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What pets would you like?

Dark Shocktail

If you could have a pet what would you have? And if you have pets, what do you have? Personally, I'm currently allowed no pets. Rule here is that you need your own house first... ><

But if I could have a pet, I'd love a cat. A Russian Blue. They're beautiful kitties, mostly sweet tempered and quite intelligent. There's also a very famous Russian Blue kitty...cookie for whoever gets it! XP I'd probably stick to two if I could afford having more then one.

I wouldn't want a wild animal. It'd feel wrong to have one, when they should be running free. I'd open up a sancuntry (sp) or a zoo or some sort to care for them, otherwise I wouldn't keep one as a pet.

PS: Fweee!

^ That's the breed of cat I mentioned :3 ^
There's also a very famous Russian Blue kitty...cookie for whoever gets it! XP

If you mean Happycat, the cat that had something to do with a Russian cat food company,
I'm not sure, but I -think- that's British blue.
If is is that cat you mean, I win anyway ^_^.

I'd like a crow cat too. I'm a vary catty person. There is a cat in my house already, but he's the families not mine. When I get my own house, I'm totally becoming a crazy cat lady.
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Hmmm, I can't really think of any world famous cats.

Snowball II?
Cat in the Hat?

Nah, they're not Russian Blues :(
An English Cocker Spaniel, because that's the breed of the adorable dog my family currently owns, and she's one of the most wondrous dogs I've met <3~ Cockers tend to be pretty good with kids, need moderate excerise (which I don't think I'd be able to provide any more than that on a daily basis; I really like some of the larger dogs, but I don't believe I'd be able to accommant their excerise needs). They're not nessacerly lazy either, since they were originally bred to be a field dog. They only thing that bothers me is that Cockers tend to have problems with their eyes, ears, urinary track (especially females), and their tails are usually docked >:
I have a cat she is awesome, fluffy tail! <3 I don't know what kind of cat she is, probably part tabby and something else :/ she has calico colors and the markings of a tabby so a tabbyco?
I have a black fluffy cat named Shadow; Observe.

He's probably just mixed, as we got him from the shelter, but he's got a really great personality. :]

My mom won't let me have any of these things (she gives really dumb excuses like "your cat will eat it", but I think it's just because she doesn't like them), but I'd really like to have a frog or a snake at some point. Or, at least, it sounds fun in theory; I love herps and I think I'd be up to keeping one when I'm living on my own, but I hear it's kind of hard to go on vacations and whatnot because some of them require a lot of attention and it's hard to find people willing to babysit reptiles and amphibians. :( We'll see, I guess.

I am allowed to keep my carnivorous plants, though. That's always fun.
If I could have a pet, I would like a cat. And/or dog. I really don't care what cat breed (Turkish Vans are cool, but American Shorthair is good.), but for a dog I like Bernese Mountain dogs:

I'm happy with cats.
I've had a few cats before, but none right now. The cat from next door is meant to be a daddy one day. We'll probably get one of his kittens. He's still mostly a kitten himself though.
I've got a cat and she is a very nice cat. :3 she has been with me since I was like five.

When I get my own house I will have at least one cat and also a parrot. Also an aquarium or terrarium full of fish or dart frogs respectively.
Definatly a bearded dragon. Either that, or a rock. Those pet rocks look rather interesting.
I have four cats already: a black-and-white who definitely has some Siamese blood; a tuxedo cat; and two black kitties, one long-haired and one short-haired.

I want a new dog, though, since my old one died. D:
I have two cats and two dogs. Tux, who at the moment is on my lap, is the larger, louder, and all-around more attention-grabbing cat. Jinx is a smaller, orange kitty, and is shyer in comparison. Faith, a dog who looks like a beagle the size of a labrador, is a jealous and cute little fuzzball. Blue, a blue tic hound (hey, I didn't name him), is a lazy dog.

I want a ferret, parakeet, guinea pig, and/or a small dog/cat.
I would want either a mouse; a holland lop, which is a kind of rabbit; or a cat that looks like Silverstream: Silver tabby with long fur and blue eyes. Mostly the last one.
A ferret would be lots of fun, as I don't really care about the smell. If I had a license, a skunk would be pretty awesome, too (I've always found them to be gorgeous animals). Also, if I had a big enough house (to put it away from the bedrooms, lol), a parrot would be cool.
I have a pretty little cockatiel named Motie. <3 I love her~ And my brother has a fish, which my friend and I have named Pumpkin.

It'd be pretty cool to have a lizard... never really thought about it before, but someone mentioned a lizard and that would be neat...
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