チルノ ⑨ デス.
Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

Wait, so I'm like a Zapdos?
*65% Gamer. You have a burning interest in Pokémon gaming.
*90% Animé-freak. You are a true Pokémon-otaku!
*80% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have a burning interest in researching Pokémon.
*45% Obsessed. Pokémon is important in your life.
*75% Fan Worker. You have a burning interest in Pokémon fanwork.
*68% Pokémon Fan. You have a burning interest in Pokémon.

Wait, so I'm like a Zapdos?
*65% Gamer. You have a burning interest in Pokémon gaming.
*90% Animé-freak. You are a true Pokémon-otaku!
*80% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have a burning interest in researching Pokémon.
*45% Obsessed. Pokémon is important in your life.
*75% Fan Worker. You have a burning interest in Pokémon fanwork.
*68% Pokémon Fan. You have a burning interest in Pokémon.