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What was the stupidest thing you ever said?

A while ago a friend and I made a cake, and after we'd baked it I looked at it with this pleased expression and said in this surprised, impressed tone, "You know, that doesn't look half-decent."
Best Pal Paul and me said:
ME:Does that ring a bell?
*bell rings*
ME:I guess it did!
PAUL:You crack me up! *laughs like a hyena*
ME:Seriously, Paul! It's not THAT funny!

Last month that occured.
"Aunt Lyn, why are you so fat?"

Well, I *was* only about three when I said that. And I wasn't being spiteful! I genuinely was curious as to why she was so large.

I kinda feel guilty for saying it, 'cause she's an amazing cook and a really nice lady. D:
After my sister mentioned something about lighting poop on fire (It was after someone farted in the car):

Me said:

And everyone laughed.

I also did this real annoying opera trill in the car because I was hyper and stuff. My mom said it made her eyes roll to the back of her head. xD

I'm just weird but unfunny.
One of the most embarrassing things I said happened in third or fourth grade at school. We were donating items for baskets raffle off at the school gala, and the theme was beach. People were making suggestions of things to put in the basket, like beach towels and gift certificates to surf shops, sun screen and things like that, when I raised my hand.
Teacher: Yes?
Me: How about thongs?
Teacher: WHAT?
Class: *giggles*
Me: I mean flip-flops! Flip-flops!
I blame my parents for calling them that.
*Talking to my friends in grade six two years back*

Me:I dont think!...
Friends: *laughing*
Me: Dammit i meant to finish that sentence!

And obviously, I don't think if i forgot to finish a sentence lol

*earlier this year over msn*
Me: *being all jedi*
Friend 1: um...ok lol
Friend 2:?
Me: :O he'd attacking! *whacks friend 2 over the head with a stick*
*Everyone starts laughing*
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(Driving to the vets for some reason, when it is raining)
Hey dad, after we get there, let's go drive in the mud.

You were talking in your sleep. What were you dreaming about?
Emerwee sniffing coconuts. (Emerwee is what I apparently used to call my sister when I was little. And I wasn't actually dreaming anything)

But then again, I was apparently delirious both times.
"I think the wood needs some stove."

Said when I was half-asleep, and noticing that the fire was almost out and needed more wood.
Two good ones last night:

me said:
Now just imagine this pineapple is Russia.
^ I like this one because it sounds crazy out of context :3
my mum said:
You have quite a funny sense of humour.
Because it's not like that's the whole point of humour in the first place...
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