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What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?

Honestly? I think I'd see myself with the one person I love. No kids because I hate kids. I wouldn't see too much money; a decent amount but not extravagant. I'd see my best friend alive, because I haven't heard anything from her in weeks after I got a few particularly disturbing messages from her. I think I'd see myself happier than I have been in a very long time, finally free from the constraints of an oppressive school system that's probably not like anything you're used to.
I've tried to look, but i just don't know.
I want a lot of things, yeah, but i don't know what my deepest desire is. I think i just want to Write my books and live with my cat and eat ramen.
But i'm not really sure.
I think i'll just figure it out when i have it.
I'd see...

Hmm. I'd see a person, new liver, not constrained by years to live and crippling pains in side. Just...traveling the world. Not really married, but with a kid, though. Kids aren't that bad. Adoption, always wanted to try that. Small child by my side, someone I can mentor in my ways and thouhts and whatnot. Around with a strange floopy hat in a Jeep or a motorbike, traveling with a drawing pad and probably settling around some Asian country.

idiotic fantaasy, but a longing all the while. Espcially the liver part.

*looks at topic title a couple of times and facepalms*

Desire backwards? Really, Rowling?

Anyway, I actually have no idea what my tsepeed erise -- deepest desire would be. Go figure!
It shows you your deepest desire, not necessarily what would make you the happiest. I think it quite likely that a person would be aware - to some extent - of what he wants the most in the whole world, but highly unlikely that he would know what would be the best thing for him. Maybe that's what you were thinking?

As for me, I would probably see myself together with the girl I've been in love with for the past few years.

I see myself with two women next to me. To my left is my sister; somewhat taller and paler, with pastel-colored hair and a rather eccentric outfit and a smile to match. To my right is my beautiful wife; red, flaming hair, slightly shorter than me, with a smile enough to melt steel.

Fantasy over.

I'd see a confident, independent person who's managed to make it as an artist; a person who lives entirely for freedom, pleasure, and self-fulfillment, but is still able to do enough to give back to causes that he finds worthy of his time. This person is comfortable presenting himself as a man, but doesn't give a shit about fulfilling any gender role in particular and doesn't really care who's bothered by that. This person lives a life that differs tremendously from any societal norm and likes it that way, because it means he's free to live the way he wants, and that's the most important thing a person can have in his eyes.

These are superb.

I dunno whether I'd see myself with a bunch of Pokemon or if I'd see myself with a bunch of pie.

Unfortunately, this is quite the opposite, in my opinion. Sorry!

Anyway, I'll join the "I don't know" crowd.
myself with the ability to express myself visually in a way that I am satisfied and is entirely accurate on every level.

unattainable dreams woo~

Desire backwards? Really, Rowling?
I know, I know. At least it's better than 'let's play with Latin for a bit'
I always thought of it as "desire as seen in a mirror" and thus the name Erised being rather nifty.
But I'm easily impressed :3

I'm not sure. I like to think of myself as pretty damn happy right now; the only things I can think of that I'd want are material things that even I know don't matter that much. I have some worries about the future (who doesn't?), but right now I can't think of anything that would improve my life in any significant way.
I would look in the mirror, and I would see myself. I wouldn't be changed a bit. But behind me would be a much different world. A happier world. Where all races coexist in a glorious human rainbow, sexual orientation has no 'norm' but love, where no gender identity is alien and all are accepted, where all different veiwpoints and religions coexist and peacefully work out or tolerate differences, where people know age doesn't mean maturity, where a parent's hand is always a loving one, where people get hurt but they always get better, and when they don't their lives are celebrated instead of mourned, where no one is hungry or ill or thirsty, where everyone who wants a roof over their head has one, where the gap between the rich and the poor refers only to how lavish the decor in your house is, where we all have a job that makes us want to get up in the morning, and where children respect their elders and their lessons.

And then I'd put back the mirror and sigh, and learn not to write things so drenched in cheese.
I would look in the mirror, and I would see myself. I wouldn't be changed a bit. But behind me would be a much different world. A happier world. Where all races coexist in a glorious human rainbow, sexual orientation has no 'norm' but love, where no gender identity is alien and all are accepted, where all different veiwpoints and religions coexist and peacefully work out or tolerate differences, where people know age doesn't mean maturity, where a parent's hand is always a loving one, where people get hurt but they always get better, and when they don't their lives are celebrated instead of mourned, where no one is hungry or ill or thirsty, where everyone who wants a roof over their head has one, where the gap between the rich and the poor refers only to how lavish the decor in your house is, where we all have a job that makes us want to get up in the morning, and where children respect their elders and their lessons.

I would would probably see myself in the future being a reasonably respected person. probably would be successful and have changed the world in a small insignificant way. Especially that repected part cause right now noone takes me seriously.
Carmen Sandiego on the floor, I've got a gun to the back of her head.

effing finally
I'd see myself at university, doing the exact course I want to do. I'd be there with my friends even though going to university will send us all our separate ways. I'd be holding my cat, and she'd be purring. Finally, I'd be able to look at myself an be happy with myself for who I am.
I'd probably see myself with a Pokemon on the right side of me (symbolizing the fact that I've always wished that Pokemon were real), and on the other side I would see my old best friend Aidan (who moved away about 14 months ago).

Either that or I'd see all the people in the world on their hands and knees with a giant mansion on top of them, hosting me and my family.

Why yes, I do wish to rule the world in any way possible
I'd see a man. A man traveling the world, never stopping, but with his family close by. His family are to the left of him, his friends are to the right. In his hands he is holding flowers, because this man is a botanist. Behind him is the world, covered in forests, and cleared of harmful gases. On that world I'd see, people are no longer fighting, and racial and sexual differences are ignored. That's what I'd see.
I would see the immortal, the enlightened, the gifted.

Oh and Thomas Jefferson the robot would be my best bud.
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