all my close friends and families. Then I'd go to London and perform my poetry and songs on the fourth plinth.

Other than that, idk.
Meet as many people from here as possible, finish The Quest for the Legends with all the free time I'd have after ditching university, and cuddle up with Shadey watching all the movies and TV series I've wanted to see for years but still haven't gotten around to. In between reading all the books.
Meet all my TCoD friends, try to meet my idols and inspirations, hang out with my family, and go to another country. And try and do something worthwhile. Some good for the world. I don't want the world to end knowing that I haven't really changed much.
Stop going to school, come out of the closet, eat cake, use my savings to go somewhere, then wait to die.
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