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D/P/Pt What Pokemon completed your Sinnoh Dex?

Azelf. I caught Uxie, seen Mesprit, but was unable to catch Azelf. I kept trying OVER and OVER, until I gave up and beat the Elite 4 few more times. I eventually came back and caught Azelf with the first ball I threw.

It was rather bittersweet, having spent WEEKS TRYING TO CATCH IT and then suddenly catching it as if it was the easiest thing in the world with a GREAT BALL of all things.
I named him Jerk. He earned it. >:/
Uxie. I wanted to catch it but for some reason no matter how many times I chucked just about every kind of Poke Ball there was besides Master Ball at it when it was sleeping and had like no health, it wouldn't get caught. After like a week and a half I was very very frustrated when it had like no health and wouldn't let me catch it, so I used Roar Of Time and saved right away so that if I regretted it I couldn't go back and would have to deal with it.
It's been so danged long, I can't even remember anymore!It was probably a Spiritomb, though... I had to trade for one due to the distinct LACK of otehr Pokémon fans in my area.
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