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What new crazy minority will fight for rights next?

Shiny Grimer

Active member
she/her, they/them
Well, this conversation started up on starmen.net.

Many of our grandparents are or were racist.

Many of our parents are or were homophobic.

When we're older, what new minorities will we fear/hate next?

I'm placing my bets on furries or artificial intelligences (if we manage to invent them). What do you think?
Women. D:

Are women really a minoraty? I mean, we do take up half of the worldwide population.
I say that the minoraty will probley have something to do with religeon. Mainly, people will start to hate the Islamic because of the war in the middle east. I'm not saying I hate them, but a lot of people are blaming them for the entire mess, which is wrong. Both Amirica and the middle east are to blame for this war. Thank goodness it'll "end" soon.
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Why not English people instead?
Are women really a minoraty? I mean, we do take up half of the worldwide population.

Women in the United States still make about 85 cents for every dollar a man gets paid, so there's still some discrimination in that respect. Maybe not a minority, per se, but still a discriminated group.

As improbable as clones, but my money is on artificial intelligences.
But just because a group has equal rights doesn't mean they're not discriminated against. Women have had, by law, equal treatment for ages, but, like Link pointed out, the wage gap still exists. Just as racism didn't go away once the segragation laws were abolished, and like how homophobia still exists in places with gay marriage/adoption/other exciting things.

I think ye olde minority groups can and will (and should) keep fighting for equal treatment even if, on paper, they're treated equally already.

One could, I suppose, make the argument that the Islamic groups fighting to have Sharai Law courts within the UK (and, I assume, other countries) are fighting for equal treatment?
Lefties. Damn things can't even use all the wonderful things a rightie can.

...Nah, if the specialty shops have shown me anything. But by my experiences online and in real life, it feels as if Middle Eastern (not just Muslim) foreigners will have to fight for equal rights next. I mean, I met someone who will assume automatically that anyone who looks Arabic must be a Muslim. After that, he also assumes that they will bomb their car.

That's terrible.
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