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What instrument do you play?

What instrument do you play?

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...... *headdesk* I can't win today.

Back on topic, I learned clarinet first, then flute. Picked up cello, and learned guitar and drums because I always wanted to.
French Horn and Mellophone (For marching band....which I suck at). Oh yeah, and I play piano....well, haven't done it in ages, so I guess "played" would be proper tense.
Violin, Piccolo, Alto Flute, Concert Flute and I'm slowly teaching myself the Piano.

Oh, did I mention that I played the steelpan? Maybe you'd know it better as the Caribbean Steel Drum?
I had one year of harp lessons. I sucked and have no musical talent whatsoever.
I don't, because I'm too cool for instruments!


*sob* my life is meaningless
I have played flute since I was eleven, and I did piano lessons for most of elementary school but quit. Piano still comes in handy, though, because now I can read both clefs and am fairly good at sight-reading. And I can learn my choir and theater music before we learn in class because I still have a keyboard to plunk out the notes. =D
1) You have to practice, like, 2 hours minimum on each instrument (I've managed to get away with one hour though)
2)They're always dragging you to concerts you'd rather not go to and which are a waste of your time
3)They're always practicing their instruments, giving you no peace
4)They make your life annoying when you're practicing by butting in every five seconds to tell you something that either you already knew, or had no interest in hearing.

Honestly, the best thing is that I'm home alone often.

I envy you. Both of my parents don't play instruments and lessons are very expensive. I was able to learn a bit of piano for a few years, but I'm not very good. I've almost forgotten how to play due to lack of practice D: I can play the recorder and the glockenspiel (sp?) because of school :D
^ Your parents have nothing to do with lessons. My teacher costs $80/hour, but he's a good teacher. And Piano, you don't forget, you just lose skill.
^ Your parents have nothing to do with lessons. My teacher costs $80/hour, but he's a good teacher. And Piano, you don't forget, you just lose skill.

If my parents were musicians, they'd teach me, so parents do have a connection with ability to play instruments. About lessons, either I'm not making myself clear to them or they don't want me to learn...
Yeah, but neither of my parents know how to play good piano, and my dad taught me very little about Clarinet--I learned most of it from the school Band.
I used to play the piano but since we don't actually own a real piano I gave up because it was sucky not being able to practise properly. :| I miss it, though! I can't read manuscript but I really enjoyed playing what I do know.
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